Sanction Strategies Effects on Short & Long Term Employee Motivation

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In today's video we will discuss the Effects of sanction strategies on short-term, and long-term employee motivation.

Sanction strategies, such as disciplinary measures, can have various effects on short-term, and long-term employee motivation, and these effects depend on how they are applied, and perceived within the organization.

The overall goal of sanctions should be to create a workplace culture that emphasizes accountability, fairness, and employee growth, ultimately contributing to long-term motivation, and a positive work environment.

This video is an introduction to the various aspects, however for a better understanding please check out the links from the "Additional Reading" section below and continue on your learning journey.

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Video Content

0:00 - Introduction to the effects of sanction strategies on short-term and long-term employee motivation.

Short-Term Effects of Sanction Strategies
1. Initial Motivation and Potential Backlash (0:44 - 1:02):
Employees may initially be motivated to avoid further sanctions, but unfair or excessive measures can lead to resentment and disengagement.
2. Deterrence Effect (1:07 - 1:20):
Sanctions may discourage other employees from engaging in similar misconduct, promoting a more compliant workplace.
3. Re-evaluation of Behavior (1:23 - 1:34):
Some employees may use sanctions as an opportunity for self-reflection, leading to a short-term increase in motivation to improve.
4. Short-Term Reduction in Motivation (1:39 - 1:47):
Sanctions often result in a reduction in employee motivation when imposed, especially with disciplinary actions.
5. Stress and Anxiety (1:54 - 2:01):
Employees receiving sanctions may experience increased stress and anxiety, negatively impacting short-term motivation.

Long-Term Effects of Sanction Strategies
1. Motivation Recovery (2:29 - 2:37):
Some employees may recover motivation as they adapt to changes and work to improve performance.
2. Rehabilitation and Growth (2:44 - 2:57):
With support, employees can demonstrate increased motivation for behavior change and performance improvement.
3. Culture of Accountability (3:00 - 3:09):
Consistent application of sanctions contributes to a long-term culture of accountability within the organization.
4. Improved Employee Relations (3:11 - 3:25):
Fair and consistent application of sanctions can lead to trust and respect, resulting in higher motivation in the long term.
5. Potential Damaging Effects (3:30 - 5:38):
a. Learned Helplessness (3:34 - 3:40):
Repeated sanctions may lead to a sense of learned helplessness among employees.
b. Resentment, Mistrust, Burnout (3:46 - 5:03):
Some employees may harbor resentment, leading to chronic declines in motivation, performance, and burnout.
c. Presentism (5:06 - 5:23):
Presentism, linked to stress and burnout, can impact business due to reduced productivity and employee retention.

5:41 - Conclusion

School of Learning
Arnav Dutta
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