The 1 MACRO Mistake Every LOW ELO Player MAKES - League of Legends

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I get motivated and feel like improving in my head while watching this videos but when I start playing I forget majority of this. Yet when I watch my friends play I can see everything and "coach" them. I should improve in trying to identify things while playing myself not just while watching. Thanks for this video it really helps alot!


I actually implemented this strategy as a mid laner in a game where my bot and top lost decisively. I didn't give up mid tower for almost 30 minutes.

We were able to come back and win.


I've won a game without destroying enemy tier 1 mid lane once, the power of yorick in low elo where maps don't exist for majority of the population 😂


The guide can also be called "Why junglers _need_ to stop using herald top to break the tower", as that always happens in low elo as well :/


i have a new perception of map control now. it should b pretty easy to make decisions by splitting the map into danger zones and acting to reduce those while preserving safe zones. included in these can be everything from towers to players ad waves.


Ive won a game where enemy mid and top tier 1 were still up and I split push bottom as trundle to their nexus while a big team fight was happening around baron


And this is why I love junglers who play around mid. It's strong. I win a game with eyes closed everytime when I can drop that tower before min 14. With all the plating and obviously being ahead as a Zed otp you need to be far ahead to get that pressure. Then I can clear my wave in 5sec, roam bot/top/invade jungle and make the gap in the other roles happen, wherever their or our wincon is. THIS is why mid is suposed to be a 2v2 lane. When I duo with a jungler, my winrate goes up with 15-30% depending what elo I play in.


Everyone: Pays for subscription.
Me: Watches every video and writes a books worth of notes


5:02 orianna looks so safe alone against tf leona and samira, clearly that tower tire one tower matters a lot there.


i know this is a very variable question, but in general, should rift herald be used at mid to get the tier one? typically i reserve it for top


Content quality has been going up recently good stuff👍🏽


at 4:20 ur just wrong lol. if u push mid and they hardwin the river fight they will just walk up mid from river and have 2 people recall so they can push u and force a fight.


I'd agree that it's certainly difficult to win without taking mid, but I've seen it. Though if you're dominating enough to take inhibs on both side lanes, you're probably going to stream roll mid. So it's kind of moot


Oh yeah, I noticed most of the games I lose when I still have my tower up are ffs. I also have most of my games where I lose my tower last when the game is losing and then the game is completely over.
I find that I'm able to defend my tower until around 20 mins on average, sometimes longer and the games only are lost when there's a split pusher who's strong like trynd or yorick or something.
I also try to create a ton of pressure mid by being aggressive, sometimes I cause too much and get all 5 of the enemy team in my lane to shut me down lol


Wow, that is soooo true. All the videos Ive seen are legit. Thank you. Subscribing now. 💜


this might be the single most important video you have produced...well done.


I agree about the mid tower but I have definitely seen top win by itself without taking any of the other lanes.


4:30 No, that's just wrong.
1. My teammates mid will not join me on pushing.
2. My teammates in river will definitely fight and then lose because I am not there.
3. They will blame me for not following and tilt so they throw the game even harder.
So pushing mid in this scenario just isn't an option in low elo, sry.


bro, thanks this actually helped me out alot


In a lot of my games bot will lose there bot turret and then rotate to mid for safety under turret. Then I usually split bot so we do not miss exp and then mid turret falls because I am splitting. Should I let the turret fall or stay mid and miss out on exp and gold?
