Wizards of The Coast Are Losing It

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I've been a fan of D&D and both a player and a DM since statistically a significant chunk of you weren't even born. I have some really fantastic and nostalgic memories of wonderful D&D sessions which would occur on a weekly basis every Sunday at my home for years. We build a whole world, we had epic stories and we were very united as a group. Very passionate.

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has been a cornerstone of tabletop role-playing games for nearly five decades. Its enduring popularity and influence on gaming culture are testaments to the strength of its core design. While the desire to innovate and improve is natural, fundamentally altering D&D's core elements may not be the best path forward and I would like to explore this on this video.

A Critical Analysis of Core Element Modification in Dungeons & Dragons altering fundamental components within the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing system.

posit that the preservation of D&D's core elements is paramount

Now I started with this.
The core elements of D&D have undergone iterative refinement through multiple editions,

Regardless of whatever version you started with, the quintessential elements of D&D—character classes, racial archetypes, moral alignment systems generally speaking were always all present.

Its core elements constitute a shared language among enthusiasts and are inextricably linked to its identity and continued success seeing it being dismantled to inject politics or to appeal to modern audiences is unnerving.

The reason why I'm making this video is because as a player and a DM for decades, I want to evaluate this cultural phenomenon and paint a consistent picture based on logical thought and the free expression of said thought.

In a way I'm more than willing to admit that my resistance to change is partially motivated by the collective nostalgia that it delivers, I have for this game system and its but as long as the changes occur because of the right reasons and they are indeed logical improvements then I wouldn't necessarily avoid them.

Focusing on expansion rather than transformation
Improving accessibility through digital tools and resources
Enhancing the quality of supplementary materials and adventures Introducing new subclasses, races, and spells that fit within the existing framework
Guilty by association nonsense.

Imagine for a second that D&D was super right wing and they first adventure is "defeat the woke goblins". Changing all the gods and making it like the manual only has Christianity as an option.
With a whole section about illegal immigration and building walls in the southern border of the kingdom of humans and then the king looks like Matt Walsh. Would you like that?

Same way I don't like the character of my game to call every one a bigot (See The Last of Us 2), every one is racist, white people bad, white guilt, cultural appropriation, and I'll call it out .

Wikipedia section

#wizardsofthecoast #dungeonsanddragons #metatron
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Check out my NON POLITICAL Interactive adventure! Thank you so much!

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Metatron, you are mistaken.
Wizards of the Coast are not losing it.
They already lost it several years ago.
They are now spiralling even further into the wretched abyss of insanity that took them.


I'm an above knee amputee, I lost my left leg in the Iraq war in 2005, When i was in the Marine Corps and an enemy grenade exploding next to me. (So I'm in a wheelchair about 30% of the time and I wear a prosthetic leg the other 70% of the time.)
*And to answer the question, Metatron possed.
-No I absolutely would NOT want to create a character with my injuries. And NOT ONCE in all of the games that I have played over the past 15-20 years. Including video games, table top, VR etc etc. Not once did I think to myself: "Geez I wish I could make my character disabled or maimed like me. Oh that would be great". Because, That wouldn't be great, That's just stupid, insane and ridiculous! I don't play games to play myself, or virtue signal or to try to gainsympathy or pity and victim points. I play games to have fun and experience and understand interesting ideas and situations. And many times, Especially in the early years after my injury. I played games to escape my injury and play a character that wasn't limited or held back because of that injury. For years games helped me cope and forget my disability for a short time and still find joy.

(And personally, I think the main driver of this whole agenda about "disabled character features" in games is about, Those people who take advantage of other people's sympathy. I think the people pushing this stuff, Want to have disabled characters to gain sympathy in games because they are used to people in real life showing sympathy or pity. And they like exploiting peoples sympathy and they become dependent on everyone giving them special consideration. But, When they go into a gane and their character doesn't have those visible disabilities. They don't recive the same level of special treatment ingame and they are trested like everyone else. And that's bothers them because they have made their disability into an intrinsic aspect of their identity.)


Non-evil Drow have been around for quite a while, people found the Drow to be really cool and wanted to play as them, so Greenwood added a good Drow Goddess(Eilistraee) that vowed to redeem them and eventually the Drow became a playable race. They were rare and pretty powerful, so there were negatives to counterbalance them(sunlight sensitivity, being chased and attacked by surfacers/extreme mistrust, Level Adjustment so they'd need more exp to level up).

Green Orcs(Pigfaced humanoids) were the default orcs created by their god to commit genocide on elves and all other races... Half-Orcs could be nurtured out of some of their instincts if they didn't grow up into orc society, then, Grey Orcs were added, and came through a portal from a different world. They were the playable Orcs, characteristically shamanic and civilized.

The Tieflings were really cool before we got to 4th edition, somewhere in the splatbooks, there was a table to roll(or choose) characteristics from their demonic heritage, such as goat legs, snake eyes, tail, etc... something that got lost when in 4e all tieflings basically became more common and their look got closer to Asmodeus.

