“The Rising Spirit of Revolution: 1905-1917” - Mark D. Steinberg

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Mark D. Steinberg
Historian and Author, The Fall of the Romanovs

This year marks the centenary of the Russian Revolution. This first CCA of the 2017-2018 academic year will explore that revolution’s leaders, its animating ideology, and the 70-year history of the tyrannical regime to which it gave birth.

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This guy is a really good speaker. Keeps you interested to the very end.


Brilliant story teller I am learning so much that I can pass onto my advanced level students thank you.


Great topic to add to Hillsdale Online Courses... If you have not taken any of the courses, I highly recommend it.


Papa Velour is truly an amazing professor, just finished "The Fall of the Romanovs" and it's one of the best historical books I've read in a while


This may be good for my studies on American-Finnish socialists who went to Karelia in the late 20s and 30s. The goals for starting commune life for these Finnish-Americans were: work and a living wage, education for children, health care, taking care of retirement and older people all supported by the community of educators, doctors, etc. It started out and developed good to be an example for the rest of the country. The paranoia of Stalin grew more and more after the death of Stalin´s 2nd wife. All secondary and cross border migrants became the enemies of the soon disappear or shot and the list grew and grew until the 1937-8 there were quotas on how many should disappeared...shot...deported to the gulags. The dream of these Finnish-Americans became an nightmare.


A born storyteller! I salute monsieur Steinburg.


Brilliant! My Romanian relatives who emigrated to the US in 1907 colored dozens of Easter eggs deep red. The Russians and Romanians are bot Orthodox Christians. The beginning of the Russian Revolution is perfect for understanding current events.


Wonderful presentation professor Mark, really liked it...


Uao. Impressive pictures. Great lecture. Congratulations 🌹


41:10 "The utopian 'kingdom of freedom' and we know that this vision - which is where human will will dominate everything, there will be no necessity - can be a very potentially dangerous faith when a powerful group of people believes that that end is so good, that any means, no matter how brutal, are not only justified, but ennobled by that great end." - this quote, I'm not if he's directly quoting Walter Benjamin, echoes both Dostoyevsky's comments on 'the Crystal Castle' and David Horowitz in the context of SJW's and far left intersectionalist academics: "If you believe you are bringing about heaven on earth, what lie would you not tell, what crime would you not commit?"


Thank you for posting these excellent videos. Большое спасибо за отличные видео!


There was no Provisional Government/Petrograd Soviet divide. Why? Because Kerensky was the leader of both, de facto. The PG wiped the floor with the Bolsheviks in the July Days & Lenin fled, asking his friends to publish his writings after his death. What changed? The British, terrified by the prospect of a revolution here, backed Kornoilov, who was not well-supported.. What he was planning was known to the PG, which told the rail workers to deny the Kornilov the use of trains, but it was enough to create confusion. Lenin called this "an incredibly drastic turn of events and returned. Lenin had no intention of bringing peace, feeding anti-Bolsheviks, who were the majority, and taking the land from the peasnats and giving it to the Commissars, who created mass famine all over the country becasue they had little or no understanding of farming. The British papers in Downing Street are still not available.


Just a side comment that while I am studying these events there were some very rich Americans in these early stages funding the revolution.


Just an Historian who reports what happened. Wise, Revolution is "The kicking in of the rotten door".., so sheer momentum will carry on in decline, and that POV should define the meaning of "Revolution" as it actually happens.

The functional phenomenon of self-defining time-timing sync-duration has no affective naming system, ie when we give appearances names we indulge in Magical Thinking Labelling and the language of mimicry, onomatopoeia for example, is more relevant to innate meaning by function than secondary values of usage. (Ask a Semantics Professor)

If we can't read the environment from a functional perspective, then we continue to live in ignorant chaos. First Principle Observation is required, in continuity, to assess actual progress of pulse-evolution cycles of probabilistic change.., globally.


freedom and viability of the person sure came with the soviet union...


Why would he bring his son to the front. Too much of a distraction. He needed to focus on his mission of the war.


Very eloquent but 1905 wasn't the first revolution. Revolution by decembrist was


myopic, , , , did you talk to alexander Solzhenitsyn. It was a blood bath. and anti Russian.


He digresses too often; otherwise an interesting topic and analysis.


A Jew quoting other Jews . Must be listened to in the light of E. Michael Jones’”Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”
