How To Keep a Clean House 4 Easy Habits

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Here I will show and tell you the 4 basic habits I do daily to maintain a clean home.


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I loved this video! Older women who are willing to lovingly and expertly mentor the younger generations are so rare! Your voice is desperately needed!


OH! Please do more videos like this! I need some serious help and your family has been such an inspiration, for me to get back to church, for me to cook more meals at home, and for me to just be a better person in general! I have just written these tips on index cards and put them on my fridge so I can help to remember them everyday! Thank you so much and I can't wait for the next one like this! xoxo God bless and thank you so much for all your doing in the world! You both are such wonderful parents and grandparents!


I have major depression, so sometimes cleaning can feel like the biggest obstacle. And once it starts to pile up, it begins to feel overwhelming and puts me in this shame spiral that it's hard to get out of. These are really practical, easy tips that might make it less overwhelming for me. Thanks for sharing.


I lost my dad at 13 and my mom at 19 I wish so much they was here now so I could learn and hear their stories. I miss them so much it hurts sometimes. This video made me think of them and my mom never let dishes go and supper was always on table when we got off the bus good memories


After watching this video I rolled up my sleves and now my house is spotless!! Sometimes you just need a little guidance!
You are a true inspiration! Thank you Grandma Griff!!!


I love watching you. You remind me of the female version of Mr.Rogers. So sweet and calming.


Oh my God! If my mom ever talked to me on that sweet sweet tone!!!!
I swear I learn so much from you and you kids about motherhood!!!
*please more videos like this!!!! 🙏🏼


Who else LOVES mamma She has such amazing ideas and advice! Thank you for sharing!


I too am a grandma and love watching you. I would add another couple of daily chores. Keep your bathroom clean and fresh daily, like making your bed doesn't take long, just clean the sink and counter as you get ready of course a fresh smelling toilet is a must. Another is wash your bedding once a week. There is nothing nicer than fresh smelling sheets.
1. Bed. Make your bed as soon as you get up and change your sheets weekly.
2. Dishes. Do after every meal (or I do mine as I cook, so everything is done except the plates we are using).
3. Laundry. Daily and fold straight away as you get them out of the drier.
4. Garbage. Take out as soon as full.
5. Bathroom. Clean as you go.


This is the first time I’ve wanted to LOVE a video instead of just like it.

I have noticed your family is very slow paced (and I mean that in a good way.) You do things intentionally, you say things intentionally, you are all detail oriented and calm. So CALM!


I LOVED this vlog. I am a Mommy to 3 boys and lost my mom 5 years ago. I think I'm always kinda looking for her somewhere, even though I'm Blessed to know she Loved the Lord and is in Heaven. I miss our talks and her advice. Today listening to you, I feel like she was talking to me. I watch all your daughters vlogs and I do so because they are all such Good Mommy's with Beautiful hearts and Great work ethics. I appreciate and respect your Motherly advice because your children are the proof in the puddin that you have done a Wonderful Job being A Mother, Wife and Housekeeper ❤
THANK you for sharing yourself with all of us! You are a Real Blessing in my life 😙😙


Thank you for making this video... it's a comfort to me to have a mom talk to me.. I lost my mom 7 years ago and I miss this sort of thing.. the basics in life. I am 45 but still can learn how to do things better! Have a wonderful day!


Im a working mom and I like my house to be clean and tiddy, and sometimes i put alot of pressure on myself to keep it up. some days i cant focus on what i really need to do! I like these tips so much. Gives me focus and a list to work on each day versus feeling like i have everything on my list to long as i get the core list done, im doing good!


I do all of these things you mention here. That is how I was taught as a child from my parents. I am 59 and have made this my habit my entire life. I have passed it on to my children. I also would like to tell you how soothing your voice is... so calm. Thank you for sharing this video


I got teary eyed watching this because I just feel so good .. feel like I'm getting taught by my grandma or mom. Growing up my mom never taught me these things so as an adult I've been struggling to teach my daughter these simple things!! So thank you!! And I would love to know what you did when your kids were whiny or unable to accept things like getting there way!! My daughter gets upset when we have to work like doing chores she whines like crazy. Any tips would be great! I would also love to see how you organize your house too!!


I don’t have a grandma anymore but even when she was alive she wasn’t close and didn’t really speak, I feel like you the grandma with all the useful tips and hints the gentle reminder of things I need to do! X


You are so right! It seems so simple but you know what your talking about. Just doing these simple things is so motivating & so effective at keeping a very presentable home. Which in turn makes you feel so good!!


You advice was given with such love and compassion.❤️


I can’t even express how amazing this video is)) So heart-warming. And I am totally going to use these tips: for quite some time now, I’ve been thinking that keeping my house clean would help me organize my life in general so much more!
I’ve seen many people in the comments sharing their backgrounds and I want to do that too. I lost my grandma when I was just 3 years old, but my entire life everyone has been telling me how much we are alike in so many aspects and how much she had loved me. Watching you being so wise and kind just makes me very happy) Much love from 18 year old Jewish girl from Russia) Thank you! And I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes))


Jennifer Griffith you are a treasure! I love you & your family. I am going to be 62 in March & I love learning new things. I'd love to learn how to make your famous rolls. The life lessons that you & Chad taught your children would be good to hear from the two of you as well. I have watched your old videos too & I just love how loving you always are.
