Alphabet of Classical liberalism: 3. Why didn't communism work

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Communism advocates the social ownership of everything, productive assets, and all economic resources. The goal of communism is to achieve the ideals of equality, justice, and solidarity. Does that sound good to you? It does to many people. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and can never work. And it doesn't matter how hard we try. The question is, why?
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Literally none of these arguments are valid


you came to the right conclusion but for the wrong reasons. the real reason communism is doomed to failure is because of the presence of classes in communism. for communism to work it would require the abolition of social classes, but since communism has always been attempted under authoritarianism, it completely nullifies any benefits communism has. the only way communism can work is in a stateless environment.


Your argument is both solid and true, but I would point towards two predicates that state:

"Communism cannot function to meet supply and demand in a resource scarce environment"
"The Knowledge Problem prevents the perfect knowledge that a centralized, planned economy needs in order to maximize a utility".

These are both true of course, and that's not what I'm pointing out, rather that if they were false, then you could implement Communism, thus disproving your statement ".. and it could *never* work."

Sure, you could say that practically, for the realistic future, that holds, and you'd be right, but let's go further.

Imagine a humanity in 1, 000 years. They could use artificial intelligence to solve resource scarcity and the knowledge problem.
