No more food waste, I'm eating EVERYTHING I have before buying more groceries.

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We are all guilty of throwing lots of food out because we buy too much and it goes bad or expires. Time to stop that.
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I can relate to things getting pushed back and forgotten about, your food storage looks so organized. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday 🤗😘🎂🎉🎁


I really enjoyed this video! Love your simple and inexpensive storage jars! I wish I had a pantry - I spend hours trying to organize on grocery day.☹️ Smart of you to just buy what you need-easy to store and no waste!! 😉


Good good! I know 'bout this too. Buying what you need and wasting little. Also, composting is great for anything organic, including scraps of cotton or wool fabrics. Thanks for your perspectives on things Nigella!


For Ramadan my sister in law bought so much and seemed she wanted to open a restaurant with how much she cooked but rarely were leftovers eaten the next day. I tried my best but I'm just one person. Food constantly getting thrown out as a result. I felt so angry. What is the point of fasting if you're wasting food and eating like a glutton in the night's?!!! You're supposed to get closer to God and emphasize with the hungry poor ppl and donate not buy buy buy


Elvis is so handsome. Omg he puts a smile on my face.
