There’s A Blood Test That Can Diagnose Depression!

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Depression is a serious mental disorder, but now diagnosing and curing it might be easier than ever! Julian joins DNews today to discuss how there’s now a blood test that might be able to detect if someone is depressed!

Read More:
First ‘Blood Test for Depression’ Holds Promise of Objective Diagnosis
“Researchers have created a blood test that they have used to accurately diagnose depression in a small sample of people, and they hope that with time and funding it could be used on a widespread basis.”

Depression Diagnosis
“Are you concerned about depression? Do you wonder how doctors are able to make an accurate depression diagnosis?”

Tests Used to Diagnose Depression
“If you are planning to see your doctor about depression, here is information about the kinds of tests your doctor might ask for.”

RNA Synthesis

Watch More:
Is Gluten Sensitivity Real?

Can a Brain Implant Cure Depression?


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Depression is as real as the trolls on this thread claiming it isn't.


Watching my favorite animation test reels and or just seeing the fluidity of movement in classically animated reels helps cheer me up a lot.. it just makes me sink back in my chair with the dopiest, most nostalgic smile. I have such an appreciation and adoration for it. I'm very fond of a particular style, and I can be very visual, so reminders like that help and can be very meaningful for me... there's something about the hand drawn pencil tests that is so enjoyable and moving to me, I can't quite describe it.


This is amazing, this just proves more how physical this mental condition really is. 


There's also a blood test that can confirm whether your significant other is suffering from a temporary mood disorder. You have to check the waste bin in the bathroom for blood. If it contains blood, then you might become a victim of her sudden changes in mood in about three weeks time.


What really makes me happy is to watch old dnews vids


The comment section here discourages me. It shows we as a society have a long way to go on educating people about depressive disorder. Depression isn't feeling low or sad when bad things (like death) happen, it's when those feelings grip your life even when everything is going right. It has distinct emotional and physiological characteristics. CrashCourse Psychology had an excellent episode on depressive and bipolar disorders.
Depressive and Bipolar Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #30


hanging out with my friends is always the best thing ever 


Even if it is nothing to be ashamed of, getting help is the hardest thing to do. Especially when you don't improve, it feels like you're letting down the people who are trying to help


You wanna know what got me out of my last (bipolar)depression?
The loss of a good friend.

I kinda got a healthy "yolo-attitude" after a time of grief.

Still, I'd recommend SSRI's. Less painful side effects...


Here's my blood test for depression:  If your blood is spilling out onto the floor because you slashed your wrists, then you're probably depressed.


when you have depression, you know you have depression. I didn't go to the doctor wanting to know what was wrong with me, i went because i knew i needed help. i just struggle to imagine a situation where someone would have a blood test then be completely shocked to find out their blood came back as positive for depression lol


Sunshine and low humidity make for a great setting for any playtime outdoors.


Is he the replacement for Laci? I like him!


I have a dear friend of mine who suffers from severe depression, and wants to end her life. These breakthroughs are always very warming to see.


It makes me really happy, when i see people doing good things for strangers.
It makes me really happy when i perceive that i can really help someone.
I am happy when i meet people i love.
I am happy when i recognise that i am angry, because i can learn something about me.

I hope we stop stigmatising depression and other so called "imperfections",
That would really make me happy :).
(for all the people who feel alone and think they need to hide "themselves behind a mask.)


Team Fourstar Abridged videos never cease to bring a smile to my face.


If it can help people accept others who struggle with emotional and psychological difficulties instead of accusing them of just being bad attitude, misbehaved toxic people then I think this could help in that sense.
What would concern me would be 1. People being forced to take antidepressants or other treatment when they do not want them, or being forced to be hospitalized. 2. Not taking people seriously who claim to have depression but do not show it in the blood test 3. dismissing external factors for example toxins in food, water or air, dysfunctional relationships, stress from any number of  sources like economic, work related, social relationships, general discontent from varied sources. If we ignore root causes and place all culpability on the individual then this would not be good.
 As stated in the video, the results are not definitive and from my own experience with depression and from what I gather from research that depression (not merely feeling sad or a little blue every so often), which can manifest in different ways with different people and be comorbid with other issues such as anxiety, can be triggered by external factors.Some people may be more sensitive and vulnerable because they are born that way, and the current environment may put a stress on them that affects them and people are born a certain way because of their genes which means they are predisposed in some sense to the extent that they are sensitive to certain trauma but I am skeptical that this indicates a disease like Huntington's disease and not just a natural degree that humans vary.Also there is the element of epigenetics to think about.
In conclusion I think it is complex and I would hope that people would not need to have to see a blood test before acknowledging another's mental health issues and that we just become more compassionate and accepting in this regard. I think there is a lot of dismissing of others mental health problems I notice people will often trivialize a person's depression or related problems as being insignificant and this seams to be rather cruel. It seems like we do not acknowledge a persons' difficulties until they have a major breakdown or hit an all time low  but before that a person may feel they have to tough it out or that others will see it as complaining or wanting attention, so I think this has to change. 
Here is a link to another point of view worthy of reflection and discussion:


I found this really interesting, and used it as a topic for a school paper. I don't think I have ever had clinical depression, but one thing that brings me out of a blue mood is the smell of rain.


I like this guy a lot better than Trace. I'm glad that he's been in so many videos recently. Is he a permanent addition? They didn't have a 'we just hired this awesome person' video like they did with Tara. 


Music makes me happy. So concerts are amazing!
