Why Apple's M1 Chip is SO Impressive: Explained!

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Apple has been planning the M1 chip for over a decade, so in this video, I go through the roots of the M1 chip before I review the power of the M1 and discuss future Apple Silicon chips!

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This video is fully focused on the M1 chip including its long history, where it came from and how it works.

I also explain why it's so fast compared to common x86 chips from Intel and AMD.

I then go through what we should expect for the future.

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Timestamps ⬇️
Ultimate M1 Chip Review - 00:00
History of the M1 Chip - 0:29
How Apple prepared macOS for the M1 Chip - 3:17
How the M1 stacks up against competing CPUs - 6:53
The M1 chip versus future Intel & AMD CPUs - 9:15
Basics of what makes the M1 Chip unique - 10:25
Why the M1 Chip is SO FAST compared to x86 chips - 11:38
Windows-focused Reviewers LOVE the M1 - 15:47
What to expect for the Future (M1X, M2 and more) - 16:35


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Рекомендации по теме

you know that the M1 is that good when even Linus praises it


Watching Linus highly recommend the M1 laptops was oddly satisfying, because he's honestly the exact opposite of an Apple fanboy, so it was nice to see even him admit that Apple killed it with M1.


Everyone - "MacBooks are not good. They overheat".
Apple - And I took that personally....


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Apple really took the motto “work smarter, not harder” to the the extreme


Vadim is super technical but he still explains everything so well for an average consumer and manages to be entertaining at the same time


Here’s a thought. Perhaps the current MacBook Air was designed around the M1, and the intel chip was just a substitute while the Apple silicon architecture was being developed.


I bought the M1 Pro 16" MBP. I have to say - even though it's the lowest end one they have, it already blows away anything in the x86 market. Absolutely amazing machine.


Just watched this on my M1 MBP. Very impressive video with a ton of great information!! Apple is really on their game. I really hope you get to 1 million subs!


Dude, the M1 still uses dual channel memory. The 68.25GB/s is achieved by using LPDDR4X-4266 on a 128 bit memory bus. That memory bus configuration is dual channel, not 8 channel. The article is comparing it to the A14 in iPhone which only uses a 64 bit bus, and that’s single channel.


Apple pretty much declared war against everyone with their M1


I legitimately learned something from this video, thank you.


Looks like Apple played a very flawless UNO card to all of them and they didn't see it coming.


Great video. Isn’t Apple one of the founding ARM companies? I remember the howling and fury when Apple introduced 64bit. “It’s a GIMMICK!!! “Why would a phone need 64 bit processing??”SO STUPID!!!”. As profitable as gaming is, Apple clearly gave zero f*cks about losing that market. I’ve always wondered why, your video is as good an explanation as any other I’ve heard.


Currently editing some 4K video for my Patreon on my M1 Air. I'm literally dropping in graphics and transitions into the timeline and making edits to these elements while the video is playing without dropping a single frame. There's a total of 3 channels on some parts and it's 20 minutes long and it plays as if I'm using rendered footage. I was considering a larger laptop, but I may just grab an iPad and use Sidecar for more screen space. I honestly don't need anything with more power.


well i'll never use Appel products because i don't wanna use such a closed up system but i gotta admit that the M1 is impressive. I used the M1 mac of a college and i was very impressed.


I'm really hopeful and curious about improvements to gaming performance and what that means for Mac. For the last 15 years or so, "Mac gaming" has been an oxymoron, but it doesn't have to be that way. M1 opens up Mac for the masses in a way that Apple has been able to do in the past. I could see several things that make Mac gaming look like something that's coming.


Now that is the TRUE Apple master plan


Well done, very interesting and complete video. Apple is just far ahead of other tech companies in terms of performance, optimization and their products' quality


I suspect it’s a bit of an exaggeration to suggest that Arm created its 64-bit architecture specifically at Apple’s request. There were already other forces pushing them that way, such as PowerPC having a 64-bit architecture selling into the “embedded” domain. It wouldn’t surprise me if Apple gave Arm a strong nudge in the direction though.
