4 Myths of Christian Mental Health

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One of you emailed me, saying, "I have an eating disorder and people keep telling me to pray it away." That made me so angry!! The idea that you should "pray away" mental health struggles is a damaging myth we hear in some Christian circles. So let's talk about 4 myths about mental health as a Christian. I hope this video can set you FREE from shame, and free to find healing--however that journey looks for you. Love, Tiffany Dawn

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I hope this blesses some... 🙏
I was 5 years of chronic illness! I was Semi Housebound, lost my health, job, finances and my fiance left me. I couldn't even look at electronic screen for 5 minutes, or hold a 10-minute conversation.
But God did an amazing work. 

I now have a Christian Channel where I encourage people and show them what God did in my life and that there is hope for you also. ✝️🔥😊

*Keep believing even when it's hard* 🙏❤️🔥
*All things are possible with God*


Especially for myth no 3 it is important to remember that God has a "natural" way of healing through things on earth that are part of his creation. Medication, counceling, all those things are not supernatural but still part of Gods creation and his way to rule. Yes, God can do wonders and he is able to heal magically but we can't expect him to answer every prayer through a supernatural wonder. If we do so, we dishonor his way to work through all those things he has given us through his creation.


I was in a Bible study and one of my friends told the people in the study that she had been experiencing major anxiety for over 10 years. I also shared, for the first time, my struggle with depression. The group leader literally said that the reason why we struggled with anxiety/depression was because we both believed a lie. I honestly was so shocked I didn't know what to say and hurt me so bad.


I'm so happy when I hear a Christian actually talking about mental health and giving practical solutions. Amazing! No shame in taking medication or getting counseling. Love your videos 💙


The church really does need better education on mental health, I hope the recent passing of Jarrid Wilson helps many see the mistakes of the church that needs correction.


I had to educate some people on "praying away" or scripture recalling away anxiety and depression. It made it worse for me, and many others, when someone says "just pray" or "remember scripture." I do that, it doesn't help balance my serotonin, sorry. I'm on antidepressants now, just upped my dosage and I'm getting back to normal.


I've had people tell me that as well as that I was sinning for having and struggling with an eating disorder. That does not help with mental, emotional, and social health because it takes away any confidence you ever had in yourself, others, and sometimes even God. I was also told at the beginning of my recovery that if God really loved me, He would've zapped it out of me after months of praying. Which that got me motivated to start recovery on my own, but I wasn't able to get beyond a certain point on my own. Last year I spent 75 days at a Christian treatment center for women, and that saved my physical life, but also got me back to where I was in my spiritual life.


This video must be played in every church. Like literally. Thanks Tiffany 😢

I myself met so many such ppl in the past "it's because you don't pray enough".

Fortunately, I am now free from those stupid, dumbest ideas that surpirsingly many ppl have (even some pastors!)

As you said, God made us a complex being, we are fearfully and wonderfully created. He does not want us to do nothing but pray - spend all money and pray to help us financially; play all night and pray to get a good grade; do nothing but pray to get healed (mentally or physically).

It's clearly non-sensical, but it is so easy to believe these myths and lies that countless misleading christian fellows or leaders tell us!

Btw I love Natalie's scream at the end of the video😳💕 haha


Thank you for the acknowledgment of feelings part. Growing up I was always told “feelings aren’t fact” nothing we felt was validated just met with defensiveness


Million thanks for this video, Tiffany! Mental health is still a pretty taboo topic. As if once we are believers, we have no right to be unhappy or unwell for a while... I am a Christian & a psychologist and I totally agree with what you are saying both personally and professionally. Many of these issues actually do have physical causes such as lack/excess/imbalance of hormones or other chemicals in the brain. We do not usually tell people with the flu to "pray it away" :) I have even gone through some counseling myself. Sometimes God delivers us "on the spot", other times we need to cross the valley of shadows step by step, fight and deal with it... It does not mean that some believers are better/more deserving/praying better than others. Just that every life journey is different and God knows best, which "strategy" is needed to bring us closer to Him & the best version of ourselves.


Hi Dawn! As a Christian AND a Psychotherapist in training, who cares a whole lot about educating people with the Truth (as far as I can understand it), I AM SO GRATEFUL for this video, you educating on your platform is music to my heart ❤💕💗 Thank you! And especially thank your for Myth No. 4: Trusting God in the MIDST of all our suffering (be that mental-health-related or not), is the most Jesus-like think we can do on this Earth! Thank you Dawn and keep up the good work! I am a new subscriber to your channel, and I hope to be able to support you in any way I can!


Thank you so much for this vdeo 🙏🏼 . I often say as a joke that if I could have a dollar every time someone tells me "don't worry, God is with you" "if you feel bad, pray"... I would be rich but really, I know God is with me, I know I can trust him but just as these words wouldn't cure a broken ankle, they don't help with my anxiety. I wish church knew more about mental health and how to handle it. For the moment I try to "educate" people around me on this subject.


I’m glad you talk about this subject, Tiffany. Mental health is something we got to take it seriously.


I am so happy to see you promoting Faithful Counseling!!!! I starting using this resource after another YouTuber recommended it. It has helped me SO MUCH in the past 6 or so months I have been using it. I love my counselor and she always points me back to Scripture. It has been such a blesing in my life and I plan to use it for as long as I can. I pray that someone who needs it will watch your video and try out this amazing resouse! God Bless! 💓


Thanks for speaking the truth! I am a victor in Christ through all things but there is definitely a balance with doctors, therapists, the holy trinity, church, family, friends etc.


Thank You! So many people in the church need to hear this.


Thank you for giving a resource that has secular options as well as religious. 😭😭😭😭


Thank you I am struggling with mental health problems the first time in my life now. It just appeared suddenly. Came out of no where.
Maybe vitamin D deficit. Maybe fear of getting fat( I am pregnant and try to gain not weight)
Maybe isolation. ( I moved and still have no friends here)
Maybe something hormonal, during pregnancy.


Loved this Tiffany. I’m on anxiety medication too. It’s not addictive and it’s made a significance difference in my life. Happy National Mental Health Awareness Month!


I'm glad you said that about medication. I tried to stop mine for a few months, but I recently got back on it. I feel like I've failed. I'm also still having some anxiety because they are easing me back on it, and I suppose it takes time anyway to adjust.
