10 Movie Mistakes That Became Canon

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When movie "mistakes" get legitimised one way or another.

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So about half of this list is "film mistakes that are canon because they aren't actually mistakes the audience just thought they were"


Shutter Island - the glass is not visible while she’s drinking because Teddy is afraid of water. After she consumes all the liquid, he is now able to see the empty glass (sans water). Not a mistake at all. Sorry guys.


If you ever read 2001 by Arthur C Clark you'll discover that HAL was programmed to deliberately lose 1/3 of the time he played. This is because he could easily win every game, but doing so would not provide any entertainment for the crew. He loses because he isn't programmed to play like a human, he's programmed to perform a function (entertainment).
This foreshadows the big reveal later in the book in that he is programmed to believe the crew are expendable, the mission is not. He does not become a threat to the crew until they start interfering with the mission.
In both cases, HAL is still operating within his core programming. But in both cases a casual observer would mistake what he is doing.


How does anyone think that a movie directed by Stanley Kubrick based on a Stephen King novel think that the spacial inconsistencies are accidental? If I remember correctly the multiple doors and larger than should be interior are a key backdrop to the story in that the hotel itself is basically a ghost. Its like the movie Rose Red the interior of the house changes and sometimes so does the exterior.


In Star Trek, the woman wasn't an extra but someone who left her car near filming before it was closed off. She agreed and they paid her as an extra after the fact.


Rocky’s poster above the ring in the first film is wrong. Rocky wears white shorts, red trim, but the banner has red shorts, white trim. That was totally a mistake by the designers and printers. Stallone also rolled with it like the baggy gown and wrote a line where he complained to the promotor about it


I always assumed the water glass and anything else in Shutter Island were subtle clues about Teddy's sanity.


The first one is one I always kind of figured, despite not knowing much of anything about music, just because she just came off as the kind of character who would insist on being right about something when they're clearly wrong.


In the book, Hal is a bit of a tragic character. The whole reason he tries to kill them is because of the conflict given to him by command. He is given two orders he cannot obey at the same time but cannot refuse.


I'm not the most observant person, especially when watching movies. In college, when my roommates and I were watching The Village, I exclaimed "What the hell?!" when the Jeep drove by, and then my friend was like "Did you not notice the color photos beforehand?", lol.


I'm not sure if this counts, but in Return of the Jedi, when Luke kicks Boba Fett, completely visually whiffs, and the Boba Fett goes flying anyway, and the community going on to call it a force kick


I was curious if you would include the trouble Jaws had with actually producing the titular shark until late in the movie. This being a result of a long struggle with the animitronic monster delaying and limiting actual screen time. Even to the point of not appearing at all for the first fatality. The skinny dipping woman was actually grabbed by crew and moved about and pulled under to simulate the beast. All this playing and enhancing the suspense and building the epic effect of the film.


Narrator: Lando pronounces Han's name wrong
Also narrator: Rack-mini-off


What's that movie where the guy can't pronounce Rachmaninov properly?


I remember watching The Village for the first time when it came out and having zero idea what the plot twist was. I didn't notice the period incorrect times but then I saw "the monster" for the first time, down the hatch in the floor of the tree house, I laughed and laughed and laughed. I didn't guess the extent of what was happening but it was the first time I had ever figured out a plot twist.


To me the much more striking canonizing of a mistake in the Solo movie is finally bringing to film a version of the expanded universe idea that there is a dangerous black-hole cluster near Kessel, which one can shortcut through, all just to explain why someone would brag, as Han does in the original film, about making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, which was an error of thinking parsecs were a unit of speed or time rather than of distance.


an obvs mistake that became canon is the stormtrooper's head bash on ANH. it was a mistake at the time, but then we saw Django Fett reproduce it in the prequels


I'm not 100% sure WhatCulture knows what a mistake is


Willy Wonka - I didn't know where that piece of music was from, but if I had, and I had known that she was wrong, I would have just assumed that she was a typical know-it-all who confidently blurts out "facts" that are clearly wrong.


I wonder if just maybe Kubrick was not the attention to detail genius we all give him a pass for. Later on was like, "oh crap, messed that up. Meh. People will just assume it was intentional."
