What's the Most MISUNDERSTOOD of the 16 Personalities?

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Which is the most misunderstood of the 16 Personalities?

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The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

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So to sum it up:

INFP: "I'm so misunderstood by society..."
INFJ: "Dude, I don't even know who I am."


INFJ's INFP's INTJ's and INTP's: **sees title** I've been summoned!!

Edit: Sending hugs to all the xxTJs feeling misunderstood🤗

Another Edit: And also one of my best friends said there's at least one person who'll understand you. Always. I believe she's right. Maybe you haven't met them yet but they are out there😌. And if you find that hard to believe, there's 1.2k people who has liked this comment as of now. And we are all here for you

(Am I the only one who finds 🤗 emoji to be a bit creepy?? Idk from the moment I discovered Annabelle, the possessed doll, was one cute fluffy doll, this is how I imagine her climbing the bed to choke the human)


As an INFJ I don't blame anyone misunderstanding me. Sometimes I don't unterstand me either.


I think INTPs have a unique type of "misunderstoodness." While very understood scientifically and typically, if an INTP met someone randomly they might be the hardest to understand for the other person.


I think this video actually proves INTJs are the most misunderstood type. We were immediately dismissed because we "don't care" if we are misunderstood, which is a misconception. We present ourselves as not caring, but that doesn't mean we don't. We actually want people to understand us on a deeper level so when people think we are cold or mean when that's not really our intention, it hurts. We want to be understood but our type is seen as only cold and heartless, our other more hidden sides are dismissed so our intentions are often misunderstood. We are more than what we seem. We are misunderstood. - INTJ


as an INFP, i'd definitely say that "INFP" (the type itself) is the least understood type by others, since Fi (especially paired with N(e)) can just have so much variety and can be so much more than "only" being emotional. there are so many INFPs out there who can be just extremely different, and sometimes because of that not seen by others as an INFP, since they compare you to the "typical" INFP


As an INTP, extroverted feelers have told me that they can never “get a read on what I’m feeling.” I’m assuming that’s a complement.


"What is the most ___ type?"

me (INFP/INTP): here we go again


As an INFJ, believing others can fill in the blanks is my pitfall. It doesn't occur to me they aren't able (or don't even try), which leads to most of my miscommunications. As for not understanding myself, I've decided I'm all the things i express, I just turn up or down the volume on certain traits depending on who I'm with. Which I think is why I feel most "myself" when I'm alone🤷🏼‍♀️


I am an INFJ, and being misunderstood just kind of becomes par for the course. I'm more shocked when I am understood because I'm so used to not being understood.


INTJ: Misunderstood, and okay with that.

Yes. I resigned myself to this ages ago. The people who actually care are the ones who will reach back when I reach out, and will ultimately come to understand me.

Though, I admit that it gets tiring, constantly reaching out and having so few respond. If you can go through life and find one true friend, count yourself blessed.


As an ENFP with INFP and INFJ friends, I agree with this video.

I think actually any type can be terribly misunderstood when they are with the wrong person. For example, I have been misunderstood and seen as irresponsible, lazy, egoist or even crazy by people.

Also I have been misunderstood by INFJ's, especially because of the conflict between Fi-Fe and Ni fixation on an idea about certain person. In other many things we understand each other very well, but the few points we don't understand tend to be critical.

I think also the type most likely to understand you is the energy inversed counterpart of you, that is, the extroverted or introverted counterpart, since all cognitive functions are the same with the less different order. For example, I feel understood the most by INFP, and at the same time I think they feel as well understood the most by ENFP.

EDIT: ¡La santísima! I never expected this comment to have so many likes, ¡Gracias!


I completely agree with your conclusion. I'm an INFP and my best friend is an INFJ. We both feel misunderstood by other people, but I do find that she is misunderstood more than I am in a way. She tends to put others needs and feelings above her own, so she downplays a lot of what she feels. Even when terrible things happen to her, many times she lets it slide or acts like it wasn't that big of a deal. She tells me crazy stories about horrible stuff that happens to her and is so nonchalant about it, and I am fuming and completely outraged on her behalf at whatever injustice was done to her. I frequently remind her that her feelings matter, and it's not good to bottle stuff up. And when big bad things happen, it's okay to be upset and let people know you're upset because they can't make things better or fix the problem if they have no idea that you're even upset with them. As an INFP, on the other hand, I'm just quirky and weird, so people don't "get me" or click with me very often. So for me, it's not so much that I'm misunderstood, they get that I'm whimsical and strange. I'm pretty unapologetically myself because authenticity is something I strongly value. So I guess it's not so much that I'm misunderstood... I just think people don't relate to me very easily which can feel like I'm being misunderstood, but it's different than what she experiences. I just have a hard time finding people who really like and click with me and want to be friends with me. But the people who do know and are close to me know me really really well, but she feels like even people who have known her for years don't really know her. I think we are really good and compatible as best friends, and I'm so lucky to have her because she truly gets and clicks with me, and I understand her better than almost anyone :)


James' words hit me hard. He's so right about INFPs getting misunderstood by society. It's like people kind of have a free pass to tell you how dumb you are to even think in a certain way and how your ideas would never work. They can't see the big picture like us 🤣


I think that whether or not we feel understood by those around us can depend on context.
I studied Fine Arts at university, and I felt very out of place as an INTP. It was almost as though I didn't share a common language with the other art students.


I dare say that as an INTP, I have great difficulty communicating. There are feelings or thoughts that make sense inside my head, but when I try to externalize it, it doesn't come out the way it should.


As an INFJ with an INFP sibling, I can confirm that this is so true! We have a really hard time communicating with each other based on the reasons Frank mentioned and both feel really misunderstood by one another, other family members, and in general. I almost feel like we have the "Misunderstood Olympics" going on between us.


As an INFJ, I admire my INFP daughter’s ability to know and be who she is without apologies. I am more myself than I have ever been because of her and watching other INFPs. Being a social chameleon for me led to a nervous breakdown. I had betrayed who I was trying to be what I thought everyone else wanted and expected of me. I want to be understood the most by someone that loves me. I feel like the more vulnerable I am and open to letting other people see my inner most thoughts, which at first was extremely uncomfortable for me, the more people understand me. Sometimes they accept it. Sometimes they don’t. And, I’m ok with that. Not everyone is going to agree with who I am and where I’m coming from. But, most people I’ve encountered that are truly INFJs get where I’m coming from whether or not that is the path they themselves would take. I think because they themselves have considered that path and are more open to all of the possibilities. I can tell when someone is an INFJ from a mile away. I find them like needles in haystacks. And, I don’t find them often.


As an INFJ, I am so used to be misunderstood ... but then I have this thought : why do I need to be understood by other people? Just let me live my life as it is.


INFP here with an INFJ bestie. Surprising enough we actually understand each other pretty well I would think. I've for many years have acted like a mini therapist for my friend(she does the same for me) and so we have both allow each other the ability to express our inner values to each other and have found that we share a lot in common and few misunderstandings.

As an INFP I agree that it can be hard to express yourself to others, but it can become a little easier when you're to see where the other person is coming from and how you can bridge the gap between you and them. Such a thing is harder for us as we are Fi dominant and primarily see from only our perspective. I recieved a lot of help in that area from my ENFJ dad and so I'm getting better with my Fe. Just keep working at it fellow INFP's!
