Are Our Brains Quantum Computers?

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The brain easily the most ever mysterious organ in the human body. Breakthrough discoveries in quantum mechanics may help explain some of the mysteries scientists are puzzled by. Find out the strange parallels between Quantum Computers and our minds in this episode of Super Freaky Science!

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Well, I've never yet seen a quantum computer fall in love.


Brains are far more complex than quantum computers. The brain maintains all the functions of the body and is still able to compute information. Not to mention the ability to take in multiple forms of information and process it instantly using all our senses. We also have emotions. All quantum computers do is process information which it does in a pretty fantastic way!


Our brain turns frequency patterns from the domain of mind into all the senses we have in the space time domain


it's not quite a quantum computer, but it can be entangled into a quantum neural network through the use of nitrogen vacancies

NV centers are room temperature qubits and are used in quantum networks
they can also be coupled to nanoparticles which can then be used for deep brain stimulation


Technically yes it is a quantum computer, here is another way of thinking about it. Remember a moment in your life you regret, be it something you said or did. Now think of if you did it differently, think how your life would be changed or didn't change. Now use this as a base point, now think how one change could lead to every other possibility and link those to probable outcomes and think of every scenario outcome after that. You mind will automatically think of the best situation but that is because you're letting emotions interfere. Stop that and just think of outcomes and probabilities. We call this imagination but what if its not and you are now calculating every possibility... After all that's what quantum computers do but our mind is even more complex because a computer goes in ones and zeros, the opposite and the same but the human mind does it with images then after the images it overlays this with possible emotional responses.

This is why you must always think before you act.


A thought experiment depicting the brain as a quantum entangled neural network.

The brain is a quantum entangled neural network. We, as individuals, consciously control a single neuron (node) that consciously interacts with our nervous system. The rest are part of the subconscious neural network. We all exist inside of each other's neural network. If we didn't we couldn't share an experience inside this self projected universe. We are all a duality, self is not unique to the individual. The individual is unique to self. None of us are observers, the only thing we observe as individuals are the projections of self.

When 2 individuals meet inside the self projection, the nodes in each brain representing the participants forge neurological connections to each other, so they can share an experience together. Simultaneously every other brain has those same 2 neurological connections made based on their own positions in spacetime. Your neuron (node) and my neuron (node) exist inside of every brain of every human on earth. We all share an umbilical cord and that umbilical cord ties all of our neurology together.

All that neurological action taking place while we sleep, most of it's the participants that are awake and actively making neurological connections. Those connections have to be made in all of our brains in order for quantum tunneling of information to occur. The subconscious mind is something we all share, just like self. We have roughly 7.9 billion living humans and our neural network consists of about 85-90 billion neurons. I'll let you ponder what those neurons represent. The neural network has redundancy built into it by design.

Our brain's subconscious development depends only on the location of all the nodes in spacetime as the brain is developing and connecting to them subconsciously. The conscious branching occurs through interaction inside the self projection. Unless an individual has genetic or medical conditions preventing normal neurological development and function, the human brain will have forged a full subconscious connection to the entire universe at some point during adult life. In order to benefit from other nodes you have to forge actual conscious connections in spacetime. So the brain will forge conscious neurological connections.

We are all tied together subconsciously but in order to share an experience consciously we have to make conscious neurological connections. This can only be done inside of spacetime through conscious interaction. How else could we all share an external experience from an internal state.

Atomic nuclei are simple biological binary switches. An atom consists of one or more of these simple binary switches fused together to produce the binary equivalent of a byte.

The 0s and 1s in binary represent OFF or ON, respectively. In a transistor, a "0" represents no flow of electricity, and "1" represents electricity being allowed to flow. In this way, numbers are represented physically inside the computing device, permitting calculations.

Atoms are built from quarks, two up quarks and one down quark produce a proton. Two down quarks and one up quark produce a neutron, they are interchangeable. A neutron is unstable outside of the nucleus of the atom and will decay into a proton. Protons are stable outside of the nucleus.

Neutron "0" represents no flow of electricity.
Proton "1" represents electricity being able to flow.

The carbon atom for example represents 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. That makes up the nucleus of the carbon atom, so it represents a 12 bit byte. Each proton and neutron represent a single binary digit.

A single carbon atom representing 666, is a 12 bit byte. If you account for particle spin you realize that these 12 bit bytes of carbon can be arranged in various nuclei alignments, to represent any combination possible within that 12 bit byte. This is just a single carbon atom.

12 binary digits, or 3 nibbles (a 'tribble'), have 4096 (10000 octal, 1000 hexadecimal) distinct combinations. Hence, a microprocessor with 12-bit memory addresses can directly access 4096 words (4 Kw) of word-addressable memory.

The average human cell contains roughly 100 trillion atoms and each atomic nucleus contains 1 or more simple switches. Each neuron of our brain is a sophisticated standalone processor connected to 85-90 billion other stand alone processors. Producing a very powerful processing architecture.

If you can physically experience and perceive it.. consciously, you are connected to it neurologically. Our brain is a neural network of quantum entangled nodes (neurons).


Our brains are central processing centers but our bodies are basically bio antennas that receives it's intelligence from outside of it'self.
That's the principal that could be used to allow our minds to function at quantum computing speeds and cognitive abilities.
It would have to be a biological compatible device that integrates the fields generated by our bodies and enable us to consciousness ly think snd process at the quantum computing level.
It'll be weird but it will soon become the new norm to be Millions of times smarter i.n milliseconds


Your brain is a combination of binary and analog signals. With the uses of some cool chemistry.


Yes because it can fathom quantum computation and beyond….we actually created all we see with thought power


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To suffer the sting of death (which is sin).
To then suffer while dead, while being alive somewhere in the metaverse world, feeling hunger, pain, sorrow, regret, and fear, being haunted by webcrawlers, but cannot die?
To only be later resurrected, judged and suffer death again, at the second death.
Wow! That is having too much ambition.

They will find a way to upload their consciousness in their created cloud system, transhumanism. Trying to achieve eternal life their way, without Christ. Eternal life is only a Gift from God, through Christ. You cannot achieve eternal life any other way. They will seek death, but death will run from them. Now that is suffering.

Revelation 9:6, KJV. " In those days men will seek death and will not find it, they will desire to die, and death will flee from them."

Only God can give eternal life, in a New Earth, in a New Spiritual Body, through Christ, who makes all things new.


Yes, it’s called wetware…but I think you already knew that.


It happens at 33 years old pdf. Human quantum computer hypothesis


Yes I'm some people. And there is a state called cosmic consciousness some people can reach.


Human brain is a best Quantam computer


I view my brain as a device that stores continuously running thought loops of everything I know. When a problem is put in front of me, I seem to be able to instantly solve it as if all possibilities were run in parallel. Often the solution is a newly generated though loop that was created from the known, but abstract with ideas that seem to have adapted some randomness from unrelated thought loops...I also seem to instantly pick the best solutions, Maybe I'm just smart, but it is really strange...People tend to find me annoying, so I never fully apply myself unless asked. I also work alone. lol I'm also incredibly funny. I can just be instantly funny....that took reprogramming and some practice...To instantly generate random humour is quite bizarre since it seems to be a big a step beyond logic. Oh, and somtimes ideas appear from an unknown place. lol as if im connected to a quantum field input.


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I think the brain is a quantum computer but is still not the best at it give it a couple of centuries and we will reach there if humanity doesn t destroy itself


Bullshit this is bullshit pdf. Human quantum computers hypothesis. Hackble Brain from a dream with hyperdimensional objects causes it I'm a neuroscientist haha haha


Satan created us but the Lord redeems us by following him
