'Call Of The Void' - Official Promo Video

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The second single from Devin's upcoming studio album "Lightwork" which is now available to pre-order in various formats. The record is set for release on November 4th!
Hey all =) Dev here again...
So here’s the second single from Lightwork. This song is ‘Call Of The Void’ and while It isn’t particularly complex, its a really good vibe and I hope you like it. As much as it may be too ‘pop’ for a lot of metal fans, those who know my work will probably know I have been going back and forth between brutal things and chill things since the very beginning, so this probably wont come as much of a surprise.
And at the end of the day, it’s one of the things I felt like saying after all the tumult of the past few years. 'Dialing it down' seemed a bit more appropriate to me than 'revving it up'.
...‘Dev’ Leppard I guess =)
When I sat to write Lightwork, I wasn’t sure what would appear and was honestly surprised at what came out. After the chaos of 'The Puzzle', I suppose I needed to write something bright, optimistic, and linear. The thing that was most surprising to me about the music that came out was that it was (by and large) pretty chilled out. I can understand why some other musicians came through this period with lots of rage and fury, but frankly… I just wasn’t feeling that. I was pretty drained and wanted something to cool me down a bit.
Writing something like ‘Call Of The Void’ was done with the intention of having something to listen to on a nice bright morning. Mixing and recording this song also gave me a bit of respite from the perpetual chaos in the media, and I can only hope it has a similar effect on some others.
I want to give credit to Martin Kennedy and his song ‘Can You Hear The Sound’ for inspiring this track a few years ago. Every now and then a song just hits ‘right’, and that track and album (The Slow Light) was the soundtrack of a great couple of months a few years back. Thanks Martin =)
Sometimes through difficult times come realizations. For me: there came a realization over the last two years that to do anything other than follow what inspires me is pointless at this stage. And although there will undoubtedly be people who will be disappointed, fundamentally are we not meant to change? Who knows, but at any rate: I always keep changing, so here’s music from that process.
The concept of the song is based around the ‘call of the void’ as an analogy for intrusive thoughts. I first heard the term describing 'the temptation to hurl yourself over the cliff when your driving a car'… or to 'put your hand in the fire when you know you’ll get burned’ etc… thoughts that you know are wrong, but you fear that you won’t be able to control the impulses to deny it. The point being: often I feel we have a choice, and trying not to lose sight of that was very important to me during recent difficult times.
In terms of the visuals:
All through lockdown, I really fell in love with ‘cabview train journeys’ that ‘RailCowGirl’ and others were posting on YouTube. Essentially, they are often full, first person journeys to cold and distant places, far from the chaos of the world, with a sense of constant momentum really calmed me. Maybe being on tour for so many years is what made it a comfort to watch during lockdown, but in any event, I started writing with the videos playing in the background in the studio and so I thought it would be appropriate for this video.
In regards to the ’story’ of these three videos, the character is now on the train headed to where the Lighthouse is located.
So there you go… song two. It’s about not letting the chaos of the world shake you. Trying to stay calm at our center to try and get through it all.
Take care =)
Hey all =) Dev here again...
So here’s the second single from Lightwork. This song is ‘Call Of The Void’ and while It isn’t particularly complex, its a really good vibe and I hope you like it. As much as it may be too ‘pop’ for a lot of metal fans, those who know my work will probably know I have been going back and forth between brutal things and chill things since the very beginning, so this probably wont come as much of a surprise.
And at the end of the day, it’s one of the things I felt like saying after all the tumult of the past few years. 'Dialing it down' seemed a bit more appropriate to me than 'revving it up'.
...‘Dev’ Leppard I guess =)
When I sat to write Lightwork, I wasn’t sure what would appear and was honestly surprised at what came out. After the chaos of 'The Puzzle', I suppose I needed to write something bright, optimistic, and linear. The thing that was most surprising to me about the music that came out was that it was (by and large) pretty chilled out. I can understand why some other musicians came through this period with lots of rage and fury, but frankly… I just wasn’t feeling that. I was pretty drained and wanted something to cool me down a bit.
Writing something like ‘Call Of The Void’ was done with the intention of having something to listen to on a nice bright morning. Mixing and recording this song also gave me a bit of respite from the perpetual chaos in the media, and I can only hope it has a similar effect on some others.
I want to give credit to Martin Kennedy and his song ‘Can You Hear The Sound’ for inspiring this track a few years ago. Every now and then a song just hits ‘right’, and that track and album (The Slow Light) was the soundtrack of a great couple of months a few years back. Thanks Martin =)
Sometimes through difficult times come realizations. For me: there came a realization over the last two years that to do anything other than follow what inspires me is pointless at this stage. And although there will undoubtedly be people who will be disappointed, fundamentally are we not meant to change? Who knows, but at any rate: I always keep changing, so here’s music from that process.
The concept of the song is based around the ‘call of the void’ as an analogy for intrusive thoughts. I first heard the term describing 'the temptation to hurl yourself over the cliff when your driving a car'… or to 'put your hand in the fire when you know you’ll get burned’ etc… thoughts that you know are wrong, but you fear that you won’t be able to control the impulses to deny it. The point being: often I feel we have a choice, and trying not to lose sight of that was very important to me during recent difficult times.
In terms of the visuals:
All through lockdown, I really fell in love with ‘cabview train journeys’ that ‘RailCowGirl’ and others were posting on YouTube. Essentially, they are often full, first person journeys to cold and distant places, far from the chaos of the world, with a sense of constant momentum really calmed me. Maybe being on tour for so many years is what made it a comfort to watch during lockdown, but in any event, I started writing with the videos playing in the background in the studio and so I thought it would be appropriate for this video.
In regards to the ’story’ of these three videos, the character is now on the train headed to where the Lighthouse is located.
So there you go… song two. It’s about not letting the chaos of the world shake you. Trying to stay calm at our center to try and get through it all.
Take care =)