'PR DISASTER' Royal expert says Prince Harry & Meghan Markle must not accept any more awards

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'PR DISASTER' Royal expert says Prince Harry & Meghan Markle must not accept any more awards

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If he really cared… He would have stayed to the end of the event!!! So rude!


The award has Harry's name on it and is collecting dust on HIS shelf. If what he is saying was true, the award would state Invictus Games--NOT Harry Markle.


It's not 'accepting' when you buy it.


If the award was for Invictus, it should have been given to the CEO of Invictus. The End.


That speech he gave was 99.9% claptrap and codswallop!! If he meant one single word of it then he would NOT have been up there making it in the first place!! And the fact that he press ganged those poor innocent individuals into being effectively his ‘shield’ should have told anyone with half a brain what the truth of the situation really was!! Absolutely disgusting and abysmal behaviour, but right on brand for the empty headed living accessory!! How he can even look anyone in the eyes is a mystery to me, because he SHOULD be ashamed of himself!!! That award has lost virtually all of its status and credibility!! Watch!!!


As I respect the various journalists out there, its disconcerting that most of the information is just plain speculative. It’s time to rid the evil duo by ceasing reporting anything about them. Start reporting on legitimate information directly from the palace itself. There are members of the Royal Family that are worthwhile and deserving of kindness, honesty in reporting and the monarchy itself.
Start turning this mockery of injustice, slander, one sided reporting and speculative information to the rubbish. Do not devote one more minute to the non deserving once royal individuals. It’s high time all the different reporting agencies focus on what’s relevant and believable.
If the constant coverage ceases, so will the relevancy of Harry & Meagan. King Charles, Camilla, William, Katherine, princess Ann, and the rest of the family need our support more than ever. And, for God’s sake leave the children out of this awful, constant focus on traitors.


He/they only have themselves to blame.


He didn't have people from Invictus around him, he had people who participated in the games. He pushes the vetrans because he knows they'll pull at the heartstrings. The ones working their arses off behind the scenes doing the day to day work to make the games a success are the ones who deserve the accolades IMO. If he wanted to make it about Invictus he would have had them on stage with him.


“On behalf of Invictus” - So who is the hero? Pat Tillman was truly, really 100% clearly a hero. Can we say the same of Harry? The guy didn’t even mention a single name who helped make it happen. What a hero who left family, King and country - for FREEDOM!!


No it wasn’t right it is so wrong that Henry accepting the Pat Tillman Award 🥉


Don’t be a liar! Harry did not bring people from the Invictus organization. Those three veterans were past participants on Invictus and the ESPYS brought them to present Harry as the winner. That’s why Harry did not share the trophy with them. Don’t Harry should have brought one of the leaders from the Invictus organization (those who truly works) to stand with him, so he could publicly pass the trophy. Or, Harry in his speech could have mentioned the name (s) from the Invictus organization and give them thanks for all they do and say you will be bringing this award to them. But Harry kept all the glory for himself. What happened next? The Invictus organization’s leader resigned. I wonder why….


Harry wanted a hero trophy. Harry got a hero trophy. And he used veterans as a shield. Again. What Harry wants, Harry gets.


Una verdadera vergüenza otorgarle el premio a alguien q no lo merece! Como se atrevieron a aplaudirlo cuando se lo dieron, ????


It was sickening to see him accept that award. The Pat Tillman Foundation is run by Marie Tillman-Shelton, the widow of Pat. She brought her new husband in to an executive job in the Foundation, where most of the income goes to pay expensive salaries. Marie Tillman used to work for ESPN, which sponsored the televised event. It was an enormous kick in the face for The Invictus Games, and injured veterans.
Meghan effectively bought the award with the considerable sum she donated to the Foundation.
Harry's name, not the Invictus Games, was on the trophy.
The Chief Executive of Invictus resigned. He could no longer support Harry, or tolerate Meghan's attempted takeover of the games.


His speech was boring as always and his voice is not pleasant


Harry deserves his freedom from a very toxic woman. Her behavior follows her suit by using the men she marries. Her motives are pure selfish. She has stripped Harry of his dignity and peace of mind. Again, stop living above your means by by spending frivolously. Sell that ridiculous Montecito property and learn to live within your means. Stop using the excuse of wanting privacy. The both of you have done nothing to live that type of life. You have drawn constant harassment and interference from the press all over the world. You have destroyed your credibility by being selfish, demanding, thinking your better than anyone else. You both have abandoned the true meaning of charity. You are continually burning bridges everywhere you go or unwanted. It’s time to re-evaluate your motives and move to a quieter life out of the spotlight. It’s sad that the two of you have single handedly will never be welcome in the countries you once held in the past. My suggestion, get a job, earn your own money legitimately and raise your children if they are your children in peace.i know you miss your home in the UK but, you have broken what is now unrepairable. It saddens many of us that the once loved member of the royal family is now a pariah. Good luck in finding a more peaceful life. Let go of the one woman who’s motives from the start were disingenuous. She broke with her entire family and now manipulated the destruction of yours. If you don’t see it than you are naive and ignorant.


also that they left right after HE got HIS award & didn't show respect to the following people who also received awards was extremely rude. typical of the markles. incredibly rude couple.


A British citizen should not have accepted an award for an American hero. Also, he had to drag in the Invictus Games to deflect from himself.
Meghan popped up and clapped like a seal, which made others have to follow.

The best from this is to make public awareness that 73% of donations go to salaries, etc. of the organization and not to the charity.


The thing there…is he may have said it’s for Invictus as an organization but he made no real reference to the organization’s achievements and he can not even thank others without mentioning the loss of his mother — who despite doing all humanitarian works was in no way connected to Invictus. The Once upon a time prince made the award all about himself —- so what’s the point of saying it is for Invictus. He uses Invictus for a shield like he uses his mom to avoid being booed and heckled… but there’s a limit of what his mom’s memory can do to him.


They just need to go to Africa and clear up that disaster there, 5 years of not hearing a WORD from them before I want to hear from the liars!
