A brief overview of the Dalek Self-Destruct Mechanism

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Individual Dalek units have been shown to be capable of self-destructing as a final resort, though the exact nature of this self-destruct system has varied from appearance to appearance. In this video, we will be taking a brief look over the various examples of self-destructing Daleks over the years, as well as some notable instances of Daleks whose self-destruct system failed.

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Rod Abernethy and Jason Redgraves
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A daleks last weapon: killing your enemy out of spite


Jamming to the Decepticons DS background music lol
Reminds me of Octus from the old comics, who was designed to transform into a Dalek, though he never used his alt mode. He was covered in the spheres of a typical Dalek base.


I feel like the explosion force of the unshielded Dalek could be enough to have wiped out the entire corridor. Possibly even level a building. I don't know any other examples of Dalek self destructing because I have only ever really seen the TV series.

Also could you do a video on the top five most brutal Dalek conflicts on the scale of how devastating they were to the universe.


I hope that the Spy Master saved all the ensnared Daleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels in the Cloisters when he annihilated Gallifrey, like when Thanos freed all of the Collector's prisoners in the MCU.


I wonder if the self destruct feature is carry over of the Button in Davros's chair that shuts off his life support. His own twisted way of given his children power over their lives as he was.


Looking at the self destruction in Dalek with reference to other dalek self destruct, it does seem that the sensor spheres are part of its shielding rather than part of the self destruct mechanism itself. That makes more sense than what it looked like on first sight.


In time war 2, the Admiral Dalek who is a odd dalek, used daleks as torpedoes and depth charges, then at the end rammed and self destructed an entire submarine battle group with himself to kill an powerful creature. Whats interesting in that the Daleks call it the sacrifice instead.


The Dalek Supreme in The Genocide Machine is ordered to self-destruct by the Emperor.
It appears to explode as opposed to being one of the *freak out and die* variety, but doesn't seen to do any damage to its surroundings.


Is there anything in-universe connecting dalek bumps to the self-destruct system? I like to think they are force field generators, so when the dalek in 'Dalek' self-destructed, it surrounded itself in a force field so as not to kill Rose or destroy half of Utah.


One example not covered in the video: the four-part _Battles in Time_ comic strip starting with "Carnage Zoo" and ending with "Extermination of the Daleks". Probably a bit tricky to track down, but I still have the full magazine collection. It's another example of the self-destruct method seen in "Dalek". The Daleks opt for it given that they essentially have to choose between death or eternal ineffectiveness.


A time war era self destruct would probably be enough to wipe out multiple city blocks


Very interesting indeed. I certainly wouldn't wish to stand next to one during destruction.


I thought that self-destructing Dalek at the end of "Dalek" was so stupid! The bumps on a Dalek are SENSOR PODS, and that's all they've ever been!


I'm actually surprised how many times the Doctor has defeated the Daleks, considering how powerful a single self- destructed system is! and that's just a normal Dalek! (I know it's a time war variant but still..)


The self-destructions in Dalek and Asylum are the same, except one contains the blast with its shield.


Self destruct mechanisms in sci-fi evolve!


I think dalek self destruct systems are triggered if a dalek fails like in death to the daleks and we are always shown daleks who fail are killed if isn’t activated then a subordinate or a higher ranking dalek will terminate it. The explosion of a time war dalek is probably the same as the power of the black dalek from enemy of the daleks and it probably could of done one just enough to kill the mutant but it also probably didn’t want to leave a trace tho some dalek technology is shown to be as powerful as a nuke as when transolar discs self destruct they destroy a planets atmosphere
