Taking Advantage of Shortcuts Automation

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Let's talk about Shortcuts automations and making background task happen on your device.

#Automation #Shortcuts #iPadProductivity

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There isn’t a good way to share my wake up automation cause it’s dependent on having the same HomeKit devices and naming scheme.

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Because of you Chris, I go days without touching my MacBook. The iPad Air 4 is my favorite computer of all time. Thank you for the wonderful content


Under Personal Automations, I have "When my wake-up alarm is stopped", Run Shortcut "Morning Routine". This way this shortcut is only run for my wake-up alarm and not for any other alarms I may have set during the day.

In my Morning Routine shortcut, I get the weather forecast for Today, extract my Location, then extract my City from Location, then check to see if the City matches my Home Town. If it does, then I control devices that are in my HomeKit Home. I then have SIRI give me a wake up message (with the volume set to 60%; this way the message is not so jarring after just waking up and doesn't bother others that may be in the house) that includes the weather forecast, todays date and time, if I have any work appointments, how long it will take to drive to my first appointment, and so forth. Last, I set the volume of my iPhone back up to 100%.


1. I use the location based “arrival” shortcut to say “have a great day at work” when I arrive to my destination.

2. I also have my phone speak a humorous customize message when it’s plugged into the lightning cable for charging.

3. When my iPhone connects to my home WiFi I use a customized message which typically says “welcome home.”

EDIT: after spending a few days trying to figure out why my Automations never ran in the background as they should I discovered they require “the ask first “ prompt. Apple does not allow any location based Automation without your physical input. This totally renders it useless for me. 😒


I've created a shortcut that when i say goodnight, siri will check whether my phone is above or below 80% charge and whether i should charge my phone or not. Super helpful if you forget to charge your phone overnight. It also turns off my lights, turns off the torch, turns on do not disturb, sets the phone volume and brightness and with the new 14.5 update will lock the orientation so it's easier to use the phone whilst in bed.


Your videos are useful, succinct and mercifully without music thumping in the background


I've always struggled to find actual uses for the Shortcuts/automation tool. Will deffo steal some of these ideas, these are great. Thanks!


I love Automations. I use them daily. 😊
On Android, I use the IFTT app.


I know I drive my iPad in 1st gear most of the time but it's nice to see how to use more of it's capability. I'll create a Shortcut to remind me to create more Shortcuts.


wait that wallpaper hack is actually so cool


I have an automation that runs when CarPlay connects -> Open App -> HondaLink, "Ask Before Running" is disabled. Could also be used for insurance apps that might need to run while driving.


Excellent video! The Timery shortcut is very useful, and I've learned a few things that I never knew. Keep up the great videos!


For anyone new trying this, they have changed the icon for the get script he is using for the first wallpaper automation he shows. Find the get from list script and use that accordingly, I am on iOS 15.4, just trying to help because there is very little info out there.


Good video as always. And I love Paperlike - works so well and adds so much when I use my pencil. And I never feel like I have to clean my screen.


Would be fun to see some more nfc info there. Loved the office nfc tag. Going to look into that


Thanks for this video Chris I did learn a lot in a very short time.


Fantastic video Chris! Got a few very good tips I’ll definitely apply to myself!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


When you said you only had 1 alarm in the morning, I felt attacked 😭 I have like 5 alarms set 😂😂👏🏼


Hey Chris... Chris.... I bought a mac Yes, the temptation won, I have it for a week now, and as more I use it, I love more my iPad Pro, but I have to have it...
And as always great video, the Lock and home screen automation is the best I use it since the las tiome you mention it and is awesome....


Very interesting. I’ll share a shortcut of my own that you could use to improve the “morning” shortcut: it’s called “Am I At Home?” and checks if the current WiFi network name is the one I use have at home. I can use the result of this shortcut to automatically only run a (part of) a shortcut if I’m at home. In your Good Morning shortcut, you could use this to only turn on the lamp if you’re actually at home.


maybe it’s my use cases but I really miss recording actions like back on automator, i have some shortcuts to do stuff at some hours but those apps have no built in integration with shortcuts so i end up having to manually click stuff, but i’m trying to use shortcuts more now that i got an iphone and a watch. I’ve been on an ipad pro as my main computer for over a year now and your channel was the inspiration lol
