Why I'm a Lutheran

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People ask all the time while I'm at Lutheran. In this little video I tell some of the story and give some of the reasons why we ended up in the Lutheran Church, and why I'm so interested in teaching the Lutheran Doctrine.
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Eat your heart out guys. I go to Pastor W’s church, I get to sit in his Bible Class and even have lunch with him sometimes. He’s a joy to be with as a friend and as a Pastor.


30 years ministry in the Episcopal Church. Left for Catholicism (10 years) plus a time with the Orthodox. Have now 'landed' in the LCMS. I'm nearly 70, and FINALLY feel at home. Why in the heck did it take so long?


I spent 30 years in the wilderness of decision theology and then found the LCMS church. Lutheran doctrine made the most sense out of all the scriptures!


I was raised Baptist and Pentecostal, I’ve spent the last year and a half searching through every church denomination I could find (particularly the Catholic Church.) I read Athanasius, Augustine, Luther, Etc. And found that a lot of what I had believed might be wrong, thankfully after a lot of struggle and dismay I found the LCMS, or rather the Lord lead me there. Now I’m in a catechism class and going to be confirmed this year likely. God is good


Lutherans for the Win!!! By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed by Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone!


Thank God you wound up Lutheran. You’re such a blessing to so many people!


Catholic here. I have admiration for many Lutherans. Thank you for sharing


I was one of those Roman Catholics who left for Bible Churches in the late 1970s, when in my late teens. I had been told Lutheranism was just Catholic lite. So, when Charismania wasn't working anymore for me, I started listening to Dr. R. C. Sproul on the radio. I learned about Reformed Theology and Luther and Calvin. I thought Luther's view of the Communion made more sense, so eventually I read the Book of Concord, which seemed to me to be the most Biblical system of doctrine.

Thanks for sharing your story.


The simplicity of what I am slowly learning from the LCMS is what I keep saying to my dear friend and her husband who are now LCMS Lutherans. I just keep saying, "They keep it simple. They do not complicate it." I am going to be taking a class starting February 10 to learn why I am becoming Lutheran. Thank you Pastor Wolfmueller. Your journey sounds so very familiar to mine.


By his divine grace, I too have returned from being a wayward rebel against our creator to a believer. Thanks in large part to a couple of wonderful Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists and their crazy ideas about the sacraments I was reminded how much of a Lutheran I am.
Now on the path to seminary.


Born and raised in the word of faith movement “Rhema Kenneth Hagin wing” and I’m finally learning about real Christianity. Pray for my Word of Faith PTSD to ease up! 😅 love your channel.


Thatnk you so much for your videos. I have been in the same boat you were in, trying to discern what tradition/denomination I belong to, but recently I have discovered Lutheran theology and it’s like hearing most of the conclusions I had already reached played back to me. I’m not crazy, I’m Lutheran!


I'm thankful I was raised Lutheran. Very well put. I'm glad for all who love God and are filled with his Holy Spirit, but I am a simple man who loves simple facts. Lutheranism is perfect for me.


This is the single best video I've ever seen. Clear, concise, factual. Thanks, Pr. Wolfmueller!


I am a Baptist with a lot of questions and i have really been praying about becoming a Lutheran. This channel has helped me understand Lutheranism a lot better


You are so helpful. I was raised in the LCMS but wondered in the Episcopal wilderness for most of my adult life. I'm back where I belong now and I love learning from your videos.


I was raised Pentecostal and after being agnostic most of my adult life I found myself on a similar journey for truth. I landed in the Presbyterian PCA and embraced Reformed theology to make sense of the entirety of Scripture but that said, I absolutely love your videos. Its very interesting to hear about what our Lutheran brothers and sisters believe.


God recently has lead me to a Lutheran Church to serve, and I was very very very reluctant at first. I still struggle, but I know it is where God wants me to be. I too have been to many many Churches. I grew up Catholic, left after God gave me a dream to leave, and I went quite a few places. And during COVID when the Churches all shut down, my now husband lived in a sexton house on a Lutheran Church property. And they were the first to open back up, but on the verge of closing permanently. My husband now, stepped in, who grew up Lutheran but left to be pentecostal for a while, he went back to being Lutheran and became President of the Lutheran Church. Before we got engaged, I was reluctant to follow him and was offered a position to be head of evangelism at a Calvinist leaning evangelical Church where I was first saved. And it was a choice to marry my husband and serve the Lutheran Church, or end the relationship and serve the Evangelical Church. After much prayer, God showed me to serve the Lutheran Church and to marry my Husband. However, since I was a Catholic and left, going back to the religiosity of the service was rather difficult, though the theology of the two are worlds apart. I started to become a member, but got nervous to what I was agreeing to, and stopped. God has been pulling me more and more to become a member. I have been searching out Lutheran teachers to try and get a better understanding. And upon reaserching Gregory Scultz who I admire for recent events, I stumbled upon your page. I enjoy what you say about Biblical Simplicity, that is really great. And I am hoping to learn more about what it really means to be Lutheran so I can be equipped to help save our dying Church.


Thank you for this. I have Lutheran heritage through my parents (born in Germany). Jesus became real to me in the Lutheran church at 15 but I soon left on a journey to Baptist and Pentecostal churches, indeed I meet my wife of 30 years in a Pentecostal church. However after attending bible college I found myself asking similar questions as you. So, 4 years ago my wife and started attending Lutheran church. The surroundings were familiar to me, for my wife and children...well they embraced this new church life wholeheartedly to my surprise. Many of the things you experienced we also did. Thanks.


The level of peace I had when leaving the Charismatic teaching behind for more Reformed teaching is inexpressible. Us Coming into the LCMS, hearing the Liturgy, knowing the theology and joining was like coming home in a foreign land. I never want to leave, I pray this will be where I can grow old and die.
