The Problem With Polygamy

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Solomon's 1000 wives were a picture of a perfect, complete Church -- the Bride of Christ
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Problem with male polygamy. For males, the issue is that there will be a high number of single men and an elite group hogging all the women. For women, the issue is having to share superficial love between many other females.

Problem with female polygamy. The same thing but reversed


In the New Testament of the Holy Bible, you can only have one wife at a time. (1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 3:12, & Titus 1:6).


I don't think you're getting the big picture. Although the bride of Christ is all the believers in all diversity, polygamy does not represent that? Christ only has one bride and that bride is his church, his people. God created Adam and Eve in the garden as one man and one woman because he wanted them to love each other. A marriage is one man and one woman in Christ who love each other; it does not include multiple partners.


David and Solomon and many of the other men in the Old Testament had multiple wives because they were men; they were not God. They turned from God's teachings and they sinned. Even David who was a man after God's own heart, who lusted after Bathsheba knew he had sinned and went to ask for forgiveness. God also describes his relationship with man as a loving and devoted husband who constantly has to bring his wife home after she's abandoned him several times for others. He had his own prophet Hosea marry a prostitute to show that love for man


What are you talking about!!!! he used those men to show the evils of at the lives of those men!


He has basically spun "tailor made" explanations to account for inconsistencies in the bible such as polygamy which was actually forbidden in some other parts of the bible.
The fact is that the inconsistencies were still in the bible and still required extreme verbal gymnastics to explain them.
Some Christians explain the bible inconsistencies by comparing them to differences in modern day crime scene testimonials.
This is stupid as the Bible deals with the most important event in history - the Resurrection of Christ -
so it should be accurate unlike crime scene testimonials which have no bearing on world humanity.


Not gonna lie, that was a weird interpretation


Not really sound doctrine. Big jump and no


That was the dumbest illustration and very unclear. What about A man will leave his family a woman her family and both will become one flesh....the New Testament stop living in the old Testament
