I think from this picture the village is just full of purple plants 😂 Elswyth-y
I think from this picture the village is just full of purple plants 😂
Beautiful photos! They look so whimsical. I absolutely love Lomo Purple; it’s my favorite film stock (after Cinestill 800T). VaultDwellerGal
Beautiful photos! They look so whimsical. I absolutely love Lomo Purple; it’s my favorite film stock (after Cinestill 800T).
So beautiful! Why did I just know you today?😂❤😂 colanhanh
So beautiful! Why did I just know you today?😂❤😂
Reminds me of that film riot episode where they showed how to do this digitally. The bit was someone at expired Flintstone vitamins lol. ChaseWeeks
Reminds me of that film riot episode where they showed how to do this digitally. The bit was someone at expired Flintstone vitamins lol.
Magic, i like it.whats the Name of the film ? TobiasThede
Magic, i like it.whats the Name of the film ?
I used this film a ton in Ireland recently, some of the most wild shots I’ve ever taken evkennedy
I used this film a ton in Ireland recently, some of the most wild shots I’ve ever taken
This is where purple grapes came from. CCCakey
This is where purple grapes came from.
I need this LUT.. someone sent me link to download it in .cube format 😭 RamlyJer
I need this LUT.. someone sent me link to download it in .cube format 😭
Does anybody know what camera he's using? Charles-opty
Does anybody know what camera he's using?
Interesting song, the name of the song? applekelly
Interesting song, the name of the song?
Shows you how spoiled we are @ Digital now, in comparison, with presets & Luts etc. #Instant editing Stop-All-War
Shows you how spoiled we are @ Digital now, in comparison, with presets & Luts etc. #Instant editing
Why does this happen? Whats the science behind it? theboyisso
Why does this happen? Whats the science behind it?
I tried to repeat this trick and now I have a new plan to never try to repeat tricks from the internet again😘 SashaGoutremoutut
I tried to repeat this trick and now I have a new plan to never try to repeat tricks from the internet again😘