40K Fans: Meet 30K & Gatekeeping

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Came from mid 8th edition, I had gotten tired of the hyper-lethality, power gaming, meta-chasing, and legions of grey. I had a buddy who had been in for over a decade, he told me right away what 30K was about and what was typically normal and what wasn't. Told me all the ins and outs of it, templates, armor value, and the rules. But he emphasized, lore accuracy, WYSIWYG, and make it fluffy. I fell in love with 30k and haven't touched 40k since. So while I can't say I'm a long time fan/member of the 30k system. I love and respect it, and believe that people should be allowed in but should have a thorough understanding of what the spirit of 30k is and that it's not a game to be meta-chasing in.


I personally like 40ks wild west feel, but I am in the minority that likes making my own stories and crusades with 40k, and it'd lore. I do believe we need to drive others to do better


It always amazes me the people who come into a hobby looking to change it vs actually learning about it- what draws such a person to a hobby?

And now for something constructive- Macca: can we one day get a video or post about the various decal sheets and what each one means for different armies? I have found some info on unification wars and crusade symbols but not a consistent list or explanation for a lot of the symbols. Thanks in advance!


Something funny: at my local GW store, I was the lonely HH player. Suddenly, for a couple of weeks, I have been the weird guy who cares about lore and accuracy in the HH. Everyone else is looking to build broken lists. As a 30k player I want to have fun and to play to enjoy an afternoon. I do not care at all about winning. I trully fear that they are going to turn the HH into something close to the current 40k. The new rules does not help in that sense either.


I love how their motto for the 30K era is to stop the traitor assault on Terra. If I was there, I'd be leading the assault myself.


"If you can't respect them, why should they respect you?"



Onboard to uphold the HH community in Australia as it stands.
I was one of those EX 40k players that got into it with Betrayal at Calth.
I was nervous about painting to the standard of others in the community. Thankfully I talked to them voices my concerns and they did nothing but encourage me. We spent hours debating lore friendly formations and army structure.

If you want to be apart of the Horus Heresy Community they will welcome you and even mentor you with open hearts and hands. This community is worth gatekeeping.


gate keeping does not always equal a bad thing, it is always the reason why that determines that.


very well said macca

me and a couple of mates are currently getting ramped up to get into heresy whilst fleeing 40k 9th ed. at first it was "its ok we will use our current space marines and play the new system to save time and money" but after long nights of listening to lore and discussing our chosen legions amongst ourselves we have already become so immersed that we have all ordered appropriate upgrade sprues and era appropraite marks of armour because we cant stand the idea of half arsing the historical aspect of the game.

the whole reason we fell out of love with 9th ed to begin with was things like seeing 30 sanguinary guard in a game in some ungodly combo when having that many in a single pitched battle in the fluff is a rediculous idea.

i will do my best to respect your stomping ground as long as i am not assumed to be less passionate simply for not having a ten year legacy with the system. cheers for the videos hopefully the internet will be kind to you for this well balanced opinion :).


I think there will most defiantly be some animosity between old 30k players and new 30k players. The ones who only have played 40k 8th/9th edition will complain about how their system is better and try to convince us that CPs are great (CPs suck!). Older 30k players will care less about tournaments and more about the story of HH and the purity of the game. I think the thing I will hate most about rookies to 30k will be those who try to build lists that milk every advantage, but don't keep to the spirit of the game. I play 30k because I love the lore and the spirit of the game. I've played GW games since '96 and 3rd/4th edition 40k, Fantasy 7th edition, and Horus heresy are my favorites. Horus Heresy is #1!


I’m coming in to the system and this is exactly what I expect and even tho I’m gonna 3D print lots of it I’m gonna go my best to be lore accurate and fully painted. I’ve been so desperate I’ve just been playing OPR so I’m really excited to be apart of it.


Its not overly protective...its protective, their responses are proportional to keeping the balance ...


One of the things that make me uneasy is seeing people say something to the effect of "I would like/play it if there was more support for xenos factions instead of just marines vs marines". I'm all for more flexibility, especially to run Crusade era battles, but at some point it's just obvious that they would be playing 40k if they didn't think the system was fucked. HH is a purely Imperium focused setting by it's very nature, but GW might pander to these people if they think there's enough profit.


This is a great video on protecting your fandom.

Maintaining standards is not gatekeeping.


Take note 40K'ers, take note....


im a 40k player. im coming over haha. ive always liked (most of) the conversion kits and models from forge world, and with more plastic coming out is a little easier to convert and integrate hopefully. i wont stop playing 40k, but i think it will be nice to be able to work on a more slow burn dedicated army for heresy on the side, perhaps some dark angel fallen precursors, as black shields maybe but we'll see as the project takes form. i think it will be sweet to explore the start of that part of the heresy through the building of an army, in addition to reading up on lore and the broader setting. having said that, thanks for the tips!


I was literally scripting a video on a 40k player's (my) opinions on the coming intermingling of 30k and 40k players with the new box set and this turns up in my subscriber feed xD Great listen as always! Looking forward to giving my limited perspective.


A few years ago, I spitballed a few crazy fluff ideas, you know, concepts along the lines of hello kitty space marines and other crazy ideas for 30k using the blackshields rules. I was vehemently called out for my ideas as I didn’t understand back then the difference between the 30k and 40k mindsets I’m regards to fluffy lists. It was a sobering experience, but one I don’t regret having since I now understand the 30k community better and understand why they are so concerned with gatekeeping.


as someone who only paints, this is educating


The narrative is so important to me that I've effectivly left the 40k hobby and moved to the skirmish games.
I would have moved to 30k but the FW expense was too high for me.
