you dropped this again! 👑

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I would do the exact same thing.
I’m get bullied as a teen just because I’m overweight. I’m in high school 10th grade that’s over weight. I get laughed at all the time by these 2 boys (there was 3 but he left school.) If and when I have kids and they bullied somebody else’s kid, they going to have very bad consequences. Just like this dad did to his daughter.
I want to be one of those mom that my mom wasn’t. I want my kids to trust me. I want my kids to tell me anything, I’m going to give my kids anything they wants but once they bully’s someone, lies to me, drugs, vaping, drinking, sex under 18 WITHOUT protecter. Everything is off the table, no fun mom until you prove to me that I can trust you again.


I saw this exact same one from the servants pov on jessica kaylees channel


I will do the same thing not give her any of my words if I had 1 million. I would not give her the word because she’s a mean queen anyway and she be mean to everybody guards sees her in every place and the guards don’t see her because she’s too meanshe better not ruin any of us words


Sorry but I have to ask why did you steal i saw the username 😅


Girl pls stop stilling YouTube that work is very hard and you just wit till thay sand it what is wrong with you huh
