2023 02 09 Zombie Runner Game Development Day 5 #gamedev #gamedevelopment
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Game Development Journal Day #35 (10 Feb 2023)
Today I added a muzzle flash as well as sparks on the object being hit. The muzzle flash looked OK because it was a pre-fab provided by the lecturer, but the sparks don’t look good. Again, the lecturer used a prefab from the standard assets pack that I wasn’t able to download, so I had to create this from scratch. Despite hours of effort, it still doesn’t look good.
Unfortunately, there weren’t any free ones available on the Unity asset store. But it’s also a lot of time to spend on just one special effect, so it is likely I will buy something for my own game, Zombie Attrition. Since Zombie Runner is just a tutorial game, I’ll just stick with this and move on.