How to Resize Type Objects | Adobe Illustrator

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This is How to Re-size Type Objects in Adobe Illustrator.

So, you may have text on your screen and one of the things you want to do is you either want to make it larger, you want to make it smaller. There are a ton of different options.

You can treat the type as if it were an object, as if its a shape, and you can drag the corners of the bounded box as long as you have the Selection Tool or the actual Scale Tool selected; the Selection Tool by the "V" button, which is a shortcut on your keyboard, or we were to go down to our Scale Tool which helps us free transform it, it's the "E" button on your keyboard.

So we would click 1 of the corners and we can move it around, any shape or size we want. Only problem again, when we do things like that it can actually lose the orientation of the wording.

So you want to scale it and you want to do it accordingly. You hold down your Shift button and it will scale accordingly and keep the proportions proper.

Now, if we want to do that from the center, we hold the Shift button down and we hold the ALT key down, or the Option key. And it will scale according to the center.

Now, another way to do that is once you have your Type Tool selected, you'll notice that up in this area at the top panel, you'll notice that there is a point section for your type. This is the area where you can select the character type and you can select the weight or whatever type is for the actual character family.

But then right next to it you'll see the font size. So, you can increase the font size by clicking the Up arrows or the Down arrows.

There's also a Drop Down arrow on the right hand side and you can select the points within there if you just want to just jump to a certain number. So, it's fairly simple using that method.

There's also a Character Window, if you don't want to look at it on the top part of your Illustrator Window, you can go to Window.

And if you go down to Type, you can go to Character and it will actually bring up a Character Window where you can pretty much do the same thing. You can change the size. Increase, decrease.

And the final way is to scale it just like you would any other object.

So you go into your Scale option. You double click, and you click on the Preview so you can see what it looks like and then you can choose to change it uniformly by changing that number, or you can change horizontal or vertical.

And that's how you re-size type objects in Adobe Illustrator.
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For those having issues with the text box resizing instead of the text. The solution is simple. When you select the typing tool, simply don't create a text box (don't click and hold). Instead, just click once somewhere with the typing tool and you should be able to input text without a text box. That text behaves like that in the vid.


Been trying to solve it for a long time and then I look down and your comment was on top! Thanks a million.


Thank you, I always forget this shortcut!


at 02:15 you use the Character control panel. Just like in my CS6 Illustrator, you are missing the text scaling tools (i.e. horizontal scaling, vertical scaling numeric input fields). Where are they? Does CS6 not have this tool? After arbitrarily scaling a group of text objects (as artwork) using scale tool, I have no way to reset the character scaling to 100% horizontal (or vertical). Does anyone have a fix or tip?


Whenever I adjust the size of the text using the selection tool, the height and width numbers don’t change. Is there a way to fix that?


it doesnt work. it just changes the size of the box around the text


Hi, my Illustrator might have an issue because I can't resize using the text box. For me to resize a font I have to convert to outlines (CRTL+SHIFT+O). Otherwise, I can't resize it properly. Do you know what's happening?


last option worked for me

thanks a lot


Thanks! This was driving me nuts. It's easy when you know how!


I have a high resolution monitor and the screen is great for AI, but how do I make the AI text view bigger so I can see the words like Anchor etc. Im not talking about the text you type


that's been bugging me for decades!!! thank you!!


I figured it out: in the Character control panel, in the upper right corner, click and drag down to "Show Options." Then you get the full character controls. Adobe!! Think!!! grrrr...


there is a way to automatically rescale the text (keyboard shortcut with 3 buttons) after resizing the text box but I can't find it anymore!


Focus - I need a nickname like that! Except mine would probably be "Zipperhead" or something. Thanks for the help.


why is format b5 bigger in illustrator? (257x182mm) Real B5 format size is 250x176mm.


talk wast half and go to the point half
