Does Abraham Lincoln’s Hand Size Matter? #disney #disneyparks #disneyshorts

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“You know, he can’t do that with his big hands. When you’re gone, he has a pair of little hands that he gets out of the drawer. He uses those to do his tiny work.” - Walt Disney, commenting on how Jack Ferges could make such miniature models despite his large hand size 😂
Jack was a former football player who worked as an assistant to Blaine Gibson, and was also the one who created the models for the Museum of the Weird by Rolly Crump.
If you’re looking for these early models of Mr. Lincoln, you can find the audio animatronic in Hollywood Studios inside One Man’s Dream and the blueprints/frame/sculpture in the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Fransisco.
#greatmomentswithmrlincoln #disneysecrets #disneyparks #disneyimagineering #imagineering #ubiwerks #disneyhistory #disney #disneyland #retrodisney #disneyvintage #lincoln #disneytrivia #disneyfacts #WED #disneystudios #1964worldsfair #wdfmuseum #hollywoodstudios #disneyfactsyoudontknow #disneyfun #disneystories
Jack was a former football player who worked as an assistant to Blaine Gibson, and was also the one who created the models for the Museum of the Weird by Rolly Crump.
If you’re looking for these early models of Mr. Lincoln, you can find the audio animatronic in Hollywood Studios inside One Man’s Dream and the blueprints/frame/sculpture in the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Fransisco.
#greatmomentswithmrlincoln #disneysecrets #disneyparks #disneyimagineering #imagineering #ubiwerks #disneyhistory #disney #disneyland #retrodisney #disneyvintage #lincoln #disneytrivia #disneyfacts #WED #disneystudios #1964worldsfair #wdfmuseum #hollywoodstudios #disneyfactsyoudontknow #disneyfun #disneystories
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