Everyone Feared This Alien Girl's Pet, Except the Human She Fell in Love With | HFY | Sci-Fi Story

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▶Amidst the vibrant alien crowd in the spaceport of Serphyria, Lykaya, a mesmerizing humanoid with silver hair and amethyst eyes, walks alone. Her constant companion, a massive alien beast known as a Drayken, strikes fear into the hearts of all who behold it. Little does she know, a chance encounter is about to change her life forever.
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Keywords: "Dive into the captivating world of HFY (Humanity, Fuck Yeah!) with our latest video, featuring an enthralling HFY Short Story that showcases the indomitable spirit of humanity in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Experience a unique Sci-Fi Story where Humans are Space Orcs, demonstrating their resilience and ingenuity in a universe filled with challenges. This Sci-Fi Short Story, inspired by the popular Reddit HFY Stories and the intriguing concept of Humans are Space Orcs, promises a blend of adventure, conflict, and the triumph of the human spirit.

Subscribe and join us for an unforgettable journey through the best of Reddit Sci-Fi Stories and the awe-inspiring tales of Humans, Humanity, and their place in the galaxy."
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At the end I really thought he was gonna say "Lykaya, you're a fine girl, what a good wife you would be ..."


I love this story. I will probably listen to it again down the road.


Do you have any idea how many soldiers? Regular people? Would walk up to a Siberian tiger that we looks trained and say kitty The bulk of us Ain't stupid but . I see people woke up to hell hound. Mountain wolves yelling puppy. Alien tigers Would be Humanities new best friend. God help us if they can talk.


Poor kitty needs a partner as well. Two kitty= 4 kittens?


A very great story two meet my a chance and little where the tiger and solider put the bad guys to rest. How their love grew and grew until they got together for a life time. Now all they have to do is find a mate for her large tiger. (Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA).


Definitely a lovely story which I enjoyed. Though I always wonder in these stories if having a family is going to be possible. Can't take these things for granted. Surely that would have to be what they would be hoping for also.?


A sweet little story. But I'm a bit confused over the logistics lakaya had to of gone through in order to keep zyon around as much as she was able to.

I mean thats a hell of a way to keep the creepers away, big scary animal giving you the cold stare if you go anywhere near her. I know my wife was having a hell of a time for awhile there, anytime she would go anywhere and I wasn't with her she was getting harassed by dudes coming up to her. I'm prior law enforcement and was with the k9 unit for a good while. I ended up fully adopting my partner Lev (short for leviathan, he is a full blooded german shepherd weighing in at 130 pounds and easily came up to my wife's waist level when he stands up). When he retired from his role in the department. He is a fully trained service animal and while his specialization was interception he has taken up the role of guardian very easily. He goes with her everywhere these days and hes extremely obedient and loyal to her, even more so than he is to me. Its funny watching them from afar because I can see him keeping his formation like he was taught but he keeps it within a three foot radius around where she is standing and he will get between her and anyone else around her and will only relax once he looks back to see if she is relaxed.

I remember one time we had gone to the grocery store (they allow Lev in there, he keeps his service harness on carries his service animal registration in the front pocket of it). I walked away from the two of them to go get something and when I came back I saw a mother and her young daughter standing near Lev and my wife. The mother looked at Lev nervously and gently pulled her daughter away from him a bit more than they were already standing at and turned to pick something up. She didn't see her daughter who was about five or six move away from her and move towards Lev. My wife didn't notice either as she had her back turned looked at something on a shelf. I stopped approaching and wanted to see what Lev would do, I wasn't nervous about him hurting the child as he is incredibly well behaved, I was more interested in how he would interpret the child as my wife wasn't giving him any indication of her mood, so it was up to him to assess the situation.

He just watched the girl as she approached and he leaned his head down as the girl reached up to pet his ears. This went on for a few seconds and the girl's mother had begun to walk away without realizing her daughter had moved away from her. Lev stood up, while still allowing the girl to keep petting his ears, kept his head leaned forward and began to walk towards the mother like he was leading her back. They reached the mother, lev pressed his cold nose against the back of the mother's leg and then immediately laid down. This startled the mother when she felt his nose and she spun around and gasped. It was right at about this point I figured I needed to get involved.

I walked over to them and the mother was a bit upset, claiming that I should get control of my animal before she calls the manager. I explained to her what happened and it was the animal that recognized that you were walking away without checking on your child and brought her over to you before taking a submissive position so when you did turn around you wouldn't think he was a threat. I told lev he was a good boy and sent him back to my wife. The mother didn't say anything and just left.

I think thats what I appreciate the most about this particular story. When an animal is raised correctly and is in the care of good people, it will respond in kind. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Lev get a bit agitated in the presence of certain people only to later find out that they did indeed have something going on that was upsetting. Animals in general are way more attentive and intelligent than most people give them credit for, but it shouldn't surprise anyone. They too have gotten this far from evolution and while its true we have manipulated that evolution with selective breeding, you can't breed out or enhance natural instinct. I think I rely on Lev's judgement of people just as much as he relies on me and my wife as well.

I tell anyone, the absolute best home security you can have is a big ass dog that you've raised by hand since it was a puppy. He knows before any of us if someone is approaching the house or even pulls into the drive way. I will see him go from a dead sleep on the couch into full alert in just a few seconds as he sprints over to his favorite window on the front of the house to see who it is. Can always tell when an amazon package arrives because he can hear their truck coming from down the street, or when we get food delivered, he tends to let me know that they're arriving before the phone app even pings to tell me they are.

So I get why lykaka was surprised when she met grayson and zyon just leaned into his touch, I tend to trust new people alot easier if they pass the Lev test as they approach us.


Oddly enough, when I think back on it... I met my now-spouse at a convention over 20 years ago and even though we were seeing other people at the time we instantly bonded over tech and kittens. Yes, someone brought kittens to a nerd convention and they all did get adopted. This story is far more believable to me than a lot of other sci-fi romance recaps.


This is a beautiful fable.
Imagine that big cat entering USA and the quarantine problems, people calling cops on the street?
If the bad guys were on Earth there would have been law suits galore.

Still, it is beautiful fable, with no possibility of reality.
Thanks for sharing.


This was a very enjoyable story. Thank you.


My GFs bengal cat got me in the door. He doesn't like other guys for the most part but he took to me (cat person). He started marking me and purring the second time he met me. Now he sleeps on the pillows and puts his forehead against mine to sleep. Win. Also he likes my Aby female I brought along. I think he smelled her on me and was looking for some tail.


Voices and eyes are constantly being filled with all sorts of stuff. It’s worse than my desk drawers.


This could be a great story. It needed fleshed out.


would be cool to see zyon get a mate from earth


The girl in the picture does not have silver hair


This feels like a woman wrote it, or a female AI. I liked it. None of the obvious male stories. Green alien girls and one single male who is perfect. Nope, this better.


I hope that I can find a real lady like this so I can enjoy her like that but it's hard to find a dream lady like this and the Guy is me WOW my very personality but it's just a dream to meet some Lady like this.


Nice tiger, but I like my little dachshund better, he has sharp teeth and its a menacing presence for the postman.


Alien cat lady… saved from herself by a guy.


You know is sci fy because she is not a stripper like expected in the military tradición
