You're Doing Better Than You Think You Are | Steven Furtick

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You may feel like you are going backwards right now, but what if that's actually a sign that you are getting better? It's time to get a new definition of better.

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Yes, this is true. I am homeless with twin babies, but I am blessed. He has been preparing me for so many years in the wilderness. People may look at my life and think I’m a failure, but I know who I am in Christ!


I often disregard the fact I'm doing better because I'm not doing perfect. God does not care about perfect outcomes. He cares about perfect intention, which often manifests as small steps that will eventually lead to greater things. Praise God.


It’s all about mindset! The Lord has been speaking this to me. “Better is a perspective.” Let go of control and move forward.


You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are (Pastor Steven Furtick)

* Better is a perspective
* Better is not something you can see with your own eyes
* I’m doing better
* Better is subjective and relative
* Better compared to what?
* If you ever really get grace, you can’t fall away from God
* Instead, you must switch your grip (your outlook/perspective)
* In order to get to better, you have to go backwards
* After we receive God’s grace, it’s hard for us to adjust to it because we’re accustomed to our own way of doing things
* So, we often go back instead of moving forward into better
* Be comfortable in your life to instant that sometimes loss is the way to gain
* Be comfortable in your life to understand that some of the most painful moments in your life are the most purposeful moments
* Be comfortable in your life to stop comparing yourself to people who are not meant to be the standard anyway
* Jesus is better
* Better is relative to purpose
* Everybody has sinned and fallen short of the Grace of God
* Grace is a way of life
* Sometimes better is deeper rather than higher
* Sometimes better is a foundation instead of a feeling
* Better is not always what God is doing for you, but what God is doing through you
* Better is right in front of us, so we often do not receive it
* Sometimes we reject better when it comes
* The only standard worthy of my comparison is the full potential is Christ in me (the hope of glory)
* We don’t realize how better our lives already are


Struggling so hard. Barely treading water. Anyone who wants a person to pray for. Pick me.


Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, missing somebody, depressed, hurt, scarred from the past, having personal issues no one knows about, and have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words. You're never alone. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. God is still writing your story, trust in him and all things are sure to turn good. God bless xx


i'm crying through this video. it popped up in my feed and wow God has spoken to me. i'm hurting but i will be better if i put everything in Gods hands.


Probably the only preacher that can get thru to me thanks steven


THE LORD ALWAYS sends me to the right place to hear exactly what I need to hear. I say "Lord I am not enough" and he says OH REALLY?? well heres a video for that, heres a passage for that. He is so amazing.


I’m breaking generational curses in Jesus name Gods doing the work I’m a willing vessel 😭🥹🔥🙏🙌✝️


I've been feeling depressed and less than and I got an opportunity that's a total blessing from God, but I've been so terrified of it. So scared. I don't feel enough. This word I needed it. I needed it so much. This year has felt like i lost so much and yes its taken me backwards and it's brought me to my knees. And now I can honestly say I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm trusting God, cause I don't have a plan. Every step I'm taking I'm terrified, but I know God knows what he's doing with me even if I don't.


Please pray for my dad that he walks, please he handicap


a better Christian — no. Nobody is better than anyone. Better is a perspective. and reaction. YOU GOT THIS!!
Amen 🤲🏻 i LOVED this!!


Hi Steve I’m in the hospital With kidney infection my kidney is failing please pray for me anybody out there 😭


I love when people say “oh you have that big house all to yourself it’s just you and your son” “oh your so blessed to have that car” not knowing my lights just came on TODAY not knowing my water still off, not knowing the car in the yard needs a new transmission, not knowing 3 rooms in my house the ceiling is GONE . Not knowing I wish I was in a 1 bedroom because all the cleaning that needs to be done tuh …. Nawl don’t be jealous of me . “Oh your so strong minded I wish I was like you” not knowing I’m strong minded because I been in the wilderness for over 7 years . “Oh your so determined” not knowing for 28 years I gave up EVERYTIME I smelled trouble. Please don’t be deceived . I want God to bless me with a little 2/2 apt or house, because this is to much . You wanna own a home UNTILL you need a new roof or your electric needs rewiring there’s no landlord to call you are the landlord . At this point I rather rent Be careful of what u ask for !!


“Sometimes some of us are used to so much bad, that we reject the better.” Absolutely. Better can be frightening… especially when you have endured bad. You view the better as another opportunity for it to turn bad. But it could be truly BETTER. Move forward my brothers and sisters. I needed to see this video when I did. Praise our Almighty Lord! AMEN! Thank you Steven and thank you JESUS❤️❤️‍🔥🙏🏻


This is true! Better is a perspective...from a health conscious-fitness lover💕who walks everywhere, I think 🤔 it is better to walk and get exercise 🆚 the people who pull over and ask me if I need I ride because I’m walking. Somehow, they think it’s better to drive everywhere. It’s definitely a matter of perspective!
I feel I’ve accomplished sooo much after running, or “walking” my errands, knowing that I’ve just made my body, mind, and spirit 💪 stronger. DON’T EVER LET ANYONE TRY TO GET IN YOUR MIND & MAKE YOU FEEL BAD OR ASHAMED AT WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE THE HIGHEST GOOD FOR YOU!


God's timing is always perfect. Somehow Pastor always posts these short sermon at the right time. Thank you Lord for reminding me than i am doing better than i think i am. i am progressing into everything that you have called me to be.


I'm in south Africa and gave my life to the lord last year February. All was going good but fell into my bad ways again. A few weeks ago I saw one of your surmons and it related to me straight away. And every sermon I listen to relates to me. I'm down and out right now but God is still helping me in little ways. Thank you pastor for all your words from God.


Sometimes, in order to get better, you have to go backwards. 😊 😃 The most painful moments are the most purposeful. "Failure the best teacher is." Yoda
