REBUTTING Ray Comfort on Catholicism

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In this episode Trent rebuts arguments from Living Waters evangelist Ray Comfort in his recent video “This Will Make You Think Differently About Catholicism...”.

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10:16 Saying you moved from Catholicism to Christianity is like saying you moved from Washington DC to the United States…


“Did you read the Bible as a Catholic?”
“Not really.”

Uh, not the Church’s fault. And if you’re attending Mass as you’re supposed to, there’s SO MUCH scripture in the Liturgy alone.


I appreciate this. As a former protestant who is now Catholic, praise be to God! I struggled with these same issues. I prayed for God to show me the truth and HE did. The CATHOLIC church is the true church!!


I thank Ray Comfort for bringing me out of my atheism and putting me on the path that led me BACK TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ✝️


Thank you for responding to Ray Comfort. He always brings up the same-old arguments, even after people attempt to correct him. Your work is greatly appreciated!


Saying that you used to be Catholic but now you’re “Christian” is an admission that you know very little about your Faith.


As a former Catholic who spent almost 30 years in that Protestant teaching and who used to share the gospel Ray Comfort’s way, I am thrilled to be re-entering the Catholic Church! Discovering the doctrines held by protestants that were received from a German monk who broke from the church and even added to scripture in his Bible, (read the true story of the founder of the Protestant faith) to be unbiblical, and after seeing how these same protestants have misrepresented quite uncharitably what the Catholic Church teaches, I’m thrilled to be entering the Catholic Church with a full knowledge of what they teach and I am so excited to become a part of this beautiful biblical church once again. I am rejoicing as I come home.


One interesting argument for the claim that Mary had no other children is the fact, attested in scripture, that Mary went and lived the rest of her life in the house of John, an unrelated male. If she had other children, she would have lived with them, and her children would have physically prevented her from going to live with John.


To give credit where it is due, Ray was in a way a big part of me becoming a Catholic Christian. I remember being in middle school watching his videos and being inspired to get into apologetics. Looking back on his style now I notice some concerning things that make me feel almost as if he is trying to be deceptive and I hate to say that. I dont remember ever seeing a video of his where he interacted with a well educated Catholic or a person educated on any faith contrary to his own perception of Christianity. I also notice that he seems to come off as rather condescending as if he thinks (or maybe wants his audience to think) that Catholics are stupid and don't understand their faith (which I suppose is true for a lot of us, but still not most).

It's kind of sad to see in all honesty :(


The more I hear these stock protestant objections over and over again, the more confident I get in the truth of Catholicism.


In the protestant Episcopal Church, lay persons in a parish refer to their Priest as "Father" who is the laity's spiritual leaders who are ordained under the Sacrament of Ordination of Holy Orders. As a recent Convert to Catholicism, our RCIA Director and Teacher used the Bible the entire way through our Catholic catechism. At every Mass there are 4 scriptures read: Old T, Psalm, New T, and Gospel, so the idea of not using the Bible in the Catholic Church is absurd.


Born and raised Catholic. Fell away from the Church at 18. Returned to Christianity via Evangelical Protestantism. Got a degree in Philosophy from an Evangelical College later in life and, as a result, returned to the Catholic Faith.


I really hate these old arguments against catholicism that when looked at honesty or given more than 1 sec of research are easily explained or shown to be plain bad. Especially the "we took out the 2nd commandment" and "don't call someone father". Keep up the great work trent


Thank you for responding to this!!!! Ur a great man Mr.Trent! God bless you and ur family!!!


Thanks Trent for doing this rebuttal video. I was one of the ppl who requested you do it. I hope Ray does step up to be open to debate you to see that Christ established one holy Catholic and apostolic Church as his kingdom for many. "May they all be one, as the Father and I are one..."
Lord, send forth your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.


And the age-old quote of "to be steeped in history is to cease being a protestant" is once again re-affirmed as true.
Thank you for your great work, Mr. Horn and may God bless you and your family!


I've heard the counter arguments to these Protestant objections many times, but I learned something new by viewing this. If we group the two "covet" commandments as one (as the Protestants do) then we run the very real risk of viewing women (spouses) as objects to be owned. Clearly, there are two commandments here because we're dealing with two different sins (avarice and lust). Thanks, Trent!


Ray will NEVER take you up on your offer to debate, he only talks to people he can manipulate and whose vulnerable to a twist of theology.


Read the comments from that video. Terrifying. But if one ten minute video is what leads you away from your faith then, you probably didn’t have faith to begin with.


I'm kind of an exevangelical, and seriously thinking to become catholic. I like to study theology and read the church fathers, and doing so and listening to serious catholic apologists, like you are, I realixed that many of the anticatholics teachings are no more(to be soft) that misconceptions about catholic theology. Thanks for your contribution
