Full Stack OAuth 2 - With Spring Security / React / Angular - Part 1

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In this live event, we discuss implementing authentication with OAuth 2 / Open ID Connect from backend to frontend. My guest, Liviu Bobocu, frontend expert, will help me prove the implementation of a frontend solution. This frontend solution will use a Spring-driven authorization and resource server.

What you'll learn:

- How to create a Spring Security authorization server using the new authorization server project
- How to configure a Spring Security resource server with JWT authentication
- How to build a React frontend client which authenticates using JWT
- How to build an Angular frontend client which authenticates using JWT
- Best practices for your authentication implementation on both backend and frontend

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Thank both of you, end to end implementation of Oauth2 with angular, looking forward for more sessions from you guys🙏


Thanks Laurentiu, I have read about the new Spring Auth Server in books and in the web but there aren't a lot of resources, even less creating the flow with modern frontend frameworks and even though I've read about using an off the shelf Oauth 2 server like Keycloak and also reading about Oauth2 in general I was still a little puzzled about the correct way to configure the new Spring Authorization Server. Looking forward to the next video.


i did not see the entire video but if it does what the titles says and it does completely without any missing code you are a real code master and i will watch all your coding videos starting now


Great experience in practice. Thanks a lot.


Legendary session, eagerly waiting for upcoming events


Thank you both of you, end to end implementation of spring oauth2 with angular 2. looking forward for more sessions.


thank you both, it would be better if you can add chapters to this video.


Best about this was the struggle... 😁 it's real!


Great content, thank you! Really looking forward to part 2! When are you going to post it?


Hi Laurentiu, i am kind new to spring security what is code challenge? on the first request made to auth server


Q1.Can't we make custom client side login page in Single Page Application to authenticate user instead of server side authentication page Because I have often seen wether they are keycloak, Auth0, google, github, we have to redirect user to their login page .
Though We have a option to customize spring security default login page, Can't We create Login page on client side as we do in Password grant type?
Q2.If we can then how we will be sending authorization code on successfull login to client in response body. So, that client can fetch token using code.


Thank you very much. I've learned a lot. Why spring has officially deprecated all Spring Security oauth dependencies? I've read all annoncements but Spring doesn't really explain the reason and also other articles which want to explain it only show alternatives. Would You suggest to use the new Spring Security Authorization Server in production? I've managed to build one (also thanks to your Turtorials) without using these useless, ,InMemoryDatabases" but it seems a lot more difficult compared to keycloak where I also could integrate Data from other system components such as Active Directory. In which scenarios would you use the open source project ?


Hey Laurentiu, I saw the "pro tip for the spring developer" you did around Christmas in the manning website and I wanted to know where the rest of the videos in that series are at, specifically the unit / integration testing one you mentioned in that video going over testing mistakes, why constructor better for testing etc.. in spring boot.


Hi Laurentiu, could you please explain why 2 beans of type SecurityFilterChains are needed in different @Configuration classes? And how does Spring know which one to use?


At the bottom of your diagram at the call to the resource server it doesn't show maybe the most important thing. How does the resource server know that the authorization payload is valid!


1:04:38 what is this "code_challenge" thing and how to generate this code?


Hey laurentiu. Should one be implementing an authorization server beginning with today. Would you recommend using the old stack with spring cloud or the new stack?


hello, just did the entire implementation from scratch but used different ports, to see the interaction between all the security. I also changed all the necessary urls, yet it doesn't work, any idea why (ports 9000, 9090, 4200)


Thanks a lot for this video!

I have a question tho:
Looking at the first silde where the worklfow is presented, how does the Resource Server know that the Token presented to it by the Client is actually the right one?
Does this get stored somewhere?


Hi Laurentiu, thanks for your helpful videos, I learned a lot from them, but I still have two questions:
I'm currently trying to generate the challenge code in Angular, like Liviu did in react with crypto.js. the code verifier and the challenge code are generated in login component and stored in both sessionStorage and attribute but after login page of spring boot and redirecting the code identifier is null for some reason. can this be due to the redirectin?
If this is due to the redirecting, can I send the code challenge from angular to the spring boot with my own login page and where is it then stored in the backend?
