PreHistoric Megalithic Complex in Karelia, Russia - Vottovaara Mountain

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The Vottovaara Mountain, situated in the Republic of Karelia of Russia, is a place revered for its powerful energy and worshipped as a sacred site for thousands of years by ancient Saami tribes and shamans. The site has numerous strange megalithic structures and ruins, which many believe could not have occurred naturally. For example, there are approximately 1600 sacred stones called "seids" which are arranged here in a mysterious order. There’s a structure called the well, which locals believe is an artificially constructed ancient megalithic water reservoir.

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"The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth."

George Orwell


Karelia is a beautiful, and magical place, and is part of the ancient homeland of the Finish people, including the Saami. and Suomi tribal peoples. Karelia is also the ancient homeland of the famous Olonets Culture: Archaeologists know of these early Bronze Age people, migrated out of Karelia, moved across Siberia, and eventually settled upon the island of Sakhalin, (near Japan). Burial artifacts found on Sakhalin, link the Olonets directly to Karelia. These Olonets are known, in archaeological circles, as having been the most advanced Early Bronze Age culture that developed in Sakhalin.


This is a nice, new example of megalithic stone work. It needs more investigation.


I think we're looking at structures from the previous aeon. Before the deluge.


Too many megalithic artifacts across the globe not to question the traditional narrative. There obviously was an advanced civilization sometime on our planet that we have only mythical memory of. The Northern sites were subjected to destruction under 2 mile thick ice sheets of the last ice age. Glaciers erased a significant amount of history IMO.


I believe the sunset is fundamentally significant in the belief system and underlying message of the art. Utterly beautiful...


Leylines(geomagnetic energy lines) are everything with these ancient megaliths


Huh. Well you know what… Grandpappy saw one of these as just a boy in the woods and said this sphere wasn’t just a rock—it was hummin’. Said it vibrated so low you couldn’t hear it, but you could feel it in your bones, like the earth was whisperin’ secrets just for you.

Here’s where it gets wild: Grandpappy swore up and down that these petrospheres are like cosmic antennas, tuning into some ancient frequency left behind by a race of giants—yeah, you heard me—giants! Said they used these spheres to communicate across the stars, like some kinda prehistoric satellite system. These giants weren’t just any ol’ creatures either—they were the original inhabitants of Earth, before us little folks came along and mucked it all up. They were smart, too, but they got too big for their britches, literally and figuratively. They left behind these stone spheres as a way to keep an eye on us, to make sure we didn’t repeat their mistakes.

Now, the government, they know all about this. That’s why they’re always snatching up these spheres and shuttling ‘em off to some secret lab. You ever wonder why you don’t hear much about ‘em in the news? It’s ‘cause they don’t want us knowin’ that these spheres are still active, still sendin’ signals out there to God knows where.


woah, the wikipedia article does not do this place justice. looking at the aerial shot in the beginning of the video it looks very artificial, like the remains of a massive ancient castle.


So interesting and nice to see that Russia is not immune to pre flood site like the rest of the world. We don't see enough of everyday life in Russia and everyday places. Thanks 🙏


Surprisingly there are 5 of these Spherical Stone Balls" in a Park in Kent Washington USA" all different sizes' but nobody thinks anything of them. Ya 5 of these in Kent Washington Park. This links the world by the Presents of these Balls.


So, you find 1600 huge rock strangely positioned on the small ones and: "Scientists say this occured naturally by luck during the Ice Age".
That tells quite a lot about "scientist" and "science".
Just again confirms that "science" more resembles to some big company that is there only to expand and protect its interest and already achieved influence, than it is about truly seeking for "truth" by applying scientific methods.


Whoa, in the 1st minute - Sami are not ancestors of modern Finns! Sami are their own cultural, linguistic and racial group, still existing across northern Scandinavia and western Russia. Modern Finns come from the east and are culturally and racially different. The name Vottovaara is of Finnish origin.


The only thing that we know for sure about our deep history as a species, is that we dont know anything! In 12, 000 years they will be asking the same questions about us!


Hi from northern Canada. Where I live there are trees that take on weird convolutions as they grow, that's quite common, especially in areas exposed to strong winds, as on top of hills. As for the 'cistern' and straight 'walls', we do have similar rock formation here, most likely natural. The petroglyphs are fascinating. There's the depiction of the 'squatting man', which have been seen the world over. Researchers have hypothesized that these are the depiction of a plasma discharge in the sky. Look up the documentary "Symbols of an Alien Sky".


"Karjala" as its known to Finns - place of mystery and beauty - also the Sami are NOT the progenitors of modern Finns, they are a semi nomadic tribe


The Sami people are not the ancestors of the Finnish people. I am not Finn, but I know that much. The Sami people are east Asians, the Finns from East of the Ural mountains. Nothing else in common than both living in Finland nowadays


Pratim Vaš kanal, i volim vaše teme. Posebno me veseli jer ste od vrlo rijetkih koji imaju prijevod na hrvstski jezik! Želim Vam još puno uspješnih epizoda, i puno pozdrava iz Hrvatske! I da, prvo like a onda gledanje😊...


I really like that we get more videos from Russia. Such a vast land. Must be alot to find there.


This type of area, whether you choose to believe it or not, is an example of a negative vortex. There's a smaller one in southern Oregon, USA. The area was supposedly called by the Native Americans there as "The Place We Don't Go To." If abnormally twisted trees don't convince you of the reality of negative vortices, then just move along there's nothing to see here...
