Hunter X Hunter: Chimera Ant Arc | THE BEST ANIME ARC

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The Chimera Ant Arc features some of the best storytelling, characterisation and conclusion to any Shonen anime that I have seen. This arc impacts several characters like Gon, Killua, Meruem, Netero and more. In this analysis I want to focus on the growth or regression of Gon, as well as the unique development of the antagonist Meruem who develops a heartwarming bond with a girl called Komugi.

Hunter X Hunter quickly became a long time favourite series of mine, I hope that this video helps to convey the passion and love that I have for Yoshihiro Togashi's masterpiece.

#HunterXHunter #Gon #Meruem
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I now know it isn't pronounced as Hunter "EX" Hunter... Have mercy on me LOL


HxH is the only show that makes you tear up because an ant girl and lobster man are accepted back into human society.


You know the anime is good when you cry on a antagonist's death


I really love the swap in development Gon and Meruem did in the arc and didn't expect it at all during my first watch..


I heard somewhere that “Killua is not nice, but is good. Gon is nice, but is not good”, and this aspect of their characters is demonstrated really well in this arc.


It was pretty cool how Meruem and Gon switched mentalities towards the end of the arc. In the beginning of Meruems birth, he treated every ant as mere rubble and only saw them as slaves for him where as Gon gave mercy to them (Didn't want to kill them). During the palace invasion when Gon confronts Pitou, he speaks to her very condescendingly and demanding extremely similar to how Meruem did at the start of the arc. If she did not follow Gons commands, he would get angry. If she did not follow Meruems commands, he would also get angry. This ongoing parallel was displayed frequently but subtley such as when Gon even sat down in the same position Meruem sits. Togashi really created a masterpiece hidden subtly throughout the show.


I love how gon wasn’t the one who defeated Meruem. Togashi really knows how to divide development and screen time among the characters of hunter x hunter and it let’s us know that despite how strong gon is he’s still inexperienced compared to the other hunters. He doesn’t have any hidden gift that makes him suddenly on par with the top hunters.


The deconstruction of gon and the construction of killua as the main character is just amazing its so damn earned


I selfishly still wished that there was a flashback scene of Kite and Pitou fight. I have to know what Kite’s remaining Crazy Slots weapons were.


The Chimera Ant Arc was _brutal!_ I had to take a break after the last episode just to reflect on everything that happened


"The Apple Dosen't Fall Far From The Tree". U see Gon act like his selfish father trying to handle things on his own but u also see Killua show the compassion his father has for his family.


And then the little girl ant going home to her mom at the end of the arc. I CRIED watching that


My face was numb during the scene where Meruem and Komugi die. Never had a moment hit harder in Anime for me.


Meruem really did have some of the greatest character development I've seen. He went from a monster who murdered a child to becoming sympathetic to the point his death was tragic.


Character: Is brutally killed by the Chimera Ants

Ending music: DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO


I really liked this arc because it shows how gifted people aren't always the strongest. Gon was gifted but he had a lack of experience which makes a big difference unlike how Netero trained for years. I loved how it doesn't always focus on Gon and that not all protagonist have the power to defeat the antagonist.


ive just came to see my opinion reaffirmed


This arc killed Pokkle and Ponzu. It was really heartbreaking


I think that Meruem’s name is too often forgotten and is very important to understand his development. At first he doesn’t care about his name because he’s not a human. Then he fights Netero only to know his name. That’s his only motive to fight someone who wants to eradicate his « people ». As Meruem becomes more human, his will to be identified as someone, as an individual with a name rather than just « a king », emerges. That’s absolutely incredible from Togashi


I love how Gon was the light that shone so bright over Killua, but then Killua was that light that shone over other people, that being Ikalgo, Alluka and the "thing". The pure development on his character its just amazing.
Another thing i love and preach about the series. The development on the secondary characters, being ikalgo, knucles, etc. Not only in the CA but during all the series, like in GI with Razor or Binolt. In one episode they make you feel for the dude that its a serial killer, they humanize him, just as they do with people coming from metor city. Even after that you have the founder of the NGL, Gyro. The attention to develop an entire world.
One last thing, the fact that A LOT of the "fights" don't get resolved by pure force or power during all the series, its excellent. That being the razor fight, genthru or gon vs Gido in HA.
Just magnificent writing all over.
