An Amazing Year For 4X | NEW Turn-Based Grand Strategy Games 2024

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Upcoming #4X PC #Strategy Games #2024
Intro | 0:00

1. Songs of Silence | 0:34

2. Stellaris Nexus (Nexus 5X) | 2:17

3. Alliance of the Sacred Suns | 4:14

4. ZEPHON | 5:59

5. Revival: Recolonization | 7:46

6. Songs of Conquest | 9:43

7. Yield! | 11:56

8. Rising Lords | 13:34

9. Ara: History Untold | 15:02

10. Solium Infernum | 17:23

11. Millennia | 20:29

12. Civilization 7 | 23:13

Turn-based 4X strategy games are a staple to gaming and we've seen old series like Civ, MoO, and HoMM come a long way. 2024 has even more upcoming 4X games on the way and it looks like a great year to test your strategic prowess.


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Kind of fun fact: Millennia is being made by the veterans from Ensemble Studios, the team that created Age of Empires 1 & 2.


I'm not interested in new features or graphics, I just want better AI.


We've been immersed in the world of "Heroes of Might and Magic, " starting with the third installment, then progressing through parts 5 and 6. While my friends weren't as enamored with it, I appreciated the impressive graphics. Eventually, we ventured into the seventh installment. After three years, the excitement waned, and unfortunately, the Heroes series didn't live up to its past success. Eager for a new hotseat game, we happily stumbled upon "Song of Conquest, " which evokes the nostalgic charm of the Heroes series.


City Skylines didn't kill Sim City. EA did that. (21:45)


Civ2 and MoO2 were my first 4x and what made me love the genre. I still sometimes go back to MoO2 when the nostalgia hits.


Personally not that interested in a 1 hour grand strategy game. Part of the pleasure is settling in for the long haul. Makes it feel like the stakes are more real, even if it means playing over several saves. That's just me though


Curious about Millennia and Songs of Silence. I'm an alpha tester for Ara and that game is shaping up really REALLY well. I'm actually not sure if I'll even bother picking up CIV VII because of how much potential Ara has. They have been releasing dev diaries for a bit and they are worth the watch.


Thanks for putting this together 🙂 Hope you're doing well


Zephon stsnds out for me. It really has that sci-fic post apocalyptic alien horror vibe i have seldom seen. Will be on my wish list. Thanks, Zakh!!


I hope civ7 improves AI. This is what we working guys need, not a rushed one night game.


Ah, Age of Wonders. I will always remember you fondly. I still listen to the soundtrack.


Civ 2 your first game?
Such a young lad. I played Civ 1 in the 90s. So much that I remember the game vividly to this day. And my back and knee hurt, not because of the games, just because of my age.


Most people don't consider Heroes of Might and Magic to be 4X. No diplomacy, no procedurally generated maps, no settling, etc.

Great video. Wish I had time for good stuff like this...


Nothing can beat Civ 4 for best 4X games, it still got tons of players today.


What an absolute let-down Stellaris Nexus is. I'm so sick of the push to make multiplayer games for everything. Yes, there are some games that are best enjoyed with friends, but 4X games aren't it. Yes, I understand some people play them with friends, but the vast majority play single-player. The 4X games aren't exactly filled with young teens eager for action, its usually middle-aged people that want to take their time and enjoy the grand strategy and depth that 4X games bring.


Age of Wonders FTW !!! My very first turned based strategy was Civ followed closely by Master of Magic (each time they try to remake it, it's a total failure)
After that, in 3rd position, it was Heroes of Might and Magic 1 ! I can also clearly remembered how I got obsessed over Civ 2 Test of Time (and playing the atlantean with their underwater empire). But since I discovered Age of Wonders, it's the only turned based game I'm obsessed by. (I only wished they would make underwater a plane)


Solium Infernum is releasing on 2/22/24 (5 days from when I'm watching this vid). It's interesting that this used to be Nightingale's release date, which was moved to 2 days earlier. Looks like early 2024 is gonna be fun! Another great vid adding to my already immense wishlist. 😀


Songs of silence's turn based overworld and real time combat reminds me of a very old turn based game in the vein of HoMM called lords of magic.
Alliance of the sacred suns, Revival: Recolonization and Zephon sound interesting, gonna keep an eye out for those.


I hope one day we'll have 4x strategy games... that you can say... ok put me in first person in the government building or on the battlefield or in a space battle or in a plane or something... a crazy strategy game that an AI could generate the 1st person view of that world on the fly. Probably gonna take 20 more years.


I loved HoMM 5 but gawd damn it took so long to finish a single game , i always wished for a fast paced version of it ! Fast paced is something u can finish under 3 hours in this case xD
