Vibratory Lift Part 1: John W. Keely's 'Initial Push' to Overcome Gravity?

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According to John W. Keely, certain orders of vibration can cause weight negation and levitation (levity), while others tend to cause increased gravitation. Levity is said to be governed by the terrestrial propulsive and celestial attractive which causes an object to rise, while gravitation is said to be governed by the terrestrial attractive and celestial propulsive, causing a levitated object to descend from its lifted height or a grounded object to become heavier, even to the point of being buried into the ground. These principles were the main part of Keely's aerial suspension and navigation system.

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the forgotten technology

Garrett Sutton, BME
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It's great how you're doing the research, experiments, and education all yourself. That takes a unique mind. You remind me of an Oliver Heaviside, quietly pushing science forward with iterations of thought and testing, safely away from the know-it-alls.
Your good work is appreciated.


Your work is fundamental for all of mankind in understanding not only our past, yet learning ways of life that we have been led to forget. You are on the very edge of great and esoteric magik that will make all things in life become effortless to obtain. I am watching your material over and over. Blessings be upon you always brother.


You are a natural teacher.. I really appreciate your content


If you had studied the Keely writings, it said that gravity control of mass was done by applying resonant frequency (chord) while applying ratio of thirds inharmonic vibrations 3+9. This caused interference with the earth gravity waves . Keely got the earth reference from Tesla. Tesla didn't like Keely since Keely received more investor's money than he did. The 6th causes mass to become heavier or draw molecules together such as air pressure to vacuum. He used tuning forks hooked to lengths of silver, gold and platinum wires with "nodes" joints that multiply frequencies to an upper range. (We now call these thermocouples and thermopiles and a website was shut down some time ago that showed thermocouple on digital weight scale losing weight.) This was also verified by French scientist and his floating open frame dirigible with sandwiched differing plates at each end, - translated from Babblefish) (The pure metals have resistivities in best ratio) There were several instances of Keely vibratory lift-- The spinning sirens on heavy platform, the brass floating sphere, the lift platform with tuning forks array and chair, and the vibratory demonstration of lifting of the 2 ton sphere pressure tank up upon a metal tripod. Engineers, newspeople, workmen and investors all saw that and there is signed declarations of their peresence being there back in the late 1800's Philidelphia. Summery of Keely 3 old tech documents is called-The Snell Manuscript - from Mr. Pond Of SVP.


Wow. This is incredibly fascinating. I wish I would have found your channel sooner.


Love your work and content! If you could, please increase the volume of your voice over track though. It’s hard to hear you sometimes


Another great vid, when’s the patreon going up so we can contribute to some experiments


Whats up man, just came across your videos after typing in John Keely out of interest when he turnt water into a subset substance he called Aether.

Whilst i was watching your video, my guide sent me a vision of a device which would accept wind in any direction, the device was built by the ancient such that it would serve as a perfect echo chamber, constantly refracting and multiplying the input until it reaches a suitable frequency, it is a tube-like structure with a tiny pin or concaved plane at the end.
similar to electric transformers taking an amperage from high current low voltage, to low current higher voltage, the high current low voltage is the wind, which is then multiplied in the echo chamber as perfectly as possible to minimize energy loss during the creation of such powerfully compressed longitundinal waves.

At the end of the echo chamber where the pin/concaved plate is, this will make contact with the object you desire to lift, sending the object into brutal state of internal vibration along the direction that the pin is pointing, constant non-hertzian waves along the desired direction are sent through the object causing it to lift against whatever sorrounds it, whether it be atmosphere or ground, since gas is just another kind of solid, and if an object vibrates at the correct speed, it can become a solid to what was once gaseous. The result is that with the correct 'holding device' which maintains the vibration rather than insulating it, the object can be effectively moved to a given location.

the sound generating device was neither large nor small, but somewhere in the middle, my guide showed me that the rate of vibration required was by no means low, sitting very, very easily above 100 hertz+ and perhaps higher than 1024 hertz. some other images i was sent was that the device was used in very silly ways to propel a small rock 100s of meters in a direction to hit a target, basically, the object was so useful, that it was commonly played around with regardless of how dangerous it was.

finally, my guide said that the ancients understood very deeply, the law of energy transformation. whilst it is true that there is no infinite energy in the universe, that does not mean that there is no freely available energy, the ancients understood (apparently) that by learning how to transform this energy such that it multiples rather than subtracts (achieving supercoherence) you could take a high current low voltage (highly inefficient input) and turn it really easily into a low current high voltage (highily efficient output) version of itself.

apparently this goes for all levels of reality, whether the underlying aether bywhich atoms are formed of, or to the soundwaves you are fascinated by. with this in mind, it is also possible to structure the aetheric flow of energy in substrates such as water especially and creating multiplying aether waves inside of a glass cup - especially if the glass cup is correctly design, the glass cup can then hold a significant amount of 'invisible energy' that can be used to rapidly grow cellular forms of life that are responsive to that kind of 'electricity.' to truly finalise, apparently according to my guide, certain bacteria are dissonant to coherent flows of energy creating by both sound and aetheric 'sound' if you will, we could effectively diminish the rate at which cellular substrates like food rot by disallowing bacteria to exist in such coherent fields of energy.

sorry for the rant, just thought it might interest you, (hopefully)


Has anyone tried to duplicate Keelys results? Seems like that's where anyone should start


this is absolutely fantastic, thanks for the video 👍


is this not the same mechanism as, for example, scooting in a rolling chair?
if I sit in a rolling chair and slowly lean left, then quickly lean right, my chair will move to the left.

this is because friction is constant. when I lean, I apply an opposite force to my chair. when I lean slowly, friction is enough to keep the chair in place. but when I lean quickly, the friction is unchanged, but the force is applied over a smaller amount of time, overcoming the friction.

a speaker functions by moving something back and forth, so we should expect that a speaker could move with the same mechanism as I can in my rolling chair.
with the right setup, moving uphill or even climbing a vertical wall should be no problem. even traveling through fluid would be possible in principle.


17:31 You could try to put 3-4 discs under one another instead of one black disc whose diameters would be in the golden ratio (second option - harmonics). The largest disk on top. If it worked, I would repeat this series 2-3 more times. I'm sure you know what shape I'm referring to🙂. One stroke (an excitation frequency probably very low- 0, 5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz), 3-4 resonant frequencies.


What if those stones were infused with ohmasa gas?


Water hammer with piezoelectric dust in it


Santos Bonacci work. Pass a charge. Scoff not, tune i No other I know of but. Impedance electromagnetic. Ionic trust Zero point oscillator.Nature.


At 13.15 mins the sound is like music played by Tibetan monks...


Or maybe the megalith is not a piece of stone perhaps some sorte of concrete made in site one by one


My apologies. I see you are set in your ways. Let me delete my comment so that you don't feel that I have mistreated you in some way.
