Tamino - Persephone (Lyrics)

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hello people!! how you doing? here it is this song that i had heard a few time ago but then i totally forgot about it and then i found it again because many of you askes me to do this one so here it is, hope you like it

PD: for the ones who doesn't know i changed the username of this channel (duh) so i'll be "artemisa" here and my second channel will continue being "athenas" hope you like it 💕
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last time i was this early zeus only had like one kid


Last time I was this early Patroclus and Achilles were still on Mt.Pelion living out their best lives.


so we all communally agree that this is hades singing. tamino rlly aced the underworldly vibe in this song. props to him, and to u! <3


Greek god song gang: Alrighty Aphrodite (peach pit), Mythologica (OFRIN), Achilles come down (gang of youths), Achilles (Fernandez), Persephone (tamino), Cult of Dionysus (the Orion experience), plus I think you could include the musical Hadestown

just discovered the song ‘pomegranate seeds’ by Julian Moon, which is about Hades and Persephone!!
Also Perseus by Unknown Brains.
Kronos by Keaton Henson
Icarus by the crane wives


Once upon a time, Zeus, the King of the Gods, was having an affair with the goddess of the harvest, Demeter. They conceived a beautiful goddess named Persephone, who was loved by all for her lighthearted kindness. Demeter was very protective of her daughter, keeping her naive to the ways of the world and dressing her as a child, even as she grew into a women. She meant to keep her innocent and virginal forever, always by her mother’s side.

One day Hades, the God of the Underworld, happened to glance up at the world above and noticed Persephone playing with a group of nymphs in her fields. Now, the underworld was a dark, isolated place, and since it was Hades’ job to judge the souls of all the dead, there was so much work to be done and he hardly ever was able to see his family up above. The other gods had grown to fear him, and the mortals hardly dared to utter his name. Hades was a just god, but he grew lonely and cold as he carried out his duties over the centuries. But as he observed Persephone, he was struck immediately by her beauty and her tenderness towards the nymphs. He ended up going back to watch her every so often, feeling his old heart soften each time. Finally he roused himself to go to Olympus and ask Zeus for Persephone’s hand in marriage. Zeus was pleased with this turn of events: Hades was the richest and most stable of all the Gods, not to mention powerful. He gave his consent to the marriage. However, Hades knew Demeter would never allow the union, so he decided to spirit Persephone away.

One day when Persephone was alone in her fields, the ground suddenly split open, and out sprung a huge chariot being pulled by black horses. Hades leaned over the side and scooped Persephone up, and before the girl could even scream, plunged back into the earth. Demeter quickly noticed her daughter was gone and searched frantically for help. Eventually she found a farmer who had witnessed all of it, and Demeter grew livid, vowing that the ground would never produce a stalk of wheat until Persephone was returned.

Down in the Underworld, Persephone was distraught. Hades was kind to her and showered her with gifts, but she missed her mother and the world above. Hades was saddened, but he was also patient. He put Persephone’s thrown right next to his and, unlike the other Gods, allowed her equal rule along side him. He treated her not as property, but as someone who could eventually become a friend. When Persephone suggested that another realm be made for the best mortal souls to go to, Hades made it for her. It was called Elysium–the Underworld’s heaven. Persephone felt conflicted. She missed her mother, but Hades was the only person who’d ever treated like an adult. She was beginning to fall in love with him.

One morning Persephone went into the Underworld’s garden, and was offered a pomegranate by the gardener. Up until that point, Persephone had resisted eating anything offered to her–she knew that if she ate any food from the Underworld, she would be bound to it forever. But that morning, Persephone was so hungry, she took the pomegranate and ate six of its seeds. Then abruptly, Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, appeared before her. He told her that Demeter had caused the earth to freeze, and that no crops would grow. Mortals were dying in droves, and the only thing that would stop her was Persephone’s return. Persephone reluctantly allowed Hermes to take her to Olympus, where Zeus and Demeter were having it out. Zeus had promised his daughter to Hades without her consent, after all.

Persephone tried to convince Demeter that she was all right and that Hades had been kind to her, but Demeter insisted that she had to come home, or else she would let every mortal on earth die of famine. Suddenly the throne room darkened and the Gods turned as Hades stepped out of the shadows. He was holding the partially eaten pomegranate in his hand.

“Persephone has eaten the fruit of the Underworld, ” Hades said cooly, “she must return and rule it with me.”

While Demeter resumed her tantrum, Zeus considered Persephone quietly.

“How many seeds did you eat, daughter?” he asked.

Persephone told him, “Six.” Zeus stood up from his throne and the assembly quieted.

“Since Persephone has eaten six seeds of the pomegranate, I rule that she will spend six months of each year in the Underworld with her husband, and six months tending to the mortal’s fields with her mother.”

Neither Demeter nor Hades were completely happy with this agreement, but Zeus had made it so. Every year Persephone returned to the fields and restored them with Demeter, and when the time came, Hades would come to her and escort her to her throne in the Underworld. Each time she left, Demeter mourned and all vegetation died. and each time Persephone returned, the earth warmed and became fertile once again. This is how the Greeks explained the earth’s seasons, and how a goddess of life fell in love with the Underworld.


Hades was singing this while he was missing Persephone during the spring


Alrighty Aphrodite, Come Down Achilles, now Persephone- the holy trinity of Greek mythology songs is now complete

Edit: Thanks for all the suggestions, I’ll listen if I have time.


Edit 3:
Y'all. Read. The. Other. Replies. It's not that hard. I love getting music suggestions and I know a lot of people do too, but please!! Thank you for your consideration, have a good day/evening/night! 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️


this is the best song about hades and persephone imo, from hades point of view its just so perfect and mythologically in character, hades was the original SIMP for persephone and i just love their story


No one:
Me: [creates a whole story about hades and persephone but they're wlw in my head]


I was born in the wrong ✨century✨
-your fellow Greek mythology student


“You’ve come to love what you always will fear” This musician hits so many of the notes I want to hear when I think of Hades and Persephone.


I wrote a long poem about Hades and Persephone. It has been heartbearking to write. And this song matches it perfectly


Yes my love, I confess to you
I am only here to break your heart in two
The very flower you chose that day
Its only task was to decay
You see?
When I watched your first bathing
I only warned you with a lowered voice
"Be wary of my river's undertow
It flows with water from the coldest source"
Did you hear?
And then I made sure
You would always return
You still know of dawn
But you always return
When you hid under my black wings
They couldn't have protected you from anything
Once in flight they would have let go
You would have once again wound up below
Only broken
Indeed, it's wrong to keep you near me
One could call me cruel and deceiving
But in your sacred air I am full of light
Your loving arms are the true delight
To which I'm lost
And you've noticed it
There is something right here
You have come to love, yes you've come to love
What you always will fear
Yes, my love, I confess to you
I've nothing but the means to break your heart in two
My part in yours may seem important now
But with every spring it will seem so small
Just for now I am your fall
I am your fall
I am your fall

Idk if someone already did this but here’s the lyrics all together


yay a new lyric video from our very own greek goddess!!


I love music, aesthetics referencing ancient Greek culture and myths, the stories, song of achilles, lore olympus, pjo. Such a fascinating collective.


Just finished reading "Lore Olympus" and I felt a bit empty after such a ride, but here you are, just in time with a brand new fix of my newest hyperfixation haha
I love Hades and Persephone


Last time I was this early, Prometheus hadn’t given humans fire yet


My ancient sapphic heart is very much in Elysium right now.


I feel like this is from the POV of Hades... this is actually really sad man-😅


Ok but hear me out: young Hades and Persephone from Hadestown?

Also I love your channel! I've never seen anything like this before:)
