Oktavist Mikhail Zlatopolsky with Russian Choir - Great Singers of Russia Vol. 1

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A massive low C from Zlatopolsky at the end of this brief excerpt from the documentary "Great Singers of Russia" of Zlatopolsky with an unknown Russian choir. This was previously available on a different channel I hosted, but I'm moving it here for consistency.
Oktavist Mikhail Zlatopolsky with Russian Choir - Great Singers of Russia Vol. 1
Oktavist Morning Voice after Contra Bass Chanting
PREVIEW: 'More Honorable Than the Cherubim' - PaTRAM Institute Male Choir
Oktavist Mikhail Zlatopolsky, Radio Interview - English Subtitles
Mikhail Zlatopolsky “We Magnify, We Magnify Thee” D1
Basso Profundo Oktavist Voices: Mikhail Zlatopolsky
Alex Dmitrieff (basso profondo) - Alliluia - Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia
Song of the Volga Boatmen - (oktavist, Zlatopolsky)
Prayer of Penitence for Russia - Don Cossack Choir under M. Verhoeff - Zlatopolsky, oktavist
Thy Mystical Supper -Orthodox Russian Chamber Choir (Oktavist- Mikhail Zlatopolsky)
Mikhail Zlatopolsky Radio Interview, 'Lullaby' - English Subtitles
Oktavist Mikhail Zlatopolsky
Thy Mystical Supper - Russian Chamber Choir (Oktavist, M. Zlatopolsky)
bass profundo Mikhail Kruglov
Mikhail Zlatopolsky - Vocal Range
A. Alyabyev - Cherubic Hymn (M. Zlatopolsky, oktavist)
Октавист Михаил Златопольский
Song of the Volga Boatmen - Mikhail Kruglov (basso profondo)
Monotonously Rings the Little Bell - Don Kosaken Choir (Oktavist, M. Zlatopolsky)
Basso Profundo, John Sutko - G1, Rehearsal
The Mighty Dnieper Roars - (oktavist, M. Zlatopolsky) Bandura Players of the USSR
Oktavist E1