10 Movie Mistakes You'll Never Unsee

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You'll never look at these movies quite the same way again.

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In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


I can't tell you *how* I know this, but Area51 does indeed have an art department.


When Red Foreman goes through glass in Robocop and the glass breaks before he hits. Gets me everytime.


Re: Top Gun. It's not like he took them off & tossed them away, he was holding them in his hand. I had just assumed that he put them back on again!


T2: Patrick (T-1000) expected a shot, so in order to avoid a shot he started to separate by his will.!!!


Brian's non existent hand brake is an example of the power of FAMILY lol


7:38 The Area 51 trashcan that says Art Dept:
Alien Research and Technology Department 😎


In the movie Twins (Arnold and Danny) when they are walking outside in matching suits the same red and white striped shirt extra lady walks back and forth behind them many times. The shirt really makes her stand out and she also seems to look at the camera a lot


The Pilot episode of Firefly has a scene at the end when Wash is pretending to hold the steering wheel. And there is no wheel anywhere in sight.


The T-1000 is probably in the middle of reforming when he gets shot. He turns his arm into a sword to slide thru the elevator doors, and then splits that into his two arms so he has to readjust.


How DARE she - Area 51 does too have an art department. They paint the flying saucers. LOL.


Thank you! Didn't know about #5. 😎 Any evidence Jim's not in character, though? We could read that as the brainy Riddler sizing up his surroundings before giving away his presence. He compliments the decor shortly after, even, which jives with the idea that he spent thirty seconds taking it all in and thinking on how to work the room.


I love these kind of mistakes so much and never think they break anyway good movies...


The Jim carry part wasn't an accident. He clearly broke in and we're just waiting for his moment to pop up and make a grand entrance. and he was just listening and waiting for the right time


I always remember one in Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls. The chess table was being playing in a middle of a game then just before the animal charge all pieces suddenly vanished.


The doctor strange section is probably not a continuity error. Sam Rami loves to have background extras go across in the background multiple times during scenes. He did it in the old Spider-Man movies and I think it’s just a quirky director thing he does for his movies.


In Terminator 2, the T-800 had two different shotguns. The standard 1887 Lever-action shotgun was used in the mall and asylum scenes. But a Big Loop 1887 Lever-action shotgun was used for the chase scene.


There is another good one in T2, and you even show part of it in the video. The scene where the T-1000 is in the truck, chasing John and Arnie on the motorbike. In the approach to the truck about to launch itself off the road, into the pipe to follow them, the area ends in a very narrow point. When we cut to the view from the opposite angle, as the truck crashes over the top, it launches from a wide, flat point. These are obviously two different locations.

There is a classic one from Star Wars (ANH) - no, not the trooper hitting his head…

In the scene where Uncle Owen purchases the droids from the Jawas (C-3PO, and R5-D4 - the red and white droid, with the non-spherical head), the droids are moving off with Luke. We get the explosion from R5, and Luke starts to complain. We cross back to R2-D2, beeping and whistling, and you can see, in the foreground, the body and leg of R5-D4, still in the droid lineup, even though he is several meters away by then. This part of the scene was obviously shot before they removed R5 from the lineup, but was re-used, with different audio, in the final scene, for some reason.



In the final performance of the movie Pitch Perfect, the main girl who opposes change, Aubrey I think. Her hair is clipped up, then she lets it down and shakes it out, then it's clipped up again moments later within the performance.


In independence day, when Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith are walking away from the wreck, Goldblum is magically wearing a Flight suit with full gear. He left earth wearing Civilian clothing.
