A brief overview of Dalek 'Sense Globes'

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It's been a long time coming - we're finally covering the Dalek bumps on Dalek Bumps. These seemingly hemispherical protrusions have been a longstanding aspect of the Dalek design, but unlike the eyestalk, manipulator, and gunstick, the function of these orbs has not always been consistent. So what are Dalek 'sense globes'?

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Jun Senoue and Teruhiko Nakagawa
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Finally. Dalek Bumps talking about Dalek Bumps


I’ve always had the headcanon that the spheres are part of the life support system. Sensing the outside environment around the casing and adjusting the internal climate to keep the mutant alive


To quote the Master “and their very firm”


When you take the fact that Daleks exhibit a sense of agreeable designs over all of their forms, then take it in context with the proposition that "Daleks have no sense of elegance", it becomes a really fascinating look into Dalek psyche. Shared aesthetics emerge in every Dalek culture DESPITE their willingness or contrarian opinions.


"Oh, look! The round things!"
"I love the round things."
"What are the round things?"
"No idea."


I’ve heard your outro so many times now that I genuinely forgot but they were called anything other than “Darlek BUMPS!”


I always assumed that they were ]a modular part of the Dalek, to swap out sensors, shields, etc, and could be equipped in any combination onto any standard Dalek model. This way Daleks could keep the mono singular style of Dalek casing while still having them be versatile enough for different operations, and would explain why for example some Daleks have shields while others do not.


I like the idea that they are combined sensor arrays, as well as possibly some sort of shielding?


They're also known as *"Dalek BUMPS!"* 🤣


The curse of fatal death being a source make me crack up


We were all building up to this.
The ultimate tale of the namesake.


I wondered when this would happen, the irony is almost too much to bear.


I imagine it's an armored housing for a suite of various functions, personally. Sure, collectively they could function as part of an energy matrix, and the shield grid, much like how on a computer all of its various USB ports are capable of both charging things in the grid, or delivering information, but I imagine some of the globes are for things like, atmospheric readings. Managing the connection to the pathweb. They might even be part of an internal balance system for the Dalek levitation unit, given they can turn and rotate seemingly without any change in propulsion from the unit located on the dalek's underside.
I would wager that the spheres can contain various purposes, likely with a few of them being redundant backups in case one of them is compromised. It's also possible that spheres with specific functions could be swapped out - say, stealth technology in the case of a recon scout assignment, or improved energy shield dissipation in the case of a frontline assault unit. Perhaps even increased extermination capability for an executioner dalek. This would allow Daleks to mass produce identical casings, but use them for a myriad of different roles relatively easily and efficiently, which... Feels very on-brand for a Dalek invasion.


I think they are an in-built part of Dalek design that they got from Davros, and his chair. Similar to how "mercy" was imbedded into the dalek's code from Davros after the 12th doctor let him go.


I like the idea that the 'Exxilon' Daleks, the silver and black ones that are in Death To The Daleks (DTTD) were a mix of science and 'guards', as they were able to get around the City and, until the Antibodies turned up, capable of withstanding the defences within it. Very adaptable as well, as shown by changing their weapons when faced with the energy drain. So, I wouldn't mind seeing more of them, just not coming after me down a short corridor.


I often thought they were used to cover hatches and ports that would allow a Dalek to be fed and connected to equipment like the controls of a ship. The sensor were that grill thing on the eye stalk.


Sonic Heroes is a fantastic game with an amazing soundtrack.


My first on screen Dalek story was "Genesis" in 1975.

I always thought that they were a Sonar / Radar type system, giving an individual Dalek an extra sense.

With them being a power module. It makes sense that they would later be used for projecting a Force Field / Energy Field around a Dalek. Also a containment field during self destruction.

Colours. I prefer Matt / Satin Black. This also makes sense, as Radar cones on fighter planes are / were black.

As the original colours of the Spheres was a Light Blue (an electric energy colour), to me the shift to Black was the Dalek race in a state of mourning for loss of the Emperor.

And until "Planet of the Daleks" where a member of the Dalek Supreme Council turns up, only those 2 colours were used.

Its also notable that Dalek Supremes, have had Silver, Pearlescent White, Metallic Steel Blue, Black and Gold Spheres.

The only on screen appearances of the Prime (Prime Minister) in a containment suit, during the "Day of the Daleks" & "Frontier in Space". His / Its Spheres are Black.

You have also missed something.

In the original Dalek story, the Thal's wear a capes/coats, with a similar pattern on them, but they are Hexagonally shaped.

So, maybe, this is the original Kaled symbol/flag of 4 Circles/Spheres in a row ?


The late Ray Cusick did a redesign of the Daleks, which notably featured no bumps, save for two bug-like eyes.


I personally always saw those globes as a multi-purpose tool, a kin to a swiss army knife, for Daleks; and while I can't saw for certain what I view canon Dalek Bumps to be like, for me it just feels weird thinking that the casing is so limited in its functionality, I can say what I imagen their function to be. . . that is if anyone is interested in me rambling on bout the functions of Dalek disco balls.
