Can Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type Change in Sobriety?

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Many of us feel stuck in our active addiction, but can your myers-briggs personality type change in sobriety? My wonderful guest Tanya discusses that exact topic in this video!

"An informative website on creative and community-based projects created by Tanya Antonio."

You can take the Myers-Briggs personality type test here:

This is a question that comes up all the time in early sobriety, and I'm always fascinated by how people can change. I've talked about neuroplasticity , and Tanya does a great job explaining how hers has changed in sobriety.

Tanya discusses how she started with a Myers-Briggs personality type ENTJ before sobriety, and she discusses the personality type explanation. After sobriety, she's taken the test again and now has hints of a Myers-Briggs personality type ENTP!

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People think it can’t happen but my personality absolutely changed after getting sober. I used to test as an intp and now after getting sober and having a spiritual awakening, I test as intj. I think I was always intj but when I was using I didn’t care enough to test as a j type. I just let life unfold while I genuinely want to have more control over my life as a sober person. Now I am a super a type. Everything has a place, everything is planned out, with back up plans to back up plans.


Great video! Certainly a massive psychic change occurs. Thanks


Basically, our Sun Signs are our ego/false self. The self we go into addiction with. Our North Node is our spiritual/karmic mission, you can find out yours if you know the exact time you were born. My Sun Sign is Capricorn and I was always an ISTJ; my North Node (or "North Star") is Pisces and I now test INFJ.


Of course, I recently had a whole paradigm shift/spiritual awakening. I believe in the mystic world now and astrology, which, in my natal chart, funny enough, my "soul mission" is to let go of logic and ride the tides of faith and intuition. Jung believed in all this, too. He was a spiritual man. So, there you have it.


Good YOU, Tanya!  And let's don't discount the mellowing effect living in SoCal will have on  your NY personality.


I totally forgot what my personality type was haha, but I retook is and I'm ESFP. It's crazy because I used to be extremely introverted and socially anxious. What's yours?
