How 35mm Film Gets Processed At A Lab 🎞️

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Thanks to @Clickasnap for processing these rolls for me! I know shooting film is about to get a lot more expensive with the Kodak price increases coming in next week, but to help combat the rising costs Clickasnap are now offering FREE 35mm & 120 colour film processing 🤯 you heard right! Developing & scanning for FREE. Click the link in 'about' section of my channel to learn more!
From Clickasnap:
This is such an amazing offer & I can vouch for the quality of the development & scans you get back. I think it’s an amazing gesture for film photographers & hopefully it’ll mean many of you can continue shooting film without having to worry about the cost of processing on top!
You can also shop expired film, cameras & more from my store 🛒 link in my channel
From Clickasnap:
This is such an amazing offer & I can vouch for the quality of the development & scans you get back. I think it’s an amazing gesture for film photographers & hopefully it’ll mean many of you can continue shooting film without having to worry about the cost of processing on top!
You can also shop expired film, cameras & more from my store 🛒 link in my channel
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