The Unspeakable Things Indians Did To Captive Women

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In the course of our investigation into the less well-known aspects of American history, we look into the difficult and frequently violent contacts that took place between the colonists and the indigenous peoples of the area. The interactions in question were characterized by acts of violence, the spilling of blood, and the capture of detainees on both sides. Today, we will be focusing on the Native American people's perspective on captive women and the manner in which they handled them. We are pleased to welcome you to Ancient Tone, where we throw light on a perspective that is frequently disregarded.

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So many people these days regard all native American populations as all singing kumbaya and living in harmony. Nothing can be further from the truth. They were considered savages for good reason. So history tells us what really happens, civilized people win over savage people.


Sometimes Indians treated captive women like they treated their own women, sometimes they traded them like horses, sometimes they rode them like horses for pleasure, and if the women were otherwise worthless, they treated them like slaves. So women were treated as women have always been treated. If you read the Iliad, even as far back as the Trojan War, the victor took captive women (regardless of rank) to use however they saw fit. And the women either accepted their fate or jumped off a cliff. At least women had a choice. The men were killed on the spot or horribly tortured to death.


It's not a secret...native Americans killed and tortured native Americans from other tribes to aquire power and material things. That would make a nice video


No one is crying but some of us actually want to learn history. Discussions are good because errors come to light but what isn’t helpful is the bad attitude. Yes, I’m also guilty of that.


It's possible Olive was traumatized but the capture, rape, tattoing her face - how insensitive to not think a young woman would NOT be traumatized by this? Of any race, creed or color.


Lumping all Indians into a single group requires proof that they all acted the same way. This seems extremely unlikely so I can't take this video seriously.


The problem with knowing historical truth, is that much is now written by sympathetic academics, who pick and choose what they want to reveal.

Just like the European historians centuries before, they have an agenda. They depicted White Europeans as the "good guys" and everyone else as savages to a greater or lesser extent.

The truth is more nuanced than that however. Native American tribes are now known to have wiped out other native peoples through genocidal wars. They are also known to have been the primary reason for the extinction of many larger animals in North America, like the Mammoth and giant Beaver. This was thousands of years before Europeans set foot in North America. 

The idea that they peacefully lived in harmony with their neighbors and animals is a lie. They lived in a harsh climate and had to be strong and brutal at times to get through it.


How about producing a video titled "Unspeakable Things the United States Government and Military Did to Captive Indian Men, Women and Children"?


That opening picture was Jane McCrea of Fort Edward, NY. This was during the French and Indian War.


The Wells daughters in the Cherry Valley massacre were not treated so kindly.
Tomahawked everyone of them, 8 I believe, as the family of 12 was in a prayer circle.


The various "nations" (I don't call them "native" Americans, although being born here, that's accurate, because I'M a "native" for the same reason, their origins at some point came from the Old World just as much as mine did) that took captives often mistreated them, although some youngsters were raised as their own and integrated into the Nation/Tribe. It's also a phenomenon called "Stockholm Syndrome", the most notable example being heiress Patty Hearst when kidnapped by the so-called Symbionese Liberation Army.


There seems to be an awful lot of contradicting first person accounts from survivors who would disagree with the premises of this video. To be fair, experiences vary from one tribe to the next and with each captive. It is not a monolithic situation by any stretch of the definition.


Actually this whole video was the sugar coated, there was absolutely extremely horrible stuff done to people on both sides, so horrible I wish I never read about it.


Sorry, the robo talker bugs me, no thanks.


Ironically, Roger's Rangers training grounds was less than a half mile from where Jane was discovered.


Did we kidnap Indian woman?They must have been good cooks, and can tailor a sharp looking outfit.No but it is terrible to be taken away from your people and be treated bad, i hope in the end they were happy to stay or be rescued, those were hard and sad times .


Ben franklins observation of the subject is fascinating. Too long to write here, but the jest of it is, whites when captured for long periods, didnt want return to the whites way of life. Indians when captured wanted to go back to their way of life.


I knew as soon as I heard the term "colonists" and white captive women described as "detainees", I was going to be in for a story.


My mother-in-law was full blood Seminole, my wife 1\2. Our 2 Beautiful daughters are 1\4 Seminole, Mekesukey Band, Wind Clan Oklahoma


Tribal conflict was something done in all nationalities, however, what the whites did their saying, "The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian", yes that is what the old saying truly meant over the majority of the time the whites landed here. The Natives, nearly became non-existent, and the whites nearly succeeded. Then they turned their subjugation to the black people as slaves and only in the past few years have all races have started to make an effort to really get to know and slowly accepting of each other. I have long known most of my 70+ years that people all have the same emotions of love, happiness and the less liked, hatred sorrow and sadness. Slow so very slow but improving over the years. Lets keep improving with love and acceptance of each other in Gods grace and love forever.
