I'm Home! Time to Get Ready for the 2014 Project for Awesome

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In which John briefly visits his house and films a BONUS VIDEO to get everyone ready for the 2014 Project for Awesome.

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If your'e reading this, I just have one thing to say: Save the Children is awesome. In Bangladesh, there is a lot of leeriness (and even contempt) for the aid system at all income levels. Somehow, someway, Save the Children rises above this. 

I think the best story I can share that proves this is when I was doing disaster relief in Bangladesh. A terrible cyclone hit. I teamed up with two charities. One was overrun by people who stormed the boat and stole supplies. The other was with Save the Children. Given my scary experience with the first charity, I was expecting a similar thing to happen with my time with Save the Children. When I called up some of my contacts for help, they had one thing to say: "Save the Children has been around as long as Bangladesh has." and assured me that locals would treat us with respect and we'd get our work done. That's exactly what happened.

John and Hank's decision to divide money with Save the Children couldn't be more awesome. 


Just how not-subtle can you get with a "I'm giving away a movie prop."


This is my third P4A and my first P4A video (actually, my first ever video!). Putting the final touches on tomorrow night!

Can't wait to see all the entries, the perks, and the livestream! Weekend = planned. It's gonna be awesome.


I have a two hour drive from my college dorm to my house that I make most weekends. To pass the time I listen to audiobooks. Since the Papertowns movie is in production and I had never read it, I decided to listen to that (obviously in two hour chunks). It was a great idea, up until the description of Ben having to pee while they were on the 19 hour car ride. I already had to pee and was still a half hour from home, so I had to make an emergency stop for the first time all semester.


I'm from India and I am so glad you guys are giving Save the children.
I have seen them do some amazing work here. 


In which John Green briefly visits his house and films a BONUS VIDEO to get everyone ready for the 2014 Project for Awesome.


I see these people in the comments just chillin', asking questions and getting answers from the VLOGBROTHERS. LIKE WHAT.


I'm in the middle of filming my first ever P4A video! It's going to be a stop-motion film, which is a first for my channel! I'm so very excited to see how it turns out :3


I love how involved John and Hank are in the nerd fighter community. They love to include their faithful nerd fighters in as much as possible and I think that's great. Also, they give feedback and answer our questions in the comments. They encourage us by replying to our comments even if it's something little. It really makes you feel part of something.


For the past two years, John and Hank have read my comments on the Indiegogo or mentioned some weirdo named Jade Johnson who has been commenting on videos for the entire livestream. Shooting for 3 years in a row.

I'm excited to stay up for 48 hours straight and comment lots and spend WAY too much money on awesome perks.


Hey Nerdfighters, I have a few small concerns and I've found that the comments section of vlogbrothers is like, the best place on the web for intelligent and thoughtful discussion so I thought I'd share here.

I'm not super happy that we are still going ahead with this two days-split thing. I know a lot of you thought it was a good idea but I saw a LOT of people who really didn't. I really feel like choosing the charities should be something left up to Nerdfighteria, we're smart enough to make the right decision about which charities deserve the money. I feel like john glossed over the fact that some people didn't think it was the right way to go in this video.

Which brings me on to my second point of worry: Save the Children. In general, awesome charity don't get me wrong, but those of you living in the UK might already know that comedian Sandy Togsvig used to be an ambassador for them and she was fired for coming out as a lesbian. As she said, "Save the Children Unless They're Gay" is not really such an awesome thing to be doing. Now this this happen quite a few years ago but they only publicly apologised and apologised to her last month, AFTER they were called out on it. 

Basically the idea is that big charities like the day 1 charities can't screw up or have crappy values is worrying and is why I think Nerdfighteria should be trusted to make the right choices on who to give to.

Sorry for the super long comment, just wanted to know everyones thoughts.


Is it just me or are your videos always a little louder in the left? I can tell that you record in stereo because as you move around the audio moves around with you, but for me it's always a little louder in the left.


So excited for P4A this year! I know it's not on its usual days, but having it mostly on the weekend is so convenient.


I am so excited, I made my video before finals week started so its all ready and I worked on the thumbnail today!! This is my first P4A video(because I did not know about it before)!!! I am so happy for an opportunity to share my passion for the charity I am promoting! 


I know the money is going to be split, but does voting still happen both days? Like will voting be complied from day one and two to determine the charities besides Save the Children and Partners in Health? Thank you for all the work you guys put into this.


I can't make a video this year but I am looking forward to seeing everyone's charities and watching the live stream! I'll bring the popcorn!


I haven't been able to watch vlogbrothers for a while but the fact that I finally can and at this time of year is just awesome!!!


So excited! Last year I was very new and had no idea what was going on. I can't wait to be an active part this year!


Sometimes, I sit back, read the comments on Vlogbrothers videos, and smile to myself, as I'm so happy to have found such intelligent, nice, and thoughtful people to share the internet with.


This year's P4A just happens to start right after I finish my final exam for the semester. Awesome timing :)
