101 Zen Stories: Compilation of Zen Koans

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Narrated by: Peter Coyote
Language: ‎English

101 Zen Stories is a 1919 compilation of Zen koans including 19th and early 20th century anecdotes compiled by Nyogen Senzaki, and a translation of Shasekishū, written in the 13th century by Japanese Zen master Mujū (無住) (literally, "non-dweller").

Playlists: Zen Koans, Stories, Poems

#ZenStories #Koans #Muju
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Thank you for these stories🙏 Great reading voice!


I'm a young guy, 19, and being able to hear these teachings whenever I please is an amazing feat in humanity. I don't think people, especially my age who get phones so young, take for granted what knowledge we have at our fingertips. Love you all


A Zen Master walks into a bar, he orders a pizza. The bartender asked him what he wanted on his pizza. The Zen Master replied, "Make me one with everything"


0:00 - 1. A Cup Of Tea
0:45 - 2. Finding a Diamond on a Muddy Road
4:20 - 3. Is That So?
5:42 - 4. Obedience
7:01 - 5. If You Love, Love Openly
7:44 - 6. No Loving-Kindness
8:57 - 7. Great Waves
10:53 - 8. The Moon Cannot Be Stolen
11:41 - 9. The Last Poem of Hoshin
14:08 - 10. The Story of Shunkai
17:38 - 11. A Buddha
18:51 - 12. Shoun and His Mother
21:34 - 13. Not Far From Buddhahood
22:49 - 14. A Parable
23:46 - 15. The First Principle
25:05 - 16. A Mother’s Advice
25:53 - 17. The Sound Of One Hand
28:39 - 18. My Heart Burns Like Fire
30:07 - 19. Eshun’s Departure
30:41 - 20. Reciting Sutras
31:41 - 21. Three Days More
32:53 - 22. Trading Dialogue For Lodging
35:03 - 23. The Voice Of Happiness
35:57 - 24. Calling Card
36:47 - 25. Everything Is Best
37:13 - 26. Mokusen’s Hand
38:10 - 27. A Smile In His Lifetime
39:30 - 28. Every-Minute Zen
40:23 - 29. Flower Shower
41:16 - 30. Gisho’s Work
42:52 - 31. Sleeping In The Daytime
43:58 - 32. In Dreamland
44:55 - 33. Joshu’s Zen
45:34 - 34. The Dead Man’s Answer
46:30 - 35. Zen In A Beggar’s Life
47:59 - 36. Right and Wrong
49:12 - 37. How Grass and Tree Become Enlightened
50:22 - 38. Ryonen’s Clear Realization
52:50 - 39. Sour Miso
54:12 - 40. Your Light May Go Out
54:41 - 41. The Giver Should Be Thankful
55:53 - 42. The Tea-Master and the Assassin
57:40 - 43. The True Path
58:23 - 44. The Gate of Paradise
59:20 - 45. Arresting the Stone Buddha
1:00:57 - 46. Soldiers of Humanity
1:01:45 - 47. The Tunnel
1:03:51 - 48. In the Hands of Destiny
1:04:54 - 49. Killing
1:05:36 - 50. Subjugation of a Ghost
1:08:06 - 51. Children of His Majesty
1:08:54 - 52. What Are You Doing! What Are You Saying!
1:11:20 - 53. One Note of Zen
1:12:27 - 54. Eating the Blame
1:13:17 - 55. The Most Valuable Thing In The World
1:13:46 - 56. Learning To Be Silent
1:14:36 - 57. Ten Successors
1:15:53 - 58. True Reformation
1:17:13 - 59. Temper
1:17:58 - 60. The Stone Mind
1:18:49 - 61. Real Prosperity
1:19:48 - 62. Incense Burner
1:21:29 - 63. The Real Miracle
1:22:41 - 64. Nothing Exists
1:23:35 - 65. No Work, No Food
1:24:28 - 66. Time To Die
1:25:10 - 67. Three Kinds of Disciples
1:26:02 - 68. Zen Dialogue
1:27:19 - 69. The Last Rap
1:28:28 - 70. The Taste of Bonzo’s Sword
1:31:09 - 71. Storyteller’s Zen
1:32:40 - 72. Midnight Excursion
1:33:36 - 73. A Letter To A Dying Man
1:34:44 - 74. A Drop Of Water
1:35:25 - 75. Tosui’s Vinegar
1:36:16 - 76. The Silent Temple
1:36:56 - 77. Buddha’s Zen


Listening to these reminds me of a quote I heard ia few years back that really stuck with me.
"To demand calm does nothing. To teach calm does little. To exemplify calm does everything. "


Not a Buddhist but always grateful for wisdom. Beautiful stories that provoke deeper desire for understanding.


