Julius Caesar's Invasions of Britain 55 & 54 BC

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In 55 & 54BC, Julius Caesar led two military expeditions to Britain.
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You will probably know that Britain (or at least a large part of it) was part of the Roman Empire, but the mighty Caesar's invasions were nearly 100 years before that happened.
Having conquered Gaul, modern-day France, the Roman leader turned his attention to the island of Britain, or Britannia.
In the summer of 55BC Caesar's invasion fleet appeared beneath the white cliffs of Dover.
On top of the cliffs, waiting to meet him were hundreds, maybe thousands of warriors.
Their long hair billowing in the wind. Their upper bodies bare, shaved and dyed blue from woad.Chariots arrayed.
The sight must have weakened even the hardest Roman legionnaire.
In a fierce battle in the waves, Caesar's army stormed ashore but having established a beachhead disaster struck.
A storm wrecked his fleet and he was nearly stranded on this island on the edge of the known world.
Salvaging most of his ships he beat a retreat back across the channel.
The following year he returned with an army of 5 legions plus cavalry.
Marching inland, he crossed the Thames and inflicted a series of defeats on the Britons under their leader Cassivellaunus.
But rather than adding Britannia to the Roman Empire, he once more withdrew and Britain was to remain free from Roman rule for another century.
This is the story of Julias Caesar's two invasions of Britain in 55BC and 54BC.
0:00 Introduction
1:24 Iron Age Britain
3:56 reasons for Invasion
7:27 Caesar prepares
9:29 Invasion 55 BC
11:08 Battle on the Beach
13:35 Near Disasters
15:39 Caesar Withdraws
17:05 Invasion 54 BC
18:35 Britons Resist
23:35 Caesar Leaves Britain Again
25:45 Britain Is Free
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My name is Chris Green and I love to share stories from British history. Not just because they are interesting but because, good or bad, they have shaped the world we live in today.
History should not be stuffy or a long list of dates or kings & queens.
So rather than lectures or Youtube animations, I tell stories that bring the past to life.
My aim is to be chat as if I were having a coffee or meal with you. Jean in Maryland, USA recently wrote: "Chris, is the history teacher I wish I had at school!"
Just for the record, I do have a history degree in Medieval & Modern history from the University of Birmingham.
Disclaimer: All opinions and comments expressed in the 'Comments' section do not reflect the opinions of Chris Green Communication Ltd t/a The History Chap. All opinions and comments should contribute to the dialogue. Chris Green Communication Ltd does not condone written attacks, insults, racism, sexism, extremism, violence or otherwise questionable comments or material in the 'Comments' section, and reserves the right to delete any comment violating this rule or to block any poster from the channel.
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You will probably know that Britain (or at least a large part of it) was part of the Roman Empire, but the mighty Caesar's invasions were nearly 100 years before that happened.
Having conquered Gaul, modern-day France, the Roman leader turned his attention to the island of Britain, or Britannia.
In the summer of 55BC Caesar's invasion fleet appeared beneath the white cliffs of Dover.
On top of the cliffs, waiting to meet him were hundreds, maybe thousands of warriors.
Their long hair billowing in the wind. Their upper bodies bare, shaved and dyed blue from woad.Chariots arrayed.
The sight must have weakened even the hardest Roman legionnaire.
In a fierce battle in the waves, Caesar's army stormed ashore but having established a beachhead disaster struck.
A storm wrecked his fleet and he was nearly stranded on this island on the edge of the known world.
Salvaging most of his ships he beat a retreat back across the channel.
The following year he returned with an army of 5 legions plus cavalry.
Marching inland, he crossed the Thames and inflicted a series of defeats on the Britons under their leader Cassivellaunus.
But rather than adding Britannia to the Roman Empire, he once more withdrew and Britain was to remain free from Roman rule for another century.
This is the story of Julias Caesar's two invasions of Britain in 55BC and 54BC.
0:00 Introduction
1:24 Iron Age Britain
3:56 reasons for Invasion
7:27 Caesar prepares
9:29 Invasion 55 BC
11:08 Battle on the Beach
13:35 Near Disasters
15:39 Caesar Withdraws
17:05 Invasion 54 BC
18:35 Britons Resist
23:35 Caesar Leaves Britain Again
25:45 Britain Is Free
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My name is Chris Green and I love to share stories from British history. Not just because they are interesting but because, good or bad, they have shaped the world we live in today.
History should not be stuffy or a long list of dates or kings & queens.
So rather than lectures or Youtube animations, I tell stories that bring the past to life.
My aim is to be chat as if I were having a coffee or meal with you. Jean in Maryland, USA recently wrote: "Chris, is the history teacher I wish I had at school!"
Just for the record, I do have a history degree in Medieval & Modern history from the University of Birmingham.
Disclaimer: All opinions and comments expressed in the 'Comments' section do not reflect the opinions of Chris Green Communication Ltd t/a The History Chap. All opinions and comments should contribute to the dialogue. Chris Green Communication Ltd does not condone written attacks, insults, racism, sexism, extremism, violence or otherwise questionable comments or material in the 'Comments' section, and reserves the right to delete any comment violating this rule or to block any poster from the channel.