Wizards Of The Coast Just BROKE D&D Beyond?! Core 2024 Rules Disaster

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The Character Sheet is back with more Fantasy and TTRPG news as it appears that Wizards of the Coast and Dungeons & Dragons may have badly dropped the ball when it comes to implementing the 2024 Player's Handbook and other core rulebooks into D&D Beyond...effectively making the worlds biggest TTRPG Digital Tool a complete Trainwreck going forward. So what has happened to D&D Beyond to turn the once steamlined tool and character creator into a nightmare of mismashed rules and forced homebrew content? Can D&D Fans do anything to fix it...and just how useable will D&D Beyond actually be when these changes adding the 2024 D&D rules go live?

We're trying to untangle the massive mess that has become the D&D Beyond platforms right now on The Character Sheet to find out!

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Are you a fan of these D&D Beyond work arounds...or has WotC turned D&D Beyond into a complete trainwreck? Let us know your thoughts below!


Huge mistake to not make a toggle for system. HUGE.


toggle solution should have been a thing


GREAT video. Really well explained. I respectfully disagree re: the character generator tool. It's not an error. A large chunk younger players just don't know how to make a character without using digital tools. The D&D Beyond character generator description contains the words "Creating a D&D character can be confusing and time-consuming, but the D&D Beyond Character Generation Tool makes it easy!" WoTC wants it to be complex so players get "onboarded" through D&D Beyond and become dependent on the Digital D&D Beyond ecosystem. The designed it so players HAVE to use the 2024 rulebooks in the same way eventually, everyone needs to upgrade their cell phone. The old stuff will just stop working. I've been predicting this for a year, and now it's finally coming to pass. --Professor DM, Dungeoncraft


that's the downside of turning the most open-ended game possible into something pre-programed. this is just a taste of what the virtual table top will be.


So literally every user in the middle of a 5E campaign is just forced to change their characters if they want to continue using dnd beyond?
This is 100% a scheme they want to make it harder to use the content you've already bought and entice you to but the new content to create a new character you enjoy now that your old character is all janky


This is a reminder that Archives of Nethys for Pathfinder 2e can have Remaster toggled on or off.
Pathbuilder 2e let's you select which books you allow - pre or post remaster picked book by book.
Paizo understands it audience.


My group is not switching to the 2024 rules. So that means I will be canceling my membership to D&D Beyond. I'm not about to rewrite everything to be able to use the Character Creator. And yes, I have a DM subscription because I also DM.


This change got me and my DnD group to cancel our DnDBeyond subscriptions and start to look elsewhere for a more stable environment to host our hobby.

More people should be talking about this, as this will ruin any "older" characters and campaigns on DnDBeyond, and I highly doubt they'll stop here with sunsetting older material.


I wish WotC would just call it 5.5E because it's easier for everyone to say than "2024 5E revision."


Lets stop using D&D Beyond and use our analog brains instead.


So I have basically wasted all the money I spent on these digital books that made it easy to create a character. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! Do they think I bought these books so I could manually enter all this crap myself? Why would I buy ANY OTHER BOOKS IF THEY COULD DO THE SAME THING IN A FEW YEARS???


They probably would have been better off just making a new edition.


If wizards had any actual foresight they would have support for ALL editions of the game on DnDBeyond. Simply click an edition button and done. Then they can sell ALL the digital content for whichever edition the players want to use.


Wizbro: “You will own nothing, and Todd Kenreck is going to explain you why you like it that way. Buwahahahaha!”


Over the past few years WoTC/Hasbro has made so many blunders, such as the OGL disaster, revealing that they view their customers as obstacles between WoTC and their player base's wallets (That's not a joke, someone at WoTC confirmed it), and so on. I feel my money is better spent elsewhere. Level Up 5E, Tales of the Valiant, Shadowdark. I will not give WoTC any of my money until they mend their ways.


It’s so funny to me that DnD Beyond is becoming the best advertisement for Roll20


They should have just made a toggle of 2024 Rules or 2014 Rules when creating a character. I theorized they did thought of this but want to push 2024 Books more and so opted to just force the change.

It shouldn't be hard to include s toggle brtween 2 rules set especially when 1 of them existed for 10 years.


I playing primarily online and wasn't planning on switching until at least when the new Monster Manual comes out. This is going to be a nightmare.


This all just comfermed to me never to use D&D beyond. I already did not like the idea of paying full retail price for an online book. even more so already owning many physically.

I just feel bad for the players in my groups both online and not who already use this and will now have the headache of adding in the current vertions of spells.

Since none of the groups I play or Dm for intended to change over at all.