This is the reading of one of my favorite books, “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones”, compiled by Paul Reps. I’ve owned the book since the ‘70s. I give this book as gifts to my special friends.


These stories were my introduction to Buddhism when I was about 17 years old. I loved them then and I still treasure them. Thank you🙏☸️


I'm not a Buddhist, but there is wisdom and insight within many of these stories. Some are more profound than others. The narrator did a phenomenal job reading them. I'll definitely listen to this many times over. Thank you for sharing.


Some may say my cup is half full. Others may say half empty. And yet some say; the most useful cup comes to us empty, so we might fill it. Empty your mind, still your thinking and you might experience a moment of eternity. So many great teachers over the centuries seemingly saying many of the same things. Peace they say is the causeless state. When we settle ourselves, close eyes gently, exhale letting all thinking leave. A little moment of forever is found within, I smile open my eyes and go back to it. Thank you for this video.


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. I hope anything that bothers you and makes you feel depressed will go away and you will feel comfortable with this video. Don't worry, tomorrow is a new day. Start over. It's not too late yet.


As one who endures poor health and disabilities too numerous to list I thank you for what you offer and do not offer.
I thank you for not including music which, for me, often drowns out spoken words and can initiate ER level migraines. I thank you for your softly spoken voice that is deeply rich and calmly inviting. Much as a mountain valley in summer lying under shade trees upon tender grass while feet cool in the adjacent gently tumbling creek, so to your voice soothes and cools my troubled soul. Thank you for verbal hugs.


There is a story from the Zen Buddhism tradition about the disciple who thought he could improve his chances of enlightenment by seeking it on his own. So he bid farewell to his brothers in the monastery, took the ferry across the river, and went to live in a cave high in the hills all by himself. There he meditated nonstop for twenty-five years. At the end of that time, he emerged from the cave, stretched his arms above his head like a man waking from a long sleep, and made his way down to the river.
Without even pausing to test the temperature first, he stepped out on the water and proceeded to walk across the water toward the monastery he had left a quarter of a century ago. Two monks who were doing their laundry that morning saw him coming across the river.
"Who is that?" one of them asked. The other replied, "That is the old man who has spent twenty-five years meditating in a cave. Now, look at him! He can walk on water
"What a pity, " the first monk said. "The ferry only costs a quarter!"


So peaceful I wish whose ever reading this may achieve his or her goals or dream wish you a happy and peaceful day


I must say I absolute love this... I listen to these on my way to work and quite frankly it's changing my life. This is good. I needed this. Thank you.


River with no end

In the village of Kamakura, there is a single temple next to a river. On this particular day, the temple welcomed a group of novice monks in training to study with Master Kukai whose reputation had already spread far and wide.
Over the next few months, Master Kukai had discovered that one of the novice monks, Benkei, felt quite troubled. On one occasion, Master Kukai had observed Benkei meditating long after his fellow initiates had left. Master Kukai walked up to him and said, ‘You meditate but without your brothers. What troubles you?’
‘I am sorry to bother you, Master. My heart is unsettled. My mother has recently passed away and I cannot stop feeling this sadness. To tell you the truth, I am afraid.’
‘I understand you better now. Your mother has passed away and this of course makes you sad. Benkei, do you fear death?’
‘Yes. I fear it.’ Benkei said honestly. ‘In my mind, I understand from the great teachings the impermanence of all things. But in my heart, I still fear it.’
Master Kukai paused. He looked compassionately at the young novice and said, ‘Follow me.’
They walked along a path leading to the river. At the end of the trail, they arrived at the riverside. Master Kukai and Benkei sat down on the bank next to the river.
‘Do you know that there are some who are able to just listen to the river?’
Benkei was surprised by the Master’s words. ‘I’m sorry, Master, but I do not understand.’
‘Listen closely. The river flows without beginning or end. The river flows. Listen to it.’
They sat together on the river bank. They sat there until the sunset was nearly done.
Benkei smiled at the Master. They both stood up and were about to return to the monastery when the Master said, ’Today you have heard the river with no end. Now you know that it is not things that disturb us, but our judgment about them.’


Peter coyote is probably my absolute favorite narrator/voice actor/audiobook reader.


So great that Peter Coyote reads this. Thank you for this upload. It's exactly what I need right now.


I’m not a Buddhist, just listening hoping to gain something from the experience. Some of the stories I find completely baffling.
Thank you very much,


I shit you not. I walked into McDonald's and said, "Give me your best BigMac."
The clerk replied, "Every Big Mac we have here is the best."