The black people in D&D are not the Orcs, nor the Drow, nor the Tieflings. The black people are Humans from Chult, Rashemen, and many other regions of the forgotten realms that are completely ignored by WotC cause they are too busy pandering.


"If you're gonna remove every form of evil, what's left to fight?"
- "Well you see, fighting is problematic so...."


"Disabled people wouldn't heal themselves if given the choice."
People who live in a fantasy world shouldn't be writing fantasy.


So, I was a corrections officer for over twenty years. I owned and operated a martial arts school. I power lifted, competed in boxing, wrestling, and full contact martial arts. I was decently active. About four years before I retired, I tore my bicep clean away from the bone. Thankfully, my reattachment was a complete success with no loss of strength or mobility. Not permanently. I had to work twice as hard to get back to where I was. Regardless, the point being; it was torture being stuck in the articulated brace even for the six weeks, which was really quick. Most times it takes up to nine months. I couldn't imagine not being magically healed if it was available. So this whole idea to me is insane. Also, when the Drizzt books went woke, it broke my heart. I'm 45 and have been reading the series since my teens. Whatever this mind virus is that has people scrambling to be victims and turn everything upside down is... Let's find a damn vaccine for that!


WOTC personifies the quote, "So open-minded that their brains fells out."


Okay.... I'm legally blind. I play ttrpgs. I'm incensed at the disability nonsense. I WANT TO BE FIXED. I don't want to play a blind guy every time I play. Maybe once for extra flavor. I'm so tired of these jag offs assuming my eyesight defines me. This is like when twitch removed the blind playthrough tag so as not to offend people like me.


Thats why they have African elves nowadays they dont want "species"in the game it has to be just humans with slight different ears or such like its some other ethnicity, theres no fantasy in that


They used to call us Satan worshipers, and now they call us racists. My how the pendulum swings.


As someone with a disability and if I could live in a world with magic guess who going to get healed


The whole "combat wheelchair" thing always made me roll my eyes. So let me get this straight, you have someone who, instead of going to the local church and offering up some money to get themselves cured of whatever is preventing them from walking, would rather spend money on a magical wheelchair that still doesn't give them as much mobility as they would have by being able to use their legs? Why?
Yeah, I get the whole "muh representation" thing, but to me if you're that determined to have your character be disabled in the game, then you should be prepared to eat some penalties for it. Oh, you're a fighter in a wheelchair? Okay. You get flanked. One person in front of you, one person behind you. What do you do? You can't easily reposition yourself since you have to use your hands to move the wheels to turn. And if you do, well, you'll eat multiple attacks of opportunity.
It has a permanent levitation-type spell on it to let you go up and down stairs? Okay, what about through forests? Down cliffsides? Through caves that don't have smooth, flat floors? What about moving quietly? It's not going to have rubber wheels, after all, so it should impart a penalty to your hide and move silently skills. Kind of hard to blend into a crowd if you're stuck in a chair, too. Etc.
The cost of creating a permanently-enchanted chair to navigate around in along with whatever "gadgets" it claims to have would be FAR better spent on just getting your condition cured. Because in D&D, there are no effects that can't be cured. the "Heal" spell pretty much cures EVERYTHING, let alone things like Remove Paralysis, Remove Disease, Remove Curse, etc.


The funny/sad thing about it is that Ed Greenwood (creator of Forgotten Realms) solved the issue of "always chaotic evil drow" that Jeremy Crawford is so fixated on, some 30+ years ago, by introducing Eilistraee, a good aligned drow deity that is actually very liked and popular within the FR fandom. But WotC keeps ignoring her existance, while trying to reinvent the wheel and solve the problem that people smarter than them solved decades ago. If it isn't stubbornness I don't know what that is.


I lost all my respect for WotC after their recent LOTR expansion. That black Aragorn was an insult to Tolkien even bigger than that GaladrielxFrodo erotic adaptation that John Boorman tried to make of his work.


Currently playing a Drow, a man even though I'm a woman because imagine playing something you're not in your roleplaying game, he's evil, doesn't particularly care about the party, but he sticks with them because they have aligned goals. He rebelled against his family, who are currently trying to sacrifice him to their goddess. What in this is racist?


Getting rid of Half-races out of the game is like saying I a mixed raced person doesnt exist or my existence is problematic simply due to my mixed heritage.

It is the ultimate form of racism.


'I would cut off your head, beard and all, Master Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground, ' said Éomer.

I am calling HR, this is racial discrimination replied Gimli


Reminds me of the story of the wheelchair-bound gamer who wanted to make an acrobatic rogue, and his DM kept shoving the stupid chair down his throat when he just wanted to make a normal guy


My son is half-asian. Sorry Wizards of the Coast, I just love my wife and I wanted to have a child with her regardless of the fact that we are of two different races, I was not aware that you did not condone race-mixing.
