Line 6 HX Stomp vs. Line 6 POD 2.0 - Audio Comparison (no talking)

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Here´s an audio comparison of the Line 6 HX Stomp and a Line 6 POD 2.0 with many sounds and settings.
Soundfiles/Video: Thomas Dill

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Remise 3 Medienservice Agentur GmbH
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amazing! 20 yrs between the 2 technologies and still the 2.0 holds up pretty good.


Wtf pod 2.0 sound amazingly good 😳 Sort of vintage vibe


Impressed by the fact POD still doing well


Loved this video! Finally an honest comparison!!!! I still have my 2.0 and an X3 as well and I love them and use them all the time. Mind you, a have some nice tube heads (that I also love and use) too but the PODs are awesome. When some snob sob tries to talk shit about them to me, I just dare them to listen to my recordings and if they can pinpoint which is which, I give them all my stuff and never touch any guitar again.

I'm still here. Playing. And staring at both my PODs at this very moment. =D

Thanks for the video, amazing job!


For me, the single biggest advancement Line 6 has made over the years was capturing an authentic "feel". They really nailed it with the HX modeling whereas their early stuff felt disconnected and a bit distant. No video can demonstrate that


Takes me back to the 90’s! Great demo - short passages with 1:1 comparisons.

I had a POD and loved it. But it definitely had a signature flaw in the tone - that smeary, harsh upper midrange that you hear on every single model. Eventually it drove me insane and I had to end the affair. You captured it well here! The new POD definitely sounds better - but probably not 20 years better.


For some reasons, i prefer the old pod sound. It's a bit thicker and warmer.


I've used Line 6 since the XT Live. I've generally found for cleans and certain distortion sounds, they've generally been pretty good. The main area of weakness was in between, especially with overdrive pedals. This is where the jump to Helix/HX was really clear to me.


The HX pedal definitely sounds better on the hi gain stuff but the Pod is holding its own with the cleaner tones!


You should hear the old POD with the internal cab disabled running into some external IR's. Killer!


The pod is much warmer, forgot how good this sounds !


Wow... I was seriously considering a Helix but that 2.0 sounded KILLER


Thank you for a great comparison video, showing that the old Pod is not so bad at all; in several examples I actually liked it better :-)


This shows how much Line 6 has improved in the Amp/Multi Effects game. Great video.


If you forget the interfaces and the apparent higher bit rate with possibly better stereo separation, the Pod holds up well and may even take the crown. The distortions are the Achilles heel here so I wonder how they compare with Zoom and Boss. Great/excellent comparison.


I used the POD 2.0 with an Ibanez Tube Screamer for all live gigs with a rock band I used to be in, ran it through a shitty solid state head and 4x12 cabinet.

I was shocked at how many people complemented the sound, other guitar players thought I was using a hot-rodded tube head. On more than one occasion, guitar players from other bands on the bill would walk up trying to figure out what I was using!

The average person in the audience doesn’t have a clue, it’s generally guitar snobs that go crazy over this.

A good guitar player should be able to play through anything and sound good!


HX Stomp has more high and clearity, but I must say the Pod wasn't too bad on the clean tones if you want some warmer tones. What I didn't like about the pod back then was the feeling when you play with it. It didn't feel so responsive.


There are quite a few comparisons similar to this featuring the POD V2, and the pod has always sounded nicer, more fuller, rounder and more real. I have the pod V2, if remember correctly you get even a better sound going through the digital presets. This demo was used only using the modelling amp dial, EQ, drive, output and the remaining dials. The other thing that changes the sound is the cabinets, these were not selected in this demo. I generally play clean and select the Fender Bassman preset with a single 12” cab, drive at around 1 o’clock (just before it breaks up), the EQ is subtle has little change, but it’s absolutely fine. I don’t like the built-in reverb and use my favourite reverb plug-in. I’m not really into effects and don’t really like them, so I can’t really comment on how good they are. Sorry if this sounds vague, I stopped recording around 2013, I used the pod for about three years, produced over 150 compositions with it - I highly recommend it. You can pick them up on eBay for a few pounds, so if you are on a tight budget, it’s a no brainier. There is a new pod coming out the pod go, but I’m gonna stick with what I have for now, I’m only playing at home these days to backing tracks via a Boss Katana 50, it’s awesome. Thanks for posting, I love listening to comparisons like this, well done!


6:31 This is probably the tone that Jun Senoue used throughout Sonic Adventure 2. Honestly, this has now become my favorite guitar tone because of how nasty it sounds. (5:55 Or this one)


FINALLY I can describe what always bugged me about the POD2.0 back in the day - especially as PC nerd. It sounds like very-hard-compressed MP3 of the original! :D
