Proving Set Equality: From Sets to Logic and Back

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We work through an example of proving that two sets are equal by proving that any element of one must also be an element of the other. We convert the set claims to logic claims, reason using the standard definitions and identities of Boolean logic, and then convert the final claims back to claims about sets.
We have three videos that illustrate proofs of claims about sets. This is the second one. The first is:
The third is:
We have three videos that illustrate proofs of claims about sets. This is the second one. The first is:
The third is:
Proving equalities of sets using the element method
How to do a PROOF in SET THEORY - Discrete Mathematics
Proving Set Equality: From Sets to Logic and Back
Proving Set Equality
Proof on Subsets and Union of Intersections | Set Theory, Set Equality
Set Theory Proof A is a subset of B if and only if A intersect B = A
Proving set equality
Proof: A is a Subset of B iff A intersect B Equals A | Set Theory, Subsets
Lesson 3: Network Algorithms and Approximations by Mohammad Hajiaghayi: Maximum Coverage
Intro to Proofs 8 - Proving Set Equivalence
Proving Sets
Proving Set Equality (De Morgan's Law)
Set Theory | All-in-One Video
Cantor's Theorem on the Cardinality of Power Sets
Proof of Set Equality
How to Prove Two Sets are Equal: (Prove if A x C = B x C then A = B)
Subsets and Proving Two Sets are Equal
A few more proofs involving sets.
Prove A is a subset of B with the ELEMENT METHOD
Proof Techniques - Proving set equality
Using Set Properties prove set equality. Set Theory. Abstract Algebra
Prove De Morgan's Law in Set Theory Complement of Union is Intersection of Complements
How to Prove Two Sets are Equal
Proof: A is a Subset of B iff A Union B Equals B | Set Theory, Subsets