Vertical Sliding Storage Shelves | Maximized Storage

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Sliding Storage shelves that maximize your space. These have 75 cubic feet of storage in a 2' x 5' base plus you have 100% access to every inch so you'll never lose things in the back of your cabinet ever again.

**Project Plans and Jigs**

Vertical Sliding Storage Shelves Plans

Shelf Hole Drill Jig

3D Print Hardware Container Trays: Fit 6 across one shelf

**Products Used**


Heavy Duty L Bracket:

6" Heavy Duty Flat Bracket

Channel Trolley Rollers:

Trolley Stoppers:

Channel Hanger Brackets:

Strut Channel:

Shelf Pegs:

10" Door Handles:

Low Friction Tape

DEWALT pilot point drill bits:

Saw Guide:

Dado Blade:

DEWALT 18ga Brad Nailer:

Tabletop Band Saw:

DEWALT impact driver & hammer drill:

DEWALT bit set:

Laser Level:

ForgedAir FA95 Respirator+Visor (Use Code Bear15 to save 15%)

**Filming Equipment**

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Рекомендации по теме

I love your build! I took it a step further and created canned food storage, spacing the shelves at heights to accommodate quar and pint jars, as well as jar lids and supplies. GREAT JOB Zak!


A good reason to go and get more stuff! 😉Fantastic solution for us "over 50" guys who have way too much stuff, not enough storage and need a reason to go to the hardware store.


Zak lad. You have smashed it once again. What a fantastic idea. Just the job for this 74 yr old retired engineer who is rapidly running out of space in his18.feet x 8feet garage .


There's a ton of work gone into producing this sleek video with no time wasted at all on fluff. It takes two skill sets, one for the craftamanship the other for communication.
Much appreciate it.
In light of how many young people are doing similar stuff on YT I ask myself, where did these green shoots learned all this sxt? :)
It's comforting to know that not all youngsters want to be Biz grad big shots or be inked up, wear a nose ring and spout nonsense.
Just my 2 c. If I can fit this sturdy build in my small shop I'll build it.


Built 2 of these into a kitchen pantry cupboard over 20 years ago. Works well can get everything to hand just by pulling out the front. No back corners any more.


I purchased the plans and his description as "detailed" is spot on. Twenty three pages color and countless measurements. Excellent list of "needed" supplies with links to get many of the items. One of the best plan sets i have obtained in some time.


Having used Unistrut/equivalents for years in my day job, I love when it gets used for home stuff.

With the strut, we typically run a file over the cut ends to remove burrs, then hit it with some spray galv. You can get a couple different types to roughly match matt vs shiny galv on the strut.

Also, if framing timber is ridiculously expensive, the entire frame can be made out of strut too.


I like the attitude at the end of 'I have a lot of spare empty space, so I need to go out and buy more stuff to fill it'!


There's so many uses I can think of for this!! Not merely for garages but for a food pantry, kitchen appliances, crafts/fabric etc. (Yes, yes, I know a lot of people have made fancy-schmancy pre-fab shelves for crafty things, but DAYUM are they stupidly expensive!! And rather than going down in price, they've spiked!)


I'm new here and went right to your store... man what a guy for setting your prices the way they are. That helps the mind say yes I can do that. Hats off to you sir


Just got a job running the shop for a plumbing/hvac company and I need to build storage in a relatively small shop. This is perfect. I'm building 3.


I’d build a storage platform on top if there’s space above in your shop.
Also protects those protruding rails a bit more. And strip of light because the platform might make it a bit more dark.
Overall: What a great use of space! This looks both great and very practical.


Thank you for explaining everything before you start building! So tired of DIY videos when you need to spend 30 minutes before you understand that the author is building a table.


Great Idea. I imagine that in most for a lot of people they won't even need the top frame because their garage ceiling isn't more than 8' and they could just lag bolt the channels directly into their ceiling joists. .


Bought these plans because this looks like a great project and found one small detail you may want to correct: your material list calls for 4 -10'x2x4 and 8-8'x2x4 but your cut list shows 6-10 footers and 10-8 footers. Not a big deal but does add a bit of frustration when you have to make another trip to the hardware store to pick up a few more boards. Also, you may want to let viewers know this is not a cheap project, the materials alone for this project range around $900, at least in the area where I live. In the end I believe it will provide exceptional storage and help get my shop much better organized.


One day I will have a workshop worth this level of effort. Thanks bro. King.


I'd like to see more of the jigs and stuff you've created. Especially anything 3d printed.


What a wonderful design Zack. For the last couple of days I've been redesigning my shop/ garage (co-shared with my car) to become more efficient and lo-and-behold your video popped up on my subscription list. Your well thought out design appears, with a slight height adjustment, to be a perfect replacement for the inefficient shelves that now occupy precious space. Love your videos, keep up the good work.


NOW! that’s a great idea. Turned out great. NOW!!!! it’s incredible how much storage you can compress into such a small space. let me tell you, I’ll be back for more videos. I just may watch another one right NOW!!!!


Harbor Freight has a set of Brad point drill bits that are made for wood and for less than twenty bucks a set you can’t beat them. They have a very sharp point on them that will allow you to start drilling holes exactly where your mark is without any runoff.
