What Should YOU Have? - Affordable Guitar & Expensive Amp, or Expensive Guitar & Affordable Amp?

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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
» 0:00 What is the Challenge of the Day?
» 1:43 Let's Pick the Gear!
» 5:59 Time for the Big Reveal
» 9:54 Some Tones From Chappers' Rig'
» 10:45 Deep Diving into Lee's Rig
» 14:32 Let's Jam
» 16:43 Let's Swap Rig
» 18:46 Final Thoughts

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One of the katana’s tricks is diming the gain and volume on the clean channel and then controlling the volume with the master. It gets so much more responsive than the crunch channel. Gives you a little bit of break-up with single coils and some nice chrunchies with hb’s.


My only criticism is that in some of these videos, Rob chooses a piece of equipment he never has to “try it” rather than choosing what he thinks the actual best rig for the challenge is.
I like seeing the different equipment but I just wish he tried new stuff in demo focused videos and when the video is about answering a question he actually shares his knowledge a bit more.
Anyway love all the videos regardless


I remember dearly... The original version of this video was the very first video of yours I watched, and fell in love with the concept and have watched countless of your videos ever since. Good memories!


I did this inadvertently recently. Spent 300 for a used gretsch jet with the P90/broadtron and 800 for a Fender Princeton 65 RI in a small music store that just wanted to move product. I've been re inspired to play every day with that rig. The P90 played through that Princeton is incredible.


Both are winners with that jam at the end. Its definitely inspiring. Thank you


Always a pleasure to see you 2 fellas on screen !!! Merry Christmas guys


I’m quite happy using a Boss Katana and Mexican Fenders these days… they sound and play extremely well.


I think I go straight for the Boss Katana 50 and the Cort KX500 for the 750/250 split.
For the other one, instead of going for an AMP, get the STL tones Andy James plugin for 120$, get either a Jackson or Ibanez I'm the 200-250 range, I saw some great options at Anderton's, some of them even look quite sick. Go with the Motu M2 or M4 interface, which Anderton's does not stock unfortunately, but costs around 200€ for the M2 and 270€ for the M4. A set of 5" studio monitors for 200-250£, M Audio BX5 for example... And a pair of Bayerdynamic headphones for 100£ should have some change left for cables


Personally I would go for the more pricy guitar. Many say the opposite but almost all the feel is in the guitar from a playing perspective as well as sustain and how well the guitar keeps the tune. Cheaper guitars tend to have an unbalanced tone (either too sharp or too mellow) as well as some can be a bit unpredictable quality wise. The new generation of amps such as boss katana really are very price worthy. Only time I would go for fancier amp would be if you needed a bigger amp for rehearsing or gigging. This is however my personal view, also I do think it differs depending on what style of music you are playing. The more distortion used the more you get the sound from the amp or pedals, but good luck getting a fat jazz tone from a squire strat.


or own 2 Gibson Les Pauls Standard Blue berry burst and a 70's Deluxe and a Marshall 4x12 with a MK1 5150
that's what did and its immense
also have a H&K TubeMiester 18 aswell
KTR Klon, zakk wylde wah, DD3, Russian Pickle Mk1, Fulltone catalyst, and RV9 reverb and the ploytune. costed me well over 15 Grand Canadian lol
hard work pays off!


wow, Lee's french is amazing! didn't realize he was multi-lingual


Nowadays, cheap, inexpensive guitars sound good. I have recently recorded a few songs with a £90 p bass and everyone was impressed with the tone. The major difference with the more expensive guitars is build quality and feel. Inexpensive amps, however, are still not there. Yes, they are usable but they don't come close to the real deal. Orange Crush are excellent, but I wouldn't call them inexpensive.


A classic challenge, with a classic duo, love it!


Like the sound of the Katana most to be honest, the Supro feels a bit too bitey to me. Although the Katana did miss depth it was a more pleasant sound in my opinion. Even when playing the SE through the Supro I preferred its sound through the Katana.


I have a Pacificia and the ease of playing is something else. I want to upgrade to an expensive one but I just can't put down my pacificia.


A guitar shouldn't bring you down, in terms of your guitar playing. If you are fighting with the guitar, then you need a better playing guitar. A guitar should be played by you, not the other way round.

I have played Vintage brand strats, Cruiser Krafter strat, Classic vibe rosewood strat, and Gretsch guitars. I have kept Cruiser Krafter and Gretsch Electromatic g5222 double jet. 9/10 times I play the Gretsch.

As for an amp. Many solid state amps are just as good. The Katana, I have not played with one so I can't comment on it. But everyone is buying this amp, so it must have a great reputation.

I would go for Blackstar ID core 40 v3 for the best non valve amp, Marshall DSL5 or Blackstar HT-5R MkII for valve. All amps I have mentioned, I have got a lot of experience with. For some reason, I have kept the 2 Blackstar amps and I have Blackstar fly 3, even though I thought I would prefer Marshall. Well, because it's Marshall.

But it's not the name, but what each person prefers. I wanted a Gibson or epiphone, but I was fighting with the epiphone guitars at my local store. To me, Gretsch Electromatics felt most fun to play with, I could express myself more. Stay safe and have fun 👌🏼👍🏼


From all the videos, I liked Katana. Also playing it was ok. But here in this video, it was (at least for me) sooo obvoius, that it just is solid state "practice amp". The Katana sound was like 2D, while the Supro was like 4D sound.
Great choice by Rob. Was expecting to see the Iconic 5150 amp on Robs side, but I think that amp deserves proper dedicated video anyway.


Lee if and when you do the $500/$500 challenge, can you do a part B, on the amp side chose a $500 Solid State choice and a $500 Valve Choice, to have a choice for the people who have a preference. Troy from Alantic City 🌆


I gotta out that money towards the amp. Today's less expensive guitars are really well made, and one can always put new pups and wiring in them. That Yamaha sounds awesome through that Supro.


My vote, Squier Classic Vibe + Monoprice 15-watt tube amp. Absolute banger tones and still money left for pedals! Nothing beats having a real valve amp.
