Doctor Who 7x14 'Time of the Doctor' - Eleven Regenerates (Reaction Mashup)

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Fans react to Matt Smith's (the Eleventh Doctor), series seven regeneration scene from the episode "The Time of the Doctor". There's already a couple of mashups/compilations on youtube of this scene but here's my version whereby I've focused on those that make the fewest cuts (because I love this scene so much).

No requests, please.

### FAQ ###

### (Q1) Would you do a reaction mashup of...?

(A1) Sorry but I do not take requests because either:
(1) this hobby will become a chore and thus boring for me,
(2) I might get spoiled on something I haven't watched yet,
(3) the comments sections of my videos get filled with posts which have nothing to do with the mashup on that page,
(4) when people make requests they don't provide a playlist of their favouite reactions as a starting point, or indicate in any way which reaction videos they had in mind, and/or
(5) the person making the request doesn't realise that there aren't enough reactions of what they're requesting (and in most cases they haven't even looked at any reactions at all)

### (Q2_a) Would you include my reaction in your next mashup?

(A2_a) Sorry, the answer is no because:
(1) I like to decide who makes it into my mashups,
(2) there is only so much space available in a mashup resulting in someone being disappointed or annoyed at me if they don't make it in,
(3) I only have a limited amount of free time to make these and so I'd rather not have to keep a list of who I "must" include.

### (Q2_b) Why isn't so-and-so in this mashup?

(A2_b) Basically the same answer as (Q2-a) about but with the addition that I also like to change things up a bit.

### (Q3) How do you deal with copyright so that you can monetise your videos?

(A3) I don't, really. I think there's only three videos in total as of January 2015 which I have monetised. All of the other videos I have uploaded have copyright claims on them and therefore all advertising revenue goes to the copyright holders, I don't get a single penny from them. Although there is a valid argument to be made that the vast majority of my mashups fall under "fair use" and "criticism", as well as the mashup as a whole being a "transformative" work, it would be a long drawn out process to revoke the copyright claim and I just can't be bothered to go through it.

### (Q4) Is youtube your main job?

(A4) lol, no. I have a full time job, this is just a hobby for me to do on a Sunday morning. Almost all of my mashups have copyright claims on them so any advertising revenue goes straight to the copyright holders, I make virtually nothing from these. This really is just for fun. Even if I could make enough money from youtube, I wouldn't want it as my job, I love my current type of work way too much.

### (Q5) Who are the people in the mashup?

### (Q6) What music is playing out over the outro?

(A6) For this video, that would be a sample of Dollface's cover of Toploader's "Achilles Heel"


Рекомендации по теме

Remember when everyone hated Matt Smith when he replaced David Tennant as the Doctor? How it has changed.


How to make a Whovian cry: Show them a glowly hand


Only Doctor Who can make you bawl like a baby then make you laugh like a lunatic in the span of four minutes.


Anybody else get goosebumps whenever the Doctor says,
"I will always remember when the Doctor was me" 


I love how they all lost it when Amy shows up.


Doctor Who: the only show to have its fans crying and then laughing in mere seconds.


MATT SMITH COMES ON: He sucks!  He's not David Tennant!  I don't like him!
MATT SMITH LEAVES: (weeping uncontrollably) I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO!!!


"Raggedy Man, goodnight" always cry there :(


I can't be the only one that occasionally watches random Doctor Who videos just for a quick crying session


I can say without hesitation that of all the Doctors that had ever been, Eleven will always be my favorite. It really hurts to see him go...


At Karen's cameo everyone is crying and then there is that one guy who starts talking about her Guardians Of The Galaxy role. Ha. Love it.

Great compilation. Seeing all these people react at the same time makes it more emotional.


Will I ever stop crying to this? I'm a grown man with a full-grown beard, I cant be this emotional over a series LoL


That last part, with Eleven/Matt Smith giving his speech about all of the people before him, and how "I'll always remember when The Doctor was ME, " shows me just how much Matt loved being The Doctor. Because that was just as much Matt speaking as it was Eleven. Listen to it again. It's Matt talking about respect for the role, and how much he will always cherish this.

The best regeneration of the modern series, in my opinion. As much as I loved Tennant's heartbreaking departure, this was so, so poignant.


The Doctor's just regenerated, complained about the color of his new kidneys, and has forgotten how to fly the TARDIS.

...The more things change, the more they stay the same.


I'll always remember when the Doctor was ME... -11th Doctor's last words..


The most amazing consistent thing about this show none... is the instantaneous journey from sadness to joy when we lose a dear friend and gain another one.  That is the genius of Who.


God I love going back to see this. I remember trying so hard to keep a straight face. I already cried for eccleston, tennant and I wasn't going to do it for smith. But then he dropped the bow tie ... And I broke .


"I will always remember when the doctor was me" DAMN YOU HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY


That's the beauty and darkness of Doctor Who itself. You get so attached and amazed by nearly every incarnation of The Doctor and gradually or instantly love them, then have to accept their inevitable death...and then you hate yourself for getting attached


The music during this scene was just awesome, kinda like the Van Gogh museum scene earlier on. Someone on set knows about the emotional impact of a good score.
