Paying Taxes: USA 🇺🇸 v. Germany 🇩🇪 #livingingermany #germanyvsusa #tax

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'Social System' immediately triggers 'Communism!' in lots of Americans. 😅


Also worth mentioning: the Kindergeld: As parents, you receive a certain amount - currently 250€ - per child from the government - each month.


One thing I never understood is how some americans complain about others benefiting from their tax money. Isn't that the whole point of living in a society?


I think what‘s also worth mentioning is that not all of us in Germany pay 45% of their income as taxes. I’ve come across that belief down in the comments of your videos so many times. But that‘s the maximum tax rate and you have to earn 23k a month or (added up) 276k a year to qualify for that. My perception is that most people pay something in the 20-29 percent bracket as single people without kids. It does get a little more complicated when you‘re married and I‘m not an expert on that cause I‘m not married.


In the US we have the best government corporations can buy, and they do.


I can see not being bothered by paying taxes because you get it back. Here in America we have high taxes with no observable benefits. Hell, our public schools get worse every year.


as a business owner in Europe, i am happy when i have a huge tax to pay, why? because i made a killing that month!


I think the problem with the American outlook is that community and community support is a notion that has long been lost.

It's me me me and screw everyone else


I pay just over $14, 000 in PREMIUMS A-L-O-N-E for my family of 3. Not including copays, over the counter, out of pocket max we reach every year, etc. And that's for horrible insurance that leads to thousands in medical debt every year regardless. Sign me the hell up for German taxes, I would save a shit ton.


People think im crazy when I say this about Canada. Our social programs are not as good as Germany's, but i am happy to be paying for them so those who cannot afford them still have access. I do wish, though, that the administration of the services was a little more efficient so the money could go further.


I would also like to see a video that talks about how elder care is addressed in Germany. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.


One thing I learned as a poli science student that really aggravated me is that Germans have higher taxes, but for the average to poor person, the benefits help so much that it it easier to live there. Some costs are higher but overall, being a working class German is easier fiscally than a working class American


it's so goofy that so many US Americans hate the idea of "paying for someone else's education!"; one Finnish person stepped up and pointed out that, in addition to the general benefits of having an educated populace, the graduates with MSc or PhD make significantly higher salaries, and their payroll taxes repay the university costs, AND, they will probably have more secure jobs, and not need unemployment insurance. In short, the higher education actually pays back, all by itself.
(just as an aside, those same people who complain about "socialism", happily drive on taxpayer roads, depend on taxpayer-provided fire and rescue services, they happily fly to & from taxpayer-sipported airports, brag about the taxpayer-supportec "greatest military on earth", and on and on...nope, not paying for someone to be healthy, or educated, but....


I pay nothing for daycare in Germany! We also have a Private daycare for free!


The argument that paying more taxes is bad is a con job by big business.


in reality in the US the people pay far more "tax" than in Germany but it is hidden and being stolen by an over priced health system. The US people don't understand that paying money to private institution is not an advantage in his own rights. the national insurance (though this doesn't really exist in its meaning in Germany) is 40% est. of gross income. 20% have to be paid by the employer and 20% are being deducted from the gross salary. So if you earn let us say 55.000 gross as a single you get net 30.000 net per year. In return you get 60% unemployment support in case, 60% pension after 40 years and a health insurance (including day care in case of disability (called Pflegeversicherung)


The reason paying taxes in the US sucks is because that money just disappears into a black hole and we never see it again. Our taxes go up, yet our schools, roads, etc., get worse.


The daycare is not the same everywhere. In Frankfurt for example, it is much cheaper. We only pay 69€ per month(828€) per year. And that is only for the food. Daycare itself is free.


Despite what today's U.S. citizens think, paying taxes wasn't always the negative that it is today in the U.S. because people saw how it benefitted them.


U forgot to talk about the amazing roads and transportation system of Europe/Germany
